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Reading Comprehension -The Republic of Belarus.

Текст про Республику Беларусь + послетекстовые задания.


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      Of course a lot can be said about Belarus, but I’ll limit my story to some facts about its geographical and historical features.

Belarus is situated in the Eastern part of Europe. Its area is 207, 6 thousand square km. It borders on Latvia and Lithuania, on Russia, on the Ukraine and on Poland. The population of the country is about 10 million people. The territory of Belarus is divided into 6 regions: Brest, Vitebsk, Grodno, Gomel, Minsk and Mogilev. The capital of Belarus is Minsk.

Our native land is very beautiful with its crystal-clear lakes and ribbons of rivers edged with thick forests, with its endless fields, meadows and swamps(болото), with its varied and plentiful (изобильный) animal and plant kingdom. There are some 3000 rivers flowing over the territory of Belarus. The longest rivers are the Dnieper, the Nieman, the Western Bug and the Western Dvina. There are over 10 000 lakes in Belarus. The largest of them is Lake Naroch. That’s why Belarus has often been referred to as the blue - eyed country.

More than a quarter of the country is covered with forests. An ancient forest on the border between Belarus and Poland, Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a national reservation. The pride of the reservation is the bison – a rare animal. The climate of Belarus is continental with a comparatively mild winter and warm summer.

The nature of Belarus has suffered from the nuclear catastrophe that took place in 1986, Chernobyl. The radiation has spoiled our soil and air, rivers and lakes, it has poisoned our flora and fauna. Besides it has badly affected the health of people.

The geographical position of Belarus got our country involved in major European events over the centuries. The history of  Belarus goes back to antiquity. The ancestors of the Belarusians were the Krivichi, Radimichi and Dregovichi. By the 9th century they formed local principalities of Pinsk, Turov, Polotsk,  Slutsk and Minsk. There was a need in a united state, and Kievskaya Rus appeared.  In the second half of the 13th century the Grand Principality of Lithuania was formed.

The advantageous geographical position – on the cross-roads from East to West – turned into disadvantage. Belarus was the arena of many wars, invasions and aggressions. All these events slowed down but didn’t stop the development of the nation.

On the 1st of January in 1919 the BSSR was formed. In December 1922 it joined the USSR. Belarus proclaimed its sovereignty on the 27 of July in1990. In 1994 the post of the president was introduced. Nowadays Belarus is a country of developed industry, agriculture, science and culture.

crystal-clear –кристально чистые

ribbons of rivers – ленты рек

to edge – обрамлять

comparatively [kəmˈpærətɪvlɪ] - относительно

mild – мягкий

ancestor [ˈænsɪstər] – предок

invasion [ɪnˈveɪʒən] – вторжение

proclaim [prəˈkleɪm] – провозглашать


Task 1. Say if the sentences are true or false according to the text.

  1. Belarus is situated in the Eastern part of The Russian Federation.

  2. The territory of Belarus is divided into 6 regions.

  3. The pride of the reservation is the bison.

  4. The radiation hasn’t spoiled our soil and air, rivers and lakes, it has poisoned our flora and fauna.

  5. In the first half of the 13th century the Grand Principality of Lithuania was formed.

  6. Belarus wasn’t the arena of many wars, invasions and aggressions.

  7. All these events slowed down but didn’t stop the development of the nation.

  8. On the 1st of January in 1917 the BSSR was formed.

  9. Belarus proclaimed its sovereignty on the 27 of July in1990.

  10. Nowadays Belarus isn’t a country of developed industry, agriculture, science and culture.

Task. 2 Answer the questions according to the text.

  1. Where is Belarus situated?

  2. What is Belarus famous for ?

  3. Who was the first ancestors ?

  4. When did Belarus join to USSR?

  5. When did Belarus proclaim sovereignty?

Task 3. Complete the sentences according to the text.

  1. Its area is __________ thousand square km.

  2. The ___________ are the Dnieper, the Nieman, the Western Bug and the Western Dvina.

  3. It _______Latvia and Lithuania, on Russia, on the Ukraine and on Poland.

  4. The largest of them ___________.

  5. The population of the _________ is about 10 million people.

  6. There are over 10 000 lakes _____________.

  7. That’s why Belarus has often _______________as the blue - eyed country.

  8. The climate of Belarus is continental with a _______________and warm summer.

  9. There was a need in a united state, and _____________appeared.  

  10. In the second half of the 13th century _____________Lithuania was formed.

Task 4. Find the synonyms in the text.

  1. Woods.

  2. To connect.

  3. To locate.

  4. To publish.

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