Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  6 класс  /  Разработка урока по английскому языку "Would You Like to Visit the London Zoo? Why?"

Разработка урока по английскому языку "Would You Like to Visit the London Zoo? Why?"

Урок познакомит с достопримечательностями Лондона, краткой историей Лондонского зоопарка.

Описание разработки


Социокультурный аспект-развитие умения ориентироваться в реалиях страны изучаемого языка, получение информации о достопримечательностях Лондона, знакомство с краткой историей Лондонского зоопарка.

Развивающий аспект-развитие внимания, памяти, догадки, критического мышления.

Воспитательный аспект-воспитание любви к окружающему миру.

Ход урока.

1. Организационный момент. Введение в тему. Беседа по теме: «Животные».

Teacher : Hello! Glad to see you. How are you?  There are a lot of animals in the world. People  should take care of them. But they should be careful. Why?

Pupil1: Some animals are dangerous.(Cлайд2)

Pupil 2: Some animals are wild and aggressive.

Pupil 3: Some animals are big, others are small.

Teacher: You are right. Do you know the animals well?

Pupils: Yes, we do.

Teacher: Let `s play a game. The task is to guess the  name of the animal described by your classmates. Are you  ready? Can we start? Please, be very attentive. We`ll check your answers on the screen.

Pupil 1: It is long and green. It can be very terrible and aggressive. It likes to eat meat and fish. It is very wild. It lives in the water. What is it ? (a crocodile)

Teacher: Check your answer on the screen (слайд 3)

Pupil 2: It is big and brown. It likes to sleep in winter. It has a sweet tooth. It likes to eat honey, berries, fish and meat. It can swim very well but it lives in the forest. It can be very aggressive but in the zoo it is very funny and nice. What is it ? (a bear )

Teacher: Check your answer on the screen (слайд 4)

Pupil 3 - I have a very nice tail. I can fly. I` m covered with colourful feathers. I can talk. I am very funny. I am a … (parrot)-(слайд5)

Pupil 4; It is the biggest animal in the world. It lives in the ocean but it is not a fish. What is it ? ( a whale ) – (слайд6)

Разработка урока по английскому языку Would You Like to Visit the London Zoo? Why?

Pupil 5: I have four legs, I have no teeth. I can swim and dive. I carry my house around with me. I am a ..( tortoise)-(слайд 7)

Pupil 6: it is the second biggest animal in the world. It can eat 300 kilos of food and drink 200 liters of water. It lives in Africa and India. It is kind, clever and very intelligent. What is it ? (an elephant ) - (слайд 8)

Pupil 7: this animal is very unusual. It can` t walk, it can` t run, it can`t fly, it can only jump. It has a front pocket and in the pocket it carries a baby. It lives in Australia. What is it ? (a kangaroo ) - (слайд 9)

Teacher:  I see, that you know the animals very well and we can speak about them for a long time. They live all around us but if you want to see exotic animals you should go to the zoo. Am I right?

2. Контроль домашнего задания. Беседа о достопримечательностях Лондона с опорой на фото.

Teacher: You’ve read a text at home. What is it about?

Pupil: The text is about London Zoo.

Teacher: Let’s answer the questions to the text (Ex.10 p. 106-107).

Teacher: There are many zoos in the world  but we` ll speak about London. So we start. Imagine yourselves in London (слайды Лондона ) - (слайды 10-19)

Tell me please, what London is famous for ? Name some places in London, please.

Pupil 1: London is famous for Big Ben.

Pupil 2: London is famous for Buckingham Palace.

Pupil 3:  It is famous for Trafalgar Square

Pupil 4: London is famous for Westminster Abbey.

Pupil 5 : It is famous for Tower Bridge

Pupil 6: London is famous for parks.

Teacher: You re right. Could you name these parks ?

Pupil 7: They are Hyde Park, Regent s Park and others.

Teacher; what is Regent Park famous for ?

Pupil 8: It is famous for the London Zoo.

Teachers: Thank you very much for your answers. Now you` ll see the years on the screen and I want you to read some information about the history of the zoo. 

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки

Разработка урока в 6 классе по теме “Would You Like to Visit the London Zoo? Why?”


Социокультурный аспект-развитие умения ориентироваться в реалиях страны изучаемого языка, получение информации о достопримечательностях Лондона, знакомство с краткой историей Лондонского зоопарка.

Развивающий аспект-развитие внимания, памяти, догадки, критического мышления.

Воспитательный аспект-воспитание любви к окружающему миру.

Учебный аспект-развитие навыков чтения и говорения на уровне подготовленного монологического высказывания по теме « Animals of the Regent`s Park Zoo».

Оборудование урока: презентация «London Zoo».

Ход урока

1.Организационный момент. Введение в тему. Беседа по теме: «Животные».

Teacher : Hello! Glad to see you. How are you? There are a lot of animals in the world. People should take care of them. But they should be careful. Why?

Pupil1 : Some animals are dangerous.(Cлайд2)

Pupil 2 : Some animals are wild and aggressive.

Pupil 3 : Some animals are big, others are small.

Teacher : You are right. Do you know the animals well ?

Pupils : Yes, we do.

Teacher : Let `s play a game. The task is to guess the name of the animal described by your classmates. Are you ready ? Can we start ? Please, be very attentive. We`ll check your answers on the screen.

