Shifting gender roles and stigmas:
eternal war of sexes or at a quick pace to cooperation and harmony!
Supervisor: Olga Peshcherskaya
Our aim
Carry out in-depth analysis of changing gender roles and to prove that the existence of some mistaken beliefs, as a result, the tendency of both sexes to measure up to exacting social standards, prevent males and females from the right interaction and cooperation.
Our side tasks
- To find, select out and generalize information on this theme
- To define some theoretical terms on the theme
- To clarify obvious physiological , behavioural and psychological differences between genders
- to reveal and debunk some gender long-held stereotypes about both sexes and prove their negative impact on gender relations and attitude society to genders
- To come to the conclusions
Our hypothesis
To prove that not only society has an impact on changing gender roles and functions but also personal narrative gender stereotypes define gender relations in every society and have direct effect on the social development of our civilization and formation of non-verbal models of behaviour
Topicality and novelty
This investigation is at the interface of several fundamentals: moral philosophy, sociology, social studies and female studies. This problem aroused heated debates because interaction of genders has a dramatic impact on all spheres of life: employment, social life, education, leisure time, family , personal communication and self-development.
The plan of my project
- Introduction
- Methodological characteristics
- Theoretical background
- Practical part
- Conclusion
- Applications
- Glossary
Theoretical part
Gender is the range of characteristics pertaining to, and differentiating between, masculinity and femininity.
On the one hand, gender is a combination of biological and physiological differences between males and females.
On the other hand, gender is a mixture of psychological and social peculiarities which define and direct the behaviour of both genders in society and the fact how this behaviour is regarded by others.
Gender stereotyping defines differences and attributes of a certain group based on their gender.
Gender roles can be identified as the set of behaviors and attitudes expected of male and female members of a society by that society.
The interlinked nature of women's and men's roles and groupthinks implies that changes in one must necessarily be accompanied by changes in the other.
Gender differences
Sex differences (male—female) exist at the:
- genetic
- morphological
- physiological
- psychological social levels
Obvious physiological differences
Males tend to do slightly better in Maths
Females do slightly better with languages
Standardized intelligence tests show no statistically significant difference between males and females.
Eyesight is sharper
Memory is better
Hearts are bigger
Level of hemoglobin is higher
Hearing is more delicate
Have a smaller hippocampus and a shallower limbic system
Level of hemoglobin is lower
Have a larger hippocampus and a deeper limbic system
Men tend to have better spatial abilities.
Women are more likely to suffer from mood disorders.
Men have weaker impulse control.
Women handle stress better than men.
Psychological differences
Male peculiarities
Female features
1.Discrete perception
2. Slower central processing through a system of terms
1.Gestalt perception
2.Faster central processing through a system of images
3.The main emotions are excitement, enjoyment, happiness mostly in impressive inner plan
3. List of emotions; fears, grief, anger , rage in expressive outer plan
4.A sense of unity , solidarity and integration with nature are women’s prerogative
5. A sense is nothing for us, only expression of our emotions in speech makes sense.
4.A male tends to a sense of individuality, isolation and ego-centrism
6. Intellection is emotional, intuitional and eye-mindedness
5.Males are interested in a semantic side of speech
7. Intelligence is non-verbal, with intuitive component , practical
6. Intellection is rational and logically abstract
8. Involuntary memory which is based on images and feelings
9. Less physical activity, extravert type of communication
7. Intelligence is verbal, theoretical and logical
8. Arbitrary memory is based on figures, formulae, words
9. Physical activity is too energetic, introvert type of communication
Some behavioral differences
- Men being more likely to be better at learning and performing a single task at hand and women being more likely to exhibit superior memory and social cognition skills.
- If a man gets lost, he will remember the direction of movement and distance travelled, and the woman – objects-landmarks.
- The woman often remembers all the details, man enough summarizing thoughts.
- Men perceive information more quickly, and therefore react more quickly but women are able to perceive several information flows, and men get annoyed when they have to do something "at the same time".
- Men are stronger in Sciences, and women are better humanitarians
- Women are more talkative. Women use almost three times more words per day than men. Such sociability is connected with the work of the pleasure center in the brain.
In –between conclusion
Exposed differences on various levels predefine and even impose on gender stereotypes, requirements to expected gender behaviours and make both sexes behave in a certain, exactable way regardless of all life changes and preferences of inbuilt dispositions.
For better understanding the subject lets turn to history.
Since ancient times, men appear to us as hunters and breadwinners. An image of a man-hunter and man head of the family appeared long before notions like «society» ,«family»
In the Middle ages because of the impact of religion the common stereotype about «fallen women» and «man savior» came up. It was considered that female body is an under-developed variety of a man’s body. The main role of woman was giving birth and nursing. Since those times, the role of females has been constantly changing.
Male gender role nowadays: Rush after the development of society!
Image of co-called macho or a “tough nut”
The main factors of male role norms:
1. Status norm (standard of successfulness and prosperity)
2. Standard of firmness and restraint
3. Standard of anti-femininity and macho image
The norm of successfulness is a gender stereotype stating that the social value of a man is determined by his salary, well-being and success at work.
Negative impact of status norm
So, a male has to choose his job taking into account material compensation and promotion without his interests and preferences (no self-actualization).
