Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  11 класс  /  Разработка урока по английскому языку "Migration"

Разработка урока по английскому языку "Migration"

Урок позволит сформулировать представление о миграциях населения во времени и пространстве.

Описание разработки


Сформулировать представление о миграциях населения во времени и пространстве.


1. Выявить проблемы, возникающие при активной миграции населения и определить пути решения проблем.

2. Развивать навыки работы с текстом учебника, дополнительной литературой.

3. Развивать умение анализировать статистические материалы.

Оборудование: презентация; графики, дополнительный материал из СМИ, учебник, карточки с заданиями.

Методы обучения: создание условий для развития познавательной активности в оценке фактов и явлений; организация частично-поисковой деятельности; создание проблемной ситуации.

Форма проведения урока: класс делится на 4 группы, примерно равных сил.

What do you think we are going to talk in class today? (students ' answers).

Try to formulate the topic of the lesson. (students answers).

So, the topic of the lesson  is "Migration". (students record the lesson in a notebook).

Students formulate the main idea of this lesson.

Objective: to formulate an idea about the migrations of population in time and space.

Lesson plan I.

1. What is migration?

2. Why does migration occur?

3. The main flows of migrations in the UK and Russia.

4. The problems of migration.

Lesson plan II. Learn.

Will you  try to answer the first item of the plan.

What is migration? (students ' answers).

In order to make sure you are right, open the vocabulary in the textbook and find the definition. Were you right?

There are different qualification types of migration. I will give you one of them, the rest you'll try to compete yourself later . (h/W)

Migration can be internally and externally. Internal - displacement of population within a single country, and external - between the countries.

External migration is divided into emigration (leaving the country), immigration (entry the country), re-emigration (return back)

In the study of the topic, we should get to know the concept of migration balance (mechanical growth of the population) - the difference between the number of arrivals on any territory and the number of departures from it for a certain period of time (usually a year).

So now you know  the concept of migration and we move on to the next point of our lesson plan.

Разработка урока по английскому языку Migration

Now each group will receive a certain task on the subject. To perform the job, you can use the textbook, articles from newspapers and magazines. (The teacher gives questions). Read the questions. Do you all understand?

To perform the job you are given 5 minutes. Works distinctly, highlight only the most important.

Task №1:

Group 1: Identify the causes that can encourage a person to change their place of residence.

Group 2: How in the country were carried out forced displacement? (give examples). Identify the consequences.

Group 3: What are the changes in the Russian internal migration occurred in 90 years. 20th century as compared to the 50-ies of the 20th century.

The period of migration direction (how and where) the causes of migration

Group 4: Find out the influence of migration on society. Describe the areas of the outflow and inflow of migrants.

The report of the work done and discussion of arising questions.

Task №2:

1) Identify the level of migration among men and  women over the years. Who are  more likely to migration men or women?

What age are seen the highest rates of migration and why?

2) Has the migration rate changed in 2015 compared to 90th. Why is that?

3) What is the significance of migration for the economy?

The report groups.

Task №3:

Are there migration processes in our area? What do you think if we should manage them, and how is this possible? (work in groups and report).

Task №4:

Describe the portrait of a man who has decided to voluntarily change the permanent place of residence (age, education, marital status, health, personality traits, etc.). Think about what encouraged  him to change the place of residence. Imagine what area he chooses in Russia for permanent residence. (work in groups and report)

III. Sum up of the material.

We have studied all the material, according to the points of our lesson plan. Explain, please, how do you understand the words of BB Baransky. (epigraph of lesson) (students' responses)

IV. The result of the lesson.

The teacher sums up the work in the classroom, giving an overall assessment of each group. Further, within groups, students discuss the work of each member of the group, and assign grades.

V. Refleksiya.

Share your impressions: it was a discovery  to you in class in the study of the topic, what do you want to know more, etc.

VI. Homework: p28 ex71,72

Содержимое разработки

"People are not migratory birds, their migration is not due to biological but mostly by social laws".

What do you think we are going to talk in class today? (students ' answers).

Try to formulate the topic of the lesson. (students answers).

So, the topic of the lesson is "Migration". (students record the lesson in a notebook).

Students formulate the main idea of this lesson.

Objective: to formulate an idea about the migrations of population in time and space.

Lesson plan I

1. What is migration?

2. Why does migration occur?

3. The main flows of migrations in the UK and Russia.

4. The problems of migration.

Lesson plan II.Learn

Will you try to answer the first item of the plan.

What is migration? (students ' answers).

In order to make sure you are right, open the vocabulary in the textbook and find the definition. Were you right?

There are different qualification types of migration. I will give you one of them, the rest you'll try to compete yourself later . (h/W)

Migration can be internally and externally. Internal - displacement of population within a single country, and external - between the countries.

External migration is divided into emigration (leaving the country), immigration (entry the country), re-emigration (return back)

In the study of the topic, we should get to know the concept of migration balance (mechanical growth of the population) - the difference between the number of arrivals on any territory and the number of departures from it for a certain period of time (usually a year).

So now you know the concept of migration and we move on to the next point of our lesson plan.

Now each group will receive a certain task on the subject. To perform the job, you can use the textbook, articles from newspapers and magazines. (The teacher gives questions). Read the questions. Do you all understand?

To perform the job you are given 5 minutes. Works distinctly, highlight only the most important.

Task №1:

Group 1: Identify the causes that can encourage a person to change their place of residence.

Group 2: How in the country were carried out forced displacement? (give examples). Identify the consequences.

Group 3: What are the changes in the Russian internal migration occurred in 90 years. 20th century as compared to the 50-ies of the 20th century.

The period of migration direction (how and where) the causes of migration

Group 4: Find out the influence of migration on society. Describe the areas of the outflow and inflow of migrants.

The report of the work done and discussion of arising questions.

Task №2:

1) Identify the level of migration among men and women over the years. Who are more likely to migration men or women?

What age are seen the highest rates of migration and why?

2) Has the migration rate changed in 2015 compared to 90th. Why is that?

3) What is the significance of migration for the economy?

The report groups.

Task №3:

Are there migration processes in our area? What do you think if we should manage them, and how is this possible? (work in groups and report).

Task №4:

    Describe the portrait of a man who has decided to voluntarily change the permanent place of residence (age, education, marital status, health, personality traits, etc.). Think about what encouraged him to change the place of residence. Imagine what area he chooses in Russia for permanent residence. (work in groups and report)

III. Sum up of the material.

We have studied all the material, according to the points of our lesson plan. Explain, please, how do you understand the words of BB Baransky. (epigraph of lesson) (students' responses)

IV. The result of the lesson.

The teacher sums up the work in the classroom, giving an overall assessment of each group. Further, within groups, students discuss the work of each member of the group, and assign grades.


 Share your impressions: it was a discovery to you in class in the study of the topic, what do you want to know more, etc.

VI. Homework: p28 ex71,72

Курсы повышения квалификации

Методика обучения английскому языку как второму иностранному

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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