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Research work While we remember the past,we have the future «I'm proud of... »

Research work While we remember the past,we have the future «I'm proud of. »

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Municipal budgetary educational institution

" School No. 3 Aznakaevo"

Research work

While we remember the past,we have the future

«I'm proud of... »

«The Chechen war - torn soul...»

 Author: Rakhimova Kadria

"School No. 3 Aznakaevo" 9a class

Сonsultant: Mukhtarova Regina Ilgizovna,

English teacher




2.The main part. The Chechen War in my school`s history:

2.1. Historical background of the Chechen War

2.2. The fighting of the First and Second Chechen Wars

2.3. Participants of the Chechen wars.Graduates of our school

Suleymanov Ruslan Rustamovich

Karimov Airat Albertovich

Damir Ravisovich Khafizov

2.4. The content of the study/ The results of the sociological research

3. Conclusion

4. Research sources


My job is to study the documents preserved in our school, as well as to study the literature telling about the events. Photos, letters telling about the harsh days of the war, directly related to the military biography of graduates of our school.


• continue to get acquainted with the history of your village, study the heroic pages of this history related to the Chechen War;

• using the example of the fate of specific students show a feat during the war years;

• systematize the available material on this topic and supplement it with new research with further transfer to the museum room of the school;

to interest not only students in the work, but also their parents, representatives of the older generations, to help strengthen intergenerational ties.;

• stimulate independent cognitive activity, research and activity design skills;

• develop students' creative abilities

The subject of the study:

The fate of students, participants of the Chechen War.

Practical significance:

The materials collected will be used by teachers in courage lessons, extracurricular activities, as well as during excursions to the school museum.

2.The main part.

In 1991, Chechnya declared independence and secession from the USSR and RSFSR, the President of the self-declared state became the former Soviet General Dzhokhar Dudayev. Under the banner of the struggle for national independence in Chechnya emerged criminal regime, the constant phenomenon became illegal oil trading, looting of trains, the massacre of Russian-speaking inhabitants.

In these conditions, the authorities decided to storm the hospital building. Due to information leaks, the terrorists were ready to repel the assault lasted for four hours, in the end, the special forces repelled housing (in the main), freeing 95 hostages. Loss of spetsnaz was three people killed. On the same day was made unsuccessful second attempt.

From the very beginning of war in Chechnya, the Russian special services have repeatedly tried to liquidate Dzhokhar Dudayev. Attempts to send their servants murderers were unsuccessful. It was found out that Dudayev often speaks via satellite phone.

Оn 21 April 1996, the Russian AWACS aircraft a-50, which was equipped with the equipment for bearing the signal from the satellite phone was ordered to take off. Simultaneously, in the area of the village of Gekhi-Chu went tuple Dudayev. Expanding your phone, Dudayev contacted Konstantin Completion. At this point, the signal from the telephone was tapped, and two su-25 rose in the air. When the aircraft has reached the goal, the convoy was released two missiles, one of which has been right on target.

In the autumn of 1999 Started the second Chechen war. The groups of militants invaded Dagestan. on September 23, Russian forces launched a massive bombardment of Grozny .

II campaign officially CTO (counterterrorist operation) to September 30, 1999

Breaking the resistance fighters by force troops of the army and the interior Ministry, the Kremlin has relied on the «Chechenization» of the conflict and poaching on its side part of the elite and former militants. So, at the head of the Chechen administration in 2000 was a former supporter of separatists, the chief mufti of Chechnya Akhmat Kadyrov.

During 2000-2004 the situation in Chechnya remained tense. Activities of militants went beyond the Caucasus. Despite the statement about the end of hostilities, the holding in the Republic of presidential elections of the Chechen problem is not solved. In may 2004, During the celebration of Victory Day in Grozny committed the terrorist act that killed President A. Kadyrov, on which was placed a bet in the Kremlin

After eliminating 10 July 2006, the chief of the Chechen fighter Shamil Basaev, murders of two presidents of the unrecognized Chechen Republic and the government headed by President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, Putin managed to localize the Chechen conflict and to reduce the participation of the Russian army in military actions in Chechnya to the police and functions.

Suleymanov Ruslan Rustamovich

Rustam was born on June 15, 1971. In September 1978, he entered the first grade of Aznakaevsky secondary school No. 3, where his mother Suleymanova Ilgiza Gilmkhanovna worked as an English teacher.

Ruslan was curious, attentive in class, and actively participated in the social and sports life of the class, school, and district. He graduated from high school with "excellent grades".

In 1993, Ruslan was drafted into the Soviet Army.In December 1994, he was sent to the war zone in Chechnya.In early February 1995, he went missing while performing military duty.In the memory of his teachers and classmates, he remained a tall, blue-eyed, cheerful young man, always ready to help, able to organize his friends for good deeds.

Karimov Airat Albertovich

Airat was born on October 5, 1974 in Aznakaevo, graduated from Aznakaevo secondary school No. 3.He started his career as a welder in the Department of Technical Transport No. 1.On November 28, 1993, he was called up for military service, which he began in theVolgograd and Samara regions, then continued in the Chechen Republic.

On January 6, 1995, Airat died in one of the battles.He fulfilled his duty with honor. The bright memory of Ayrat will always remain in our hearts.

Khafizov Damir Ravisovich

Damir was born on February 2, 1981 in a large working-class family. Since childhood, his parents have tried to instill in him hard work, honesty, and responsibility for the assigned task.In 1988, Damir entered the first grade of Aznakaevsky secondary school No. 3.

He studied with a desire, was the initiator of many good deeds in the classroom and at school.He was the first in all difficult matters.After graduating from high school, Damir went to work to do good and benefit people.

In May 1999, he was drafted into the Russian Armed Forces.After completing combat training, he was sent to a combat area in Chechnya.His life ended in distant Chechnya, where he performed his military and civilian duty, fighting against evil and injustice.Awarded the Order of Courage

3. Conclusion.

This war has no history yet, It has not been written. We know just as much about it as it is safe for us to know, so as not to see ourselves as we are. But this war has witnesses. And they want to be heard before they are invented as they will be convenient to someone again, needed for something. They want to be needed by the truth.

Chechnya is an image of time. Chechnya is a symbol of our instability and disunity. At the same time, Chechnya is a test of civic maturity and human sanity. The dead, the wounded, the maimed, the refugees are the terrible result of this war. Years will pass. A lot of things will be forgotten over time, of course. The wounds will heal. But this war, like all others, will remain an indelible, tragic mark on the people.


1. The emergence of an armed conflict is based on the gradual aggravation of various contradictions (political, territorial, economic, interethnic, etc.)

2. Conflict resolution is a national task, not just a military one.

3. Systematic work is needed to perpetuate the memory of those guys who died in the Chechen War.

4. It is necessary to conduct purposeful work on the study of the history of the Chechen War.

4. Research sources:

• Personal and family materials:

• Materials from the school museum;

• Residents' memories

Михайлов А.«Чеченское колесо», с.317. Москва, 2002 год. URL: https://libcat.ru/knigi/nauka-i-obrazovanie/istoriya/219951-109-aleksandr-mihajlov-chechenskoe-koleso.html#text (Дата обращения: 05.03.2025)

А. Маливанчук «Один из тех, кто не вернулся».// Солдат отечества, 1999 г.

История России. Т 2.

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Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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