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Разработка урока по английскому языку по теме "My Land - My country – My Motherland"

Урок познакомит с новыми словами и высказываниями.

Описание разработки

The aims of the lesson:

1. Teaching: to teach how to respect to each others and to think in own way;

2. Developing: to do different exercises, to speak correctly, to develop pupils reading, writing, speaking and listening skills;

3. Up - bringing: to bring up pupils memory, love to the English languages through different teaching methods;

The methods of the lesson: ask - answer questions, explanation method, vocabulary, discussion method, association method.

The visual aids: interactive board, cards, map of Kazakhstan.

“He who loves not his country can love nothing”


The procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment:

Teacher: See you. I hope you will be active today. Well, let’s check the class atmosphere.

Разработка урока по английскому языку по теме My Land - My country – My Motherland

Dear children! Today we are having an open lesson. It is an unusual lesson. It will be in a form of competitions. Our lesson is devoted to the 24th anniversary of Independence of our Republic. The theme is “ My Land – My country”. We know that the property of our country is a nation. But all people must be educated and purposeful. Our future is a modern educated society. N. A. Nazarbaev pays great attention to education, science and culture in his” Message to the People of Kazakhstan. ” He also underlines that new generation must know 3 languages (Kazakh, English and Russian)and use them in communication.

-My Motherland, my dear land!

Let my land be in place.

Be happy land, be happy people,

Be joyful people of Kazakhstan!

So, I hope that today you will show good knowledge of your country using Kazakh, English and Russian. Try to be active. You know that every country has it’s Flag, State Emblem and Anthem. So, let’s start our lesson with an Anthem. . Sing the song: Kazakhstan’s anthem.

ІІ. Answer the following questions.

1. Where is Kazakhstan situated?

2. What countries does Kazakhstan border on?

3. What is the climate of Kazakhstan?

4. When did Kazakhstan gain its independence?

5. How many provinces are there in Kazakhstan?

6. Who is the author of the anthem of Kazakstan?

III. Group work

Pupils do you know any poems of Kazakhstan? Let’s recite the poem about Kazakhstan.

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Содержимое разработки

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Конец формы

The theme of the lesson: My Land - My country – My Motherland!
The aims of the lesson:
1. Teaching: to teach how to respect to each others and to think in own way;
2. Developing: to do different exercises, to speak correctly, to develop pupils reading, writing, speaking and listening skills;
3. Up - bringing: to bring up pupils memory, love to the English languages through different teaching methods;
The methods of the lesson: ask - answer questions, explanation method, vocabulary, discussion method, association method.
The visual aids: interactive board, cards, map of Kazakhstan.

“He who loves not his country can love nothing”


The procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment:

Teacher: See you. I hope you will be active today. Well, let’s check the class atmosphere.

Dear children! Today we are having an open lesson. It is an unusual lesson. It will be in a form of competitions. Our lesson is devoted to the 24th anniversary of Independence of our Republic. The theme is “ My Land – My country”. We know that the property of our country is a nation. But all people must be educated and purposeful. Our future is a modern educated society. N. A. Nazarbaev pays great attention to education, science and culture in his” Message to the People of Kazakhstan.” He also underlines that new generation must know 3 languages ( Kazakh, English and Russian ) and use them in communication.

-My Motherland, my dear land!
Let my land be in place.
Be happy land, be happy people,
Be joyful people of Kazakhstan!
So, I hope that today you will show good knowledge of your country using Kazakh, English and Russian. Try to be active. You know that every country has it’s Flag, State Emblem and Anthem. So, let’s start our lesson with an Anthem. . Sing the song: Kazakhstan’s anthem.

ІІ. Answer the following questions.
1. Where is Kazakhstan situated?
2. What countries does Kazakhstan border on?
3. What is the climate of Kazakhstan?
4. When did Kazakhstan gain its independence?
5. How many provinces are there in Kazakhstan?

6.Who is the author of the anthem of Kazakstan?
III. Group work

Pupils do you know any poems of Kazakhstan? Let’s recite the poem about Kazakhstan.

I group

My Motherland

Many worderful things to hear, to see

Belong to you, belong to me!

The sun and the tree, the grass and sky

The yellow moon that’s passing by

The blowing winds the  birds that sing

Bright autumn woods, gay flowers of spring

The cols long winter snow so white

The running river the stars  of the night

Let’s save the nature, let’s save the sky

Let’s think about our future life

II group

The poem:  Kazakhstan

Oh, Kazakhstan, I’m in love with you!
Remember, Kazakhstan you are great
Not in the green fields full of wheat,
And forests, gardens free of dust.
I love you deeply, dear land.
Your hills and rivers, lakes and seas,
Which give me always much delight.

III group

Poem about Kazakhstan

This land is your land,
This land is my land.
From Petropavlovsk to Almaty,
From the white sand deserts
To the big green valley.
This land is made for you and me.
This land is your land,
This land is my land.
From the Southern mountains
To the Central steppe lands.
From the Caspian Sea
To the Lake Balkhash
This land was made for you and me.

