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Презентация по английскому языку "Discourse and debate"

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Debating rules will vary from one competition to another, and there are several formats for debates. Debates can involve single-member teams or teams that include several students.•At a debate, one team will argue in favor (pro) and the other will argue in opposition (con). Sometimes each tea m member speaks, and sometimes the team selects one member to speak for the entire team.

Research has shown that participation in debates increases students' academic performance and increases their chances of earning a college degree.

Urban debate teams are making a strong comeback.

A school team will prepare to compete in local, regional, and national tournaments.

Презентация Discourse and debate

Studies of discourse have roots in a range of theoretical traditions that investigate the relations between language, structure and agency. The notion of 'discourse' is the subject of heated debate. It has become one of the key critical terms in the vocabulary of the humanities and the social sciences, so it is not surprising that it is contentious.

Содержимое разработки

A debate is an argument with rules

A debate is an argument with rules

What Is a Debate?    A debate is a contest, or, perhaps, like a game, where two or more speakers present their arguments intent on persuading one another.

What Is a Debate?

A debate is a contest, or, perhaps, like a game, where two or more speakers present their arguments intent on persuading one another.

Debating rules will vary from one competition to another, and there are several formats for debates. Debates can involve single-member teams or teams that include several students.

Debating rules will vary from one competition to another, and there are several formats for debates. Debates can involve single-member teams or teams that include several students.

At a debate, one team will argue in favor (pro) and the other will argue in opposition (con). Sometimes each team member speaks, and sometimes the team selects one member to speak for the entire team.
  • At a debate, one team will argue in favor (pro) and the other will argue in opposition (con). Sometimes each team member speaks, and sometimes the team selects one member to speak for the entire team.
A typical debate includes: Students hear the topic and take positions (pro and con) Teams discuss their topics and come up with statements Teams deliver their statements and offer main points Students discuss the opposition's argument and come up with rebuttals Rebuttals delivered

A typical debate includes:

  • Students hear the topic and take positions (pro and con)
  • Teams discuss their topics and come up with statements
  • Teams deliver their statements and offer main points
  • Students discuss the opposition's argument and come up with rebuttals
  • Rebuttals delivered
Debate Facts   Research has shown that participation in debates increases students' academic performance and increases their chances of earning a college degree. Urban debate teams are making a strong comeback. A school team will prepare to compete in local, regional, and national tournaments.

Debate Facts

  • Research has shown that participation in debates increases students' academic performance and increases their chances of earning a college degree.
  • Urban debate teams are making a strong comeback.
  • A school team will prepare to compete in local, regional, and national tournaments.
Students benefit from preparing for debates by honing their research skills. Students also benefit from the experience of speaking in public . Students can start a debate team in their own schools. If you are interested, you should do some research to find out how to start a club in your school.
  • Students benefit from preparing for debates by honing their research skills.
  • Students also benefit from the experience of speaking in public .
  • Students can start a debate team in their own schools. If you are interested, you should do some research to find out how to start a club in your school.
Team Policy Debate Lincoln-Douglas (LD) Debate  National Debate Tournament (NDT) Cross Examination Debate Association (CEDA) Parliamentary Debate
  • Team Policy Debate
  • Lincoln-Douglas (LD) Debate
  • National Debate Tournament (NDT)
  • Cross Examination Debate Association (CEDA)
  • Parliamentary Debate
Studies of discourse have roots in a range of theoretical traditions that investigate the relations between language, structure and agency. The notion of 'discourse' is the subject of heated debate. It has become one of the key critical terms in the vocabulary of the humanities and the social sciences, so it is not surprising that it is contentious.
  • Studies of discourse have roots in a range of theoretical traditions that investigate the relations between language, structure and agency. The notion of 'discourse' is the subject of heated debate. It has become one of the key critical terms in the vocabulary of the humanities and the social sciences, so it is not surprising that it is contentious.
Approaches that are commonly included under the term 'discourse studies' (or have overlapping concerns) include critical discourse analysis, critical linguistics, text linguistics, conversation analysis, ethno  methodology, discursive psychology, stylistics, genre studies, mediated discourse analysis, discourse theory, sociolinguistics, rhetorical analysis, argumentation theory, polyphony theory... 
  • Approaches that are commonly included under the term 'discourse studies' (or have overlapping concerns) include critical discourse analysis, critical linguistics, text linguistics, conversation analysis, ethno methodology, discursive psychology, stylistics, genre studies, mediated discourse analysis, discourse theory, sociolinguistics, rhetorical analysis, argumentation theory, polyphony theory... 
According to the proposed pragmatically-oriented characterization, discourse consists of contextualized utterances (text) that serve a certain primary communicative purpose.
  • According to the proposed pragmatically-oriented characterization, discourse consists of contextualized utterances (text) that serve a certain primary communicative purpose.
Conclusion  Using debates in class is very important to improve students communicative skills.

Conclusion Using debates in class is very important to improve students communicative skills.

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Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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