Objective: To repeat and consolidate passed lexical and grammatical material on "Food and Health"
The practical component goals: students practice in applying the studied lexical units and lexical and grammatical structures in speech situations.
Developing component objectives: to develop reading skills, skills, Oral speech, attention.
Educational component goals: the formation of stable motivation to learn English, the skills of food
Type of the lesson: lesson - competition
Procedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment. Greeting (1 - 2 min)
(Сообщение цели и задач урока).
Good morning, dear friends! Dear pupils and our guests!
Good morning, good morning
Good morning to you!
Good morning our teacher,
We are glad to see you!
I am glad to see you, too! Sit down, please. How are you?
We are fine, thank you! And how are you?
I am Ok, thank you! That is good, because today we have an unusual lesson. Today we are going to have a trip - competition to Health - city.
Who is on duty today? Who is absent today?
Well start our lesson. Today we shall have a final lesson according to our topic “Food and Health” and we shall speak about tasty, healthy and useful food
2. Do you like to take part in different competitions?
- Of course we do.
- I see you are interested in talking part in competitions. Let’s have a competition then. You will do different tasks. I hope it will be interesting, funny and useful. Let’s form two teams.
- We have two teams now. This is “Fruits” - team and this is “Vegetables” - team. We have some other guests coming. Here they are. At our lesson we have an interesting competition between the teams. I will give the cherries to you for correct answers.
- Each team must collect as much as possible cherries (show). The team which collects more cherries is a winner. Let’s begin.
II. Phonetic exercises.
1) Let’s train our tongues.
- look at the blackboard. Repeat the words after:
French - fries
Cary rice
2. Warming - up.
You must form a word
ho |
Na |
Bana |
Ney |
Pota |
Table |
Chic |
At |
Me |
Kin |
Jui |
Ce |
vege |
to |
Keys: (honey, banana, potato, chicken, meat, juice, vegetable).
- Now continue warming up our vocabulary. You can see some letters. You should make word using this letter. Let’s try
O, r, r, c, a. t
C, b, b, a, a, e, g
P, p, e, a, l
U, c, r, e, c, u, b, m
A, n, a, b, a, n
Keys: (carrot, cabbage, apple, cucumber, banana. )
- Let’s continue warming up our vocabulary. Listen to me and try to complete some sentences using necessary words.
Вкуснотища – very good! Пищу называют – food.
Это вовсе не каприз, сыр мы называем –cheese.
Мясо жарится, шкварчит, мясо по - английски –meat.
Арбуз предпочитаю сливам, арбуз иначе – water - melon.
Узнали все впервые, что груша это – pear.
Масло нужно всем ребятам. Масло по - английски – butter.
Без соли борщ не лезет в рот. Соль по - английски – просто salt.
Ведро воды не принесете? Вода, водичка будет – water.
Слива тут и слива там. Слива по - английски – plum.
Виноград мы съели весь. Виноград иначе –grape.
- Теперь мы перешли к соревновательной части урока, итак 1 раунд
I round
Listen and say what food the children like.
- Now, that is your first task. We’re going to listen to the recording. Then you must say what food Max and Jane like.
- Let’s check your answers.
“Max and Jane”.
(Ученики прослушивают разговор детей? После чего им нужно назвать что именно любят дети используя в своих ответах конструкцию “Max like … and Jane like …).
II round
- Complete the sentences using some or any.
1) I would like … more tea.
2) There are … apples in the vase.
3) He said he didn’t like … fish soup.
4) There isn’t … cheese on the plate.
5) Are there … pictures in your book?
6) Did you buy … potatoes yesterday?
III round
- I see you are very good at completing sentences. But can you guess crossword? I hope you can.
- Сейчас у нас 3 раунд и ваше следующее задание это выполнить кроссворд. (участники выполняют кроссворд называя слово и давая перевод слова на английском языке).
Весь материал – смотрите документ.