IV. Do you know that ….?
1. A New bridge in Astana is 214 metres long
2. An Oceanarium has 2000 sea animals
3. The height of Baiterek is 105 metres
4. The Congress Hall’ has 158 rooms.
5. The population of Astana is 710. 679.
6. The length of the Border is 13. 500.
7. The area of Aktobe region is 300. 600. square km
8. The length of railway in Kazakhstan is about 14. 000 km
9. There are 27. 000 people in Shalkar.

V. Who is the quicker?
♦ The President of our country …
♦ The language of Kazakh people …
♦ National holidays of our Kazakhstan …
♦ The capital of Kazakhstan …
♦ The independence day …(16 december)
What large cities of Kazakhstan do you know?
Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated? (In Asia)
What is the size of KZ.? (the area is 2. 753 square km)

How many regions are there in Kazakhstan? (14)
What can you say about the population of our country? (about 17)
Who is the head of the state? (the president)
When did Kazakhstan become an independent state? (in 1991)
What are the symbols of the state? (national flag, emblem and anthem)
What does the blue color of the flag symbolize? (freedom, independent)
What is represented on the state flag? (sun, falcon, ornament)
What kind of state is KZ? (independent, democratic)
Where is Kazakhstan located? (In Asia)
What countries does Kazakhstan border on? (Kirgistan, Usbekistan, China, Russia)
What is the total area of Kazakhstan?
Kazakhstan is a multinational state, isn't it?
What is the climate of Kazakhstan?
How many rivers does the Republic have?
What are they?
What are the biggest lakes of Kazakhstan?
When did Kazakhstan gain its independence?

VI. Translate these proverbs into English and Kazakh: First off all, you must continue this proverbs.

1. Every country has its ...
2. Never play with ...
3. Never put off till ...,
4. Better late, than... (never).
5. before pleasure
6. First think, then...
7. It is never too late to...
8. So many countries, so many ...
9. East or West , ...(home) is best.

10. All that glitters is not .....( gold).
11. Better late than ........(never).

12. There is no place like…… ( home).
VII. ( Active Studio)
Make the words with the help of letters given on the screen: Kazakhstan, president, Astana, dombyra, baursak.
VII. Consolidation of the lesson:


1.What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
f)Almaty g) Akmola h) Astana?

2.What is typical for Kazakhstan’s steppe?
n) tree  o) saxaul  p) pine-apple tree

3.Who is the head of the state?
m)President n) khan  o) prime-minister

4.What is the population of Kazakhstan?
d)10 560 768  e) 16 870 000  f) about 17 560 000
5.Where is Kazakhstan situated?
g) Europe h) Australia i) Central Asia

6. What is the climate of the state?
r) mild  s) extremely continental  t) continental

7. What is the national symbol of Kazakhstan?
w) the bald eagle  x) the rose  y) golden man

8. What is the area of Kazakhstan?
f) 1 546 000 square km  g) 6 546 000 square km  h) 2 753 000 square km

9. When is Nauryz celebrated?
d) in December  e) in March  f) in February

10. What lake is the Balkhash?
r) half fresh and half salty  s) salty  t) fresh

11. With what country doesn’t Kazakhstan share its border?
c) China d) Russia e) France

12. What is the largest city in Kazakhstan?
r) Astana s) Kokshetau t) Almaty

13. What is typical animal of Kazakhstan?
h) snow leopard  i) lion  j) tiger

14. When was Akmola renamed Astana?
d) in 1997  e) in 1998  f) 1999

15. What is the official language in Kazakhstan?
f) Russian g) English h) Kazakh

16. For what have Kazakhs used falcons?
d) meat  e) hunting  f) playing

17. When is the Independence Day celebrated?
a) on the 16th of Dec.  b) on the 22th of March  c) on the 9th of May

18. What is the language of international communication?
p) English q) Kazakh r) Russian

19. What colour is the state flag?
t) blue and yellow  u) blue and white  v) red and yellow

20. Where is Ahmed Yassaui mausoleum situated?
h) Almaty i) Turkestan j) Shymkent

21. When was Medeu built?
q) in 1994  r) in 1975  s) in 1972

22. What is musical instrument of Kazakhs?

A) Nauryz kozhe b) dombyra c) milk

23. How many regions are there in Kazakhstan?

h)7 k)15 a)14

24. Who is first cosmonaut of Kazakhstan?

a)Talgat Musabaev g) Ujrii Gagrin k) Tokhtar Aubakirow.

25. What is the popular national holiday in Kazakhstan?
j) Nauryz n) ait u) Kyz uzatu

26. What is the national currency of Kazakhstan?
f) Tenge b) rouble w) dollar

27. When was Kazakhstan declared independent?
v) in 1991. e) in 2015 p) in 1986

28) What is the main river of Kyzylorda?

m) Ile d) Esil h) Syrdariya


My country, your country,
Travel east or west.
If north is good and south is better,
Which land is the best?
Our lesson is over. You have shown good knowledge of three languages. You have improved your knowledge in other subjects. You have learnt many interesting things about our Motherland. Now I want to offer you to see some beautiful sights about Astana and other cities of our Republic.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Система работы с высокомотивированными и одаренными учащимися по учебному предмету

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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Разработка урока по английскому языку по теме "My Land - My country – My Motherland" (28.04 КB)

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