Средняя школа № 6
Учитель английского языка Мурзагалиева М.К.
Тема урока: Cinema
Цель :
Расширить кругозор учащихся по теме «Кино»,
закрепить лексическую тему.
Воспитывать познавательную активность,культуру обшения.
Активизировать знания, умения и навыки учащихся по теме;
Развивать критическое мышление,
умение анализировать и критически оценивать
полученную информацию; уметь применять полученную информацию .
Психологический настрой Questions
1 What do you think about these pictures?
2 How you connect these pictures with our new theme?
3 How do you think how call our theme today?
4What do you know about cinema in Kazakhstan, in Russia and in England?
5Do you know any cinemas in Kazakhstan,in Russia and in England?
Fill in the chart
TV program me
Cinemas in London
One of the first cinema films was made by Edison ,but Edison, but the intervals between his photographic exposures were too short- about forty-eight photographs taken to the second. The human eye could not see them so fast and the movements therefore appeared very jerky. This made the eyes tired.
When Edison’s machine was brought to France to show films, it was seen there by Auguste and Louis Lumiere . These two brothers soon made a camera and projector that worked at about 16 photographs per second . This reduced the jerkiness very much, and in December 1895 the Lumiere brothers gave the worlds’s first real cinematograph show . Their film was called The Arrival of a Train at a Station. The film was so good that some of the audience almost expected the train to rush out at them from the screen.
In1903 one of Edison’s cameramen made a new long picture . It was called “ The Life of an American Fireman”. People liked it and asked for more ; and so more films of this kind were made.More cinemas were built.
These first films had no sound . When it was necessary , printed words were thrown on the screen to explain what was happening what people were saying .Usually music was played during the showing of a film . If the film was showing moonlight on the sea ,the music was gentle and sweet. If there was a fight or a storm ,the music was loud and noisy.
Работа по тексту Раздала группам разрезанный текст
1 Дети собрали текст
2 Озаглавили каждый абзац
3 Затем они устно отвечали на следующие вопросы
Answer the questions
1 What do you know about the first cinema?
2 Why do you think the first film was documentary?
3 Which film genre you prefer (documentary, thrillers, adventure, popular science)
Работа в тетради
Buying a television. Work in 3 groups
I group –Give reasons for buying a television.
II group – Give reasons for not buying a television.
III group- observers
Работа с одаренными детьми
- Группа девочек исполнила песню Селин Дион из кинофильма «Титаник»
III. Match the word and its definition: (one definition is extra):
10) Producer a) a place where cinema films are made;
11) Comedy b) a funny film with a happy ending;
12) Musical c) a film about cowboys and life in the Wild West;
13) Studio d) a well-known actor or actress in cinema pictures;
14) Film star e) a film with songs and often dances;
15) Role f) a theatre where moving pictures are shown;
16) Cinema g) a person who has general control, especially of
money for a film;
h) the part of an actor or an actress in a film.
IV. Match A and B parts of the film titles:
17) The Sleeping
18) Snow White and
19) The Beauty and
20) The Three
21) The Jungle
22) 101
23) Holidays
24) The Wizard
25) Romeo and
a) Juliet
b) the Beast
c) Book
d) Beauty
e) the Seven Dwarfs
f) in Prostokvashino
g) Musketeers
h) Dalmatians
i) of Oz
Key for test
1 g 6h 11 g
2 b 7 f (c-extra) 12 c
3 e 8 d 13 h
4 a 9 e 14 f
5 d 10 b 15 i
Спасибо за внимание!!!