Good morning! Let’s start our lesson.
(Слайд 1) At first I want to show you some photos and you have to name them…
(Просмотр и отгадывание картинок)
and now I want to know what we are going to talk about?
OK…Today we will speak about FOOD.
(Слайд 2) Now I would like to show you a video from the film “Julie and Jilia”….
What are they doing on this video? (They are cooking)
What will we need to prepare the dish? (food, dishes, cooker..)
What is the most important thing?
(слайд 3) OK, you are right! It’s a recipe. The aim of our lesson today is to learn how to make a recipe.
Now rack your brain. Name one word about food.
(слайд 4) Let’s revise some words. Listen and repeat. (читаю слова, дети повторяют)
(слайд 5) What’s your favourite food? I like cabbage..And what about you? (даю капусту детям по очереди)
Ok, the next task will be matching. Take a sheet of paper, please and Mach the verbs with their translations:
(слайд 6) Let’s check up. Listen and repeat..
Now look on the cards and translate them (показываю карточки дети читают и переводят)
Open your books on page 32 ex. 2(a). Choose the right verbs for products:
1 ...Grate.....cheese, carrots (натереть сыр, морковь)
2 ......Melt..butter, chocolate (растопить сливочное масло, шоколад)
3 ....Beat....eggs, cream (взбивать яйца, сливки)
4 ....Slice....bread, cake (нарезать хлеб, пирог)
5 ....Pour....sauce, coffee (залить соусом, кофе)
6 ...Peel.....potatoes, bananas (чистить картошку, бананы)
7 ....Chop....onions, vegetables (нашинковать лук, овощи)
(слайд 7) Now look on ex.3 page 32
Треугольники из сыра и ветчины
• 6 мучных лепешек
• большой кусок сыра
• пакет ветчины
• небольшая луковица
• 1/2 чайной ложки смеси
• щепотка соли
1 Разогрейте духовку до 190°C.
2 натрите сыр.
3 нарежьте ветчину на мелкие кусочки и нашинкуйте лук.
4 Поместите ветчину, сыр и лук на одной половине тортильи. Посыпьте солью и травами сверху.
5 Сверните лепешки, затем поместите их в духовку.
6 Выпекайте в течение 8-10 минут, пока сыр не начнёт таять, и сразу подавайте.
Take a sheet of paper and listen to the task. You’ve got a dish and you should prepare it make up a recipe.
Task number one: Choose the ingredients those you need to prepare the dish and right down in the table…You’ve got two minute for that.
Ok, let’s check up. The fist group, what do you need for preparing “Fruit salad”?….(We need..)
The second group, what do you need for preparing “Vegetables salad”?
And the third group, what do you need for preparing “Chicken with vegetables”?
Task two: Listen some verbs and circle those what you need..Be attentive!
Peel, Slice, Melt, Bake, Mix, Pour, Add, Roast, Chop, Stir, Roll, Fry, Boil
Now check up: (We will..)
And now let’s make up a recipe
..Ok, Let’s present our project to the class..
Good job! Now let’s serve our table!..Look at our table, what is missing? (A cake)
Everyone of you has got fruit and if you know how to make a recipe decorate our cake with fruit.. if you don’t know how to make a recipe take a vegetable.