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Проект по английскому языку "Life of teenagers in Great Britain"


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Жизнь подростков в Великобритании

Происхождение термина «подросток-тинейджер»

  • 13 thirteen

  • 14 fourteen

  • 15 fifteen

  • Age – возраст Teen + age + r



Three types of schools present mandatory education in Russia: primary, secondary and high.


School education in England includes two modules:

Initial – for children aged from 4 up to 11 years (up to 7 years – at school for kids (Nursery School), and from 7 to 11 years – at younger school)

Average - for children from 11 to 16 years.

Leisure and free time.

In recent years Britain has been described as a "leisure society." This is because there are a great variety of leisure. Young people go out on Friday or Saturday nights to a disco, to a concert or to a pub. Going out for a meal or getting a take-away meal have become popular too. During the past years, there is a great increase in keeping fit and staying healthy. Many teens started running, jogging and going to different fitness clubs in their spare time. Aerobics classes and fitness clubs opened in every town, and the number of recreation centers greatly increased. Indoor pools, with their wave-making machines, water slides and tropical vegetation, have become very popular.

The same is true about Russia. Many teens go in for different kinds of sport. Sport helps them to feel as fit as a fiddle. In both countries, there are special programs for problem teenagers, such as high-risk activities, for example they are taught to jump out of airplanes. But despite the increase in the number of teens participating in sport, the majority of young people still prefer to be spectators. They prefer to be couch potatoes. Watching sports on TV is a popular leisure activity, as is going to football matches on Saturday. Cinemas have been redesigned with four or more screens, each showing a different film at the same time, and many teens like going to the cinemas too.

Pocket money.

Pocket money is the money intended on small operating costs. Parents encourage teenagers with pocket money for special progress in study, for the household help.Generally, teenagers spend their money for sweets, ice cream, computer games, clothes, accessories, for alcohol and cigarettes. Some teenagers postpone, try to save up for something more essential, expensive.

Teenagers in Russia want to earn money, help parents and feel more independent, but it is very difficult to find a job.

It is worth noting that in Great Britain the child at the age of 10 can earn his own pocket money. These children have many options to earn to themselves on trivial expenses. In Great Britain many teenagers use their free time for earning money at the weekend. The most popular types of works: delivery of newspapers, as a babysitter, washing of cars, hairstyle of lawns, green hedges, help in hairdressing salons and shops. They do it not for the grate income, but because of getting independence.They most often spend the money for CD and DVD disks, magazines, candies, computer disks, gifts to friends and a family, clothes and a make-up.According to information on one of the websites of 300 interviewed teenagers at the age of 13-17, about 170 people save money for the future.

Suponevo 2018

Проект на тему:

Teen s life in Britain

Жизнь подростков в Великобритании

Курсы повышения квалификации

Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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