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Презентация к уроку: A working life

Pupils will learn part time jobs for tenagers in the UK and USA and review Present Perfect Simple and Continous


Содержимое разработки

A working life


Grade 10B

Lesson Plan

Aims: to learn Present Perfect Simple and Continous Review,to learn new vocabulary and how to use them

Vocabulary:Fields of work page26 Ex 1A.Sts will match the fields of work in the box with the pictures

1.public service



4.health care

5.IT and media




Reading Sts will read blog comments.Which fields do the teenagers want to work in when they’re older?

What part time job do you do now?What do you want to do in the future?Leave your comment here!

Abi 15,from York :I’ve been working at Burger Barn for 2 months.I thought I’d hate it,but it’s been really good.I’ve learned a lot about how to work with all kinds of people I would normally meet.And I’m not as shy as I was.I don’t think I want to work there forever ,but it’s given me some ideas about how to run a business.Maybe I’ll do business studies when I go to college.

Connor,14from Dublin: I’ve been doing a paper round since last year.I have to get up pretty early so that people can read the news with their breakfast,but I do the round on my bike ,so it doesn’t take too long.The money isn’t great,but I’ve bought myself a computer with it.They’ve asked me to work in the shop in the holidays ,so that’ll be more money.I’m not sure what I want to do in the future.I’m getting good with my computer,so maybe something like programming.

Tamanna,16,from London: I’ve been volunteering at a care home for elderly people on Sunday mornings.Some of my friends think I’m mad ,doing a job for no pay ,but I really like it.I think that in a few months ,I’ll try to get a paid part-time job in a solicitor;s office because I want to be a lawyer in the future.There is a lot of competition for part-time jobs,but I think my volunteering will look good on my CV.

Exercise 2B Read the text again and underline the false statement

1.Abi hates working at Burger barn\meets different kinds of people in her job\doesn’t work to work at Burger Barn when she’s older.

2.Connor cycles and delivers newspapers \can afford his own things \is leaving the shop soon.

3.Tamanna works for free\wants to do volunteer legal work\believes volunteering will help her to get a paid job.

Grammar Present Perfect Simple and Contionous Review

Rule:We use the Present Perfect simple to focus on the result of an action.We may also use to say how often we have done something.

We use the Present Perfect continius to focus on an action that started in the past and that may or may not be completed.We may also use it to say how long it is from the start of the action to now.


I’ve been working at Burger Barn for two months.

I’ve learned a lot about how to work with all kinds of people.

Now please find other examples of the Present Perfect in the text and underline them.

Speaking:Now work with your partner.Take turns to start a new conversation

Tell your partner about:

Your favourite piece of clothing

Something you are learning \studying

The place where you live

A book you are reading

Your partner asks you questions

How long ….?(have it)

How long….?(learn \study it)

How long ….?(read it)

The lesson is over.Your homework is to learn vocabulary and to write an essay who you want to be in the future.Goodbuy!See you on Tuesday

Курсы повышения квалификации

Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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