The main duty of the man in the family to be a breadwinner and bring salary regularly, negatively affects the performance of parental functions
Most men are not able to 100% match this stigma and that’s why they have a low self-esteem
Financial situation put pressure on pressure the men whose wives are sitting at home and not working. If a few people are totally dependent on you economically, it's a lot of pressure.
Standard of firmness
- Physical firmness (a man must have physical strength and high biological activity)
- Intellectual firmness (a man should be knowledgeable and competent enough to find the way out)
- Emotional firmness (a man should experience few feelings or hide them)
Negative influence
1)The popularity of bodybuilding causes the fact that self-esteem of men who are not physically strong, although drops dramatically, makes them use unhealthy methods
2) Now physical attractiveness is more valuable for the opposite sex than intellectual fulfillment or moral principles.
3)To avoid the risk of imbalance, some men try not to be open-hearted and frank, never share their problems and emotions.
Standard of anti-femininity
The stereotype that men should avoid women's specific types of activities and models of behaviour.
Negative aspect of this stigma
1.Femiphobia – fear of appearing feminine, which is probably connected with the stereotype of the theory of sexual inversion, according to which femininity in men is a sign of homosexuality.
2. Exaggerated masculine behavior of all kinds.
3.Men are expected to exert greater control over their emotions, so wу can see the manifestation of anger, aggressiveness and impulsiveness is encouraged
4.Many men fail to be a good father cause think that love, tender, emotional support and hugs are demonstrations of femininity.
5.The anti-gender norm can also resist equality in household duties, as men associate housework with women and femininity.
The results of gender-role conflict
1.The male gender role is often a cause of anxiety and tension.
2. Gender-role conflict is reflected both in the intrapersonal and interpersonal spheres. People have anxiety, depression, decreased self-esteem and stress.
3. In the field of interpersonal intimacy is suffering, and reduced satisfaction with relationships, there are conflicts at work.
Female gender role: struggle for equality!
Restriction due to expected female functions
A woman is believed to be a mother, a housewife (or domestic goddess) and a workwoman.
40 percent of women are housewives in Russia, in the USA only 7 percent of families where a husband works, while wife is sitting at home with children.
Housewife syndrome: psychological problems of unemployed women.
In 1963 Betty Friedan's book " Special gift of the woman" was published. The main problem was that
- women served the needs of others mostly and were not supposed to have their own identities.
- All "Keepers of the hearth" are "thrown overboard", they stand aside from the most important events in people's lives and therefore does not feel like a full-fledged person
Housewives feel constant social isolation. The feeling of social isolation is enhanced by such factors as:
- The restriction of freedom of movement
- Life in city
- A large number of working women around
- Constant attention required by young children
Psychological troubles of a working woman
One of the significant limitations imposed by the traditional female role in our time is that a working women continues to bear the burden of household chores and responsibilities for children. After working a shift outside the house, the woman comes home and works the second shift. This " second shift "is the reason for the "gap in rest time" between men and women.
Difference in job reward between genders
Although women's job compensation has risen since 1979, when the average salary of a woman was only 60 percent of the average salary of a man, women, especially of non-European origin, still dominate low-paid jobs and can’t be competitive with males applying for the same job position.
Explanations of the differences in job reward
There are the most common explanations for the different salaries of men and women:
- women are paid less because they choose lower-paying jobs
- women were less valuable because of their lack of experience and skills
- women are paid less because they expect less and agree to lower salaries
- Their expect to stay much time at home with a medical sick-leave certificate
Phenomenon of “The glass ceiling”
Just as in political structures, in the workplace and in business, men enjoy far more power than women.39% of managers in the US are women (which is 26% more than in 1978), but the higher we go up the ranks, the fewer women we meet: only 1-2% of top management positions in companies are women.
Women who are eager to make a career in the firm, often face the phenomenon of "glass ceiling". The "glass ceiling" - a term proposed by Lynn Martin to refer to artificially created barriers based on prejudices that do not allow skilled workers, primarily women and sex minorities to get promoted and hold senior positions in their organizations.
Percentage of women in different professions
Most of the most prestigious professions in our society are literally occupied by men: 80% of researchers, 84% of doctors, 61% of University and College professors are men, 78% of lawyers and judges, 87% of architects and 94% of engineers are also men
Thus, it is clear that the most reliable explanations of the obviously low status of women in organizations, as compared to men, are situational rather than intrapersonal factors.
General conclusion
Shifting in gender roles and appearance of new stigmas are unavoidable process of the present time but males and females shouldn’t compete or measure swords with each other ,they should do their best to realize their potential, lead a fulfill life and keep their natural essences and all-time, changeless differential features, functions, roles not to come undone
Personal conclusion
Some unpreventable changes in society and relations between genders lead to changes in gender stereotypes and our behavioral expectations. Every person shouldn’t play up his life, world outlooks or choices to any stigmas and we shouldn’t try to live up to social expectations or demands of our society cause it can be behind all changes .
You should play your gender role and function based on universal moral values, your likings and preferences and keep your character regardless crowd’s opinion and even social disapproval. Push the boundaries and break false and wrong stereotypes, paddle your own canoe and you will be successful in all spheres of life!
Thank you for your attention!