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Презентация к уроку английского языка в 5 классе по теме "Ancient Sparta"

Красочная презентация к уроку английского языка в 5 А классе по теме "Древняя Спарта" ("Ancient Sparta") по УМК Английский язык нового тысячелетия. New Millennium English. 5 класс. (Деревянко Н.Н. и др.) Содержит иллюстрации к уроку, допрольнительную информацию о детстве спартанцев и общественном устройстве этого города, а также грамматические задания по использованию простого прошедшего времени.


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They were a military caste and invincible  warriors.

They were a military caste and invincible warriors.

run – ran swim – swam  think – thought wear - wore feel - felt choose – chose  see – saw
  • run – ran
  • swim – swam
  • think – thought
  • wear - wore
  • feel - felt
  • choose – chose
  • see – saw
Spartan “Childhood” “ To bring food and clothes they steal, some going into gardens and others insinuating themselves dangerously and cautiously into the men’s masses. If anyone is caught, he is given many lashes with the whip, and not for stealing but for being caught.” Only necessary schooling Provoked to fight Taken from home at seven Only necessary food and clothes

Spartan “Childhood”

  • “ To bring food and clothes they steal, some going into gardens and others insinuating themselves dangerously and cautiously into the men’s masses. If anyone is caught, he is given many lashes with the whip, and not for stealing but for being caught.”
  • Only necessary schooling
  • Provoked to fight
  • Taken from home at seven
  • Only necessary food and clothes
Modern children do/ don’t do Boys in Ancient Sparta did/ didn’t do Boys in Ancient Sparta trained  a lot to be soldiers. Modern children have a lot of food. Boys in Ancient Sparta didn’t have a lot of food. Modern children don’t train a lot to be soldiers.
  • Modern children
  • do/ don’t do
  • Boys in Ancient Sparta did/ didn’t do
  • Boys in Ancient Sparta trained a lot to be soldiers.
  • Modern children have a lot of food.
  • Boys in Ancient Sparta didn’t have a lot of food.
  • Modern children don’t train a lot to be soldiers.
Sparta: Society What distinctions did exist in Spartan society were based not on wealth or social status, but on prowess, discipline, and military talent Spartan educational system cultivated such attributes from an early age Boys left their homes at age seven to live in military barracks under a rigorous regime of physical training At age 20 they went into the military where they served until retirement Boys left their homes at age seven to live in military barracks under a rigorous regime of physical training At age 20 they went into the military where they served until retirement

Sparta: Society

  • What distinctions did exist in Spartan society were based not on wealth or social status, but on prowess, discipline, and military talent
  • Spartan educational system cultivated such attributes from an early age
  • Boys left their homes at age seven to live in military barracks under a rigorous regime of physical training At age 20 they went into the military where they served until retirement
  • Boys left their homes at age seven to live in military barracks under a rigorous regime of physical training
  • At age 20 they went into the military where they served until retirement
Sparta: Society Women married at age 18 or 20 but did not live with their husbands The men stayed in the barracks until about age 30 when they began to set up households with their wives and children Women maintained strict physical regimes in the hopes of bearing strong children The men stayed in the barracks until about age 30 when they began to set up households with their wives and children Women maintained strict physical regimes in the hopes of bearing strong children

Sparta: Society

  • Women married at age 18 or 20 but did not live with their husbands
  • The men stayed in the barracks until about age 30 when they began to set up households with their wives and children Women maintained strict physical regimes in the hopes of bearing strong children
  • The men stayed in the barracks until about age 30 when they began to set up households with their wives and children
  • Women maintained strict physical regimes in the hopes of bearing strong children
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