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Статья по английскому языку "Social network instead of the real world"

Материал поможет оценить уровень зависимости от социальных сетей.

Описание разработки

Social networks operate one of the most important functions for society - communicative. The desire to communicate consolidates a wide audience on a specific resource. Due to the large volume of users involved can assume this medium quite powerful tool for the pursuit of interests, the impact on the minds of young people, a substantially changed under the influence of modern information and communication technologies and of media.

Politics inevitably comes where there is any mass audience. The presence of subjects of political activity in social networks - this is a unique opportunity to combine promotion policy or party and the main feature of the image of any political entity - all availability.

Young people as active and progressive part of our society in the age of information technology is the most involved in the virtual environment than the older generation, evaluates the environmental reality is less critical than the elders. All this, of course, creates the potential for the successful formation of political imagery and effective promotion of subjects of political activities of their interests in a susceptible youth.


The dependence of youth from the social network.

You are in contact? - Yes, and you?

- I also registered, but you know, I once more like Facebook! - Facebook? What's this ?

About such talk engulfed our world, the world of Internet users. But around social networking seems erupted with renewed vigor, and already you cannot tell whether people are actually searching for social networking, or any new registration in them - this is a passing fad?

Once captured a good picture of their lives, he immediately placed on the site of so-called social networks. Classmates, Vkontakte, MoiKrug, My World, YouTube and many others, they are like our second "I" .

Are social networks our blog or our second life? Are they really necessary? And most importantly, to whom?


"In recent years, interest in social networks has increased many times over. Approximately one third of all traffic visits online resources accounted for Classmates and Vkontakte. When this growth trend persists. Due to the large volume of users involved can assume this medium powerful enough tool to prosecute the interests of those who have direct access to the management of these sites."

Aim: To assess the level of dependence on social networks and school students in Almaty.


- Determine the level of social dependence of students in Almaty.

- To identify the degree of importance of social networks in a teenager's life.

The object of our study were students and students of educational institutions in Almaty, which in November - December 2013 were asked to answer the questionnaire (Appendix), which is distributed via the Internet.

Then, the completed questionnaires were processed, and the results recorded in the table, on which there are graphs and analysis.

The development of the concept of  "social network"

 Social Network is a social structure consisting of a group of nodes, which are social objects (people or organizations), and the connections between them .

The term "Social Network" was introduced long before the advent of the Internet and the modern internet networks in 1954 sociologist from the " Manchester School" by James Barnes.

The modern concept in plain sight is a circle of friends of man, where is the man himself - the center of a social network, his friends - a branch of the social network and the relationships between these people - connection.

If we consider the social network more deeply, you may find that communication are divided into types: unilateral and bilateral, network of friends, colleagues, classmates, etc.

Статья по английскому языку Social network instead of the real world

In the second half of the 20th century, social networks have become actively develop as a scientific concept, they first became popular in the west, and later came to us.

Then it is a common notion professional sociologists turned into fashionable concept, which is one of the central concepts in Web 2.0, which as a concept first introduced by Tim O'Reilly, September 30, 2005 in his article «Tim O'Reilly - What Is Web 2.0».

In 1995 there was the first, approximate to the modern, social network Classmates.com, which was created by Randy Conrad, owner of Classmates Online, Inc.

This site helps visitors find registered and maintain relationships with friends, classmates and other acquaintances. Now this network recorded more than 40 million people, mostly from the United States and Canada.

The concept proved successful and Classmates from the distant 2005 and it develops not only within this network has global giants such as My Space, FaceBook, Bebo and LinkedIn or giants headings Classmates, VKontakte, My World and My Circle.

Contemporary social psychology has long been faced with the phenomenon of "lonely in a crowd" - loneliness among people in a big team or large organization.

Oddly enough, but it helps the development of telecommunications and computer technology. Thus, the average office worker during the working day spends alone with the computer for at least 5-6 hours.

Add to this the need for telephone communication, business correspondence in corporate intranets and evening leisure front of the TV or the computer (virtual communication in ICQ or Skype, computer games) - the total amount of time spent alone with the means of communication may be at least 8-12 hours per day, which cannot but leave its mark on value sphere and the behavior of the individual.

The phenomenon of internet addiction (addiction) repeatedly described foreign (K.Yang, D.Grinfild, K.Surratt, 1998-1999) and domestic (AE Voiskunsky, NV Chudova, ON Arestova, LA N.Babanin, 2000) researchers, including symptoms of this addictive behavior were such dominant (AE Voiskunsky, 2000) as:

- Depending on the computer, that is obsessive passion for work with a computer (games, or other programming activities);

- «information overload " that is, compulsive navigate WWW, search remote databases;

- compulsive use of the Internet, there is a pathological attachment to mediate Internet gambling , online auctions or electronic purchases;

- dependence on "cybersex", that is from pornographic sites on the Internet, from discussing sexual themes in chats or newsgroups special "adult";

- dependence on "cyber relationship", that is from social web applications: from communicating in chat rooms , newsgroups and group games , which can ultimately lead to the replacement of existing real-life family and friends virtual

That last symptom has recently become the most widely represented among ordinary users of the global web, in connection with the expansion of so-called social networks.

Time spent in the search, communication, virtual flirting and viewing photos, videos about life, work and visit old friends, former classmates and fellow students exceeds the time to perform teaching duties.

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Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

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