Pupil 1 : It is long and green. It can be very terrible and aggressive. It likes to eat meat and fish. It is very wild. It lives in the water. What is it ? ( a crocodile )

Teacher : Check your answer on the screen ( слайд 3)

Pupil 2 : It is big and brown. It likes to sleep in winter. It has a sweet tooth. It likes to eat honey, berries, fish and meat. It can swim very well but it lives in the forest. It can be very aggressive but in the zoo it is very funny and nice. What is it ? ( a bear )

Teacher : Check your answer on the screen ( слайд 4)

Pupil 3 - I have a very nice tail. I can fly. I` m covered with colourful feathers. I can talk. I am very funny. I am a … (parrot)-(слайд5)

Pupil 4 ; It is the biggest animal in the world. It lives in the ocean but it is not a fish. What is it ? ( a whale ) – (слайд6)

Pupil 5:I have four legs, I have no teeth. I can swim and dive. I carry my house around with me. I am a ..( tortoise)-(слайд 7)

Pupil 6 : it is the second biggest animal in the world. It can eat 300 kilos of food and drink 200 liters of water. It lives in Africa and India. It is kind, clever and very intelligent. What is it ? ( an elephant )- (слайд 8)

Pupil 7 : this animal is very unusual. It can` t walk, it can` t run, it can`t fly, it can only jump. It has a front pocket and in the pocket it carries a baby. It lives in Australia. What is it ? ( a kangaroo )- (слайд 9)

Teacher : I see, that you know the animals very well and we can speak about them for a long time. They live all around us but if you want to see exotic animals you should go to the zoo. Am I right?

2.Контроль домашнего задания. Беседа о достопримечательностях Лондона с опорой на фото.

Teacher : You’ve read a text at home. What is it about?

Pupil: The text is about London Zoo.

Teacher : Let’s answer the questions to the text(Ex.10 p. 106-107).

Teacher : There are many zoos in the world but we` ll speak about London. So we start. Imagine yourselves in London ( слайды Лондона )- (слайды 10-19)

Tell me please, what London is famous for ? Name some places in London, please.

Pupil 1 : London is famous for Big Ben.

Pupil 2 : London is famous for Buckingham Palace.

Pupil 3 : It is famous for Trafalgar Square

Pupil 4 : London is famous for Westminster Abbey.

Pupil 5 : It is famous for Tower Bridge

Pupil 6: London is famous for parks.

Teacher : You ` re right. Could you name these parks ?

Pupil 7 : They are Hyde Park, Regent` s Park and others.

Teacher ; what is Regent Park famous for ?

Pupil 8 : It is famous for the London Zoo.

Teachers : Thank you very much for your answers. Now you` ll see the years on the screen and I want you to read some information about the history of the zoo.

3.Просмотр слайдов и чтение информации об истории Лондонского зоопарка. (Слайды 20-31).

Pupil 1- 1826- The Zoological Society of London was founded.

Pupil 2- 1828- it housed a collection of exotic animals.

Pupil 3- 1830- The collection of animals was greatly enlarged with the addition of the royal menagerie from Windsor and the animals from The Tower of London.

Pupil 4- 1839- The first giraffes appeared in the Zoo.

Pupil 5- 1847 - The Zoo opened its doors to the public.

Pupil 6- 1849- The first Reptile House was opened.( слайд 26-27)

Pupil 7 - 1850 – In this year the Tsar of Russia presented two bisons to the Zoo.

Pupil 8 -1853-The first public Aquarium was opened.

Pupil 9 - 1880- In this year the first koala bear arrived to live outside Australia.

Pupil 10 - 1881- the first Insect House was opened.

Pupil 11 – 1938- the Children Zoo was opened

4.Монологические высказывания о животных. (Слайды 32-35).

Teacher- I see you really know the history of the zoo. Now it is time to speak about the animals that they take care of.

Pupil 1- The giraffe lives in Africa. It is an exotic animal. This is the tallest animal in the world. It can be 6-7 metres high. The giraffe can see very well. It has small horns on the head. They are usually yellow with brown spots. These animals like to eat acacia very much. They are very kind and generous.

Pupil 2- An elephant is the largest animal that lives on land. Elephants have larger ears than any other animal and their tusks are the largest teeth. An elephant` s nose is called a trunk. A lot of things can be done with the help of a trunk. An elephant is a nice animal, strong and friendly. It eats grass and green leaves ( about 300-400 kilos a day) and elephants can drink 150-200 liters of water. They are very playful in the water and wonderful swimmers. The elephant is the most intelligent animal next to the dog and it has a very good memory.

Pupil 3- Dolphins are very intelligent. They love to play with people. They can be of different colors.- black and white, blue and light blue. Most dolphins eat fish. Their brain is very big. They have a very good feeling to be helpful. They have a very good experience of communicating with people. They give birth to their babies, which are born with opened eyes, under the water, close to the surface. They can perform for children and grown-ups. Dolphins can jump out of the water, play with the ball and dance.

Pupil 6- Tigers…

5.Подведение итогов урока. Возвращение к моменту целеполагания при помощи соответствующего слайда презентации (36), озвучивание результатов деятельности учащихся на уроке.

Teacher- Thank you very much. Your information was really interesting and useful. You have worked well. We are speaking about animals in Regent` s Park. I am sure there are many exotic animals there. As you know thousands of visitors come to the zoo every day. Now I want you to answer my questions. Would you like to visit London Zoo? Why do people need Zoos? What is good about them?

Примерные варианты ответов:

Pupil 1 – People can see different animals there.

Pupil 2 – People can feed the exotic animals and watch the young babies grow there.

Pupil 3 – People learn new things about nature.

Pupil 4 – Zoo lovers can study animals in their cages.

Pupil 5- It is very enjoyable. People can find new friends.

Pupil 6 – We can study the effects that human activities have on the natural world.

Итоги урока. Домашнее задание: написать о том, что бы хотелось увидеть в Лондонском зоопарке.


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Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС

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