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Презентация по английскому языку "Aliens"

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Alien — a cultural phenomenon, the representative of a reasonable extraterrestrial civilization. The concept "alien" can be replaced also with the word "newcomer". The existing concept "sleepwalker" is now out-of-date and designates the person sick with a sleep-walking rather.

презентация Aliens

In human culture the alien more often in the form of the humanoid . There was a peculiar "classical" image ("heat") the alien as humanoid  with the flabby body, the covered skin gray or light green color, without  a scalp and with it is disproportionate  the big head on which there are huge slanting eyes of black color and an almond-shaped form, without pupils.

The alien humanoid, as a rule, differs a  walk on to leg, the expressed bottom and top extremities, the pair external signs focused on a vertical axis.

The classical image of the alien also is characterized by unevident absence at it as at a species of signs of a biological floor thanks to lack of accurately expressed external genitals and sexual dimorphism as the majority of descriptions of appearance and behavior of aliens represents them as beings of a neutral gender, sexless and depersonalized.

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Alien — a cultural phenomenon, the representative of a reasonable extraterrestrial civilization. The concept

Alien — a cultural phenomenon, the representative of a reasonable extraterrestrial civilization. The concept "alien" can be replaced also with the word "newcomer". The existing concept "sleepwalker" is now out-of-date and designates the person sick with a sleep-walking rather.

In human culture the alien more often in the form of the humanoid . There was a peculiar

In human culture the alien more

often in the form of the humanoid

. There was a peculiar "classical"

image ("heat") the alien as humanoid

with the flabby body, the covered

skin gray or light green color, without

a scalp and with it is disproportionate

the big head on which there are huge

slanting eyes of black color and an

almond-shaped form, without pupils.

The alien humanoid, as a rule, differs a

walk on to leg, the expressed bottom

and top extremities, the pair external signs focused on a vertical axis.

The classical image of the alien also is characterized by unevident

absence at it as at a species of signs of a biological floor thanks to

lack of accurately expressed external genitals and sexual dimorphism

as the majority of descriptions of appearance and behavior of aliens

represents them as beings of a neutral gender, sexless and depersonalized.

In art culture (books, films, comics) images of aliens considerably vary. If some types of aliens are designated, images are often similar to terrestrial animals, in many cases — monkeys or insects (as a rule, as terrestrial analog of the last insects with the developed public organization and xenophobia — such as ants and bees that corresponds to an image of the huge collective reason refusing contact to other types and waging with them infinite destructive wars) drawn in an art fantasy appear.
  • In art culture (books, films, comics) images of aliens considerably vary. If some types of aliens are designated, images are often similar to terrestrial animals, in many cases — monkeys or insects (as a rule, as terrestrial analog of the last insects with the developed public organization and xenophobia — such as ants and bees that corresponds to an image of the huge collective reason refusing contact to other types and waging with them infinite destructive wars) drawn in an art fantasy appear.
Sometimes aliens are thought as pure incorporeal reason or consisting of a monotonous amorphous substance. In some cases morphology of aliens not clear, but they accept human or humanoid shape to simplify to themselves contact to people.

Sometimes aliens are thought as pure incorporeal reason or consisting of a monotonous amorphous substance. In some cases morphology of aliens not clear, but they accept human or humanoid shape to simplify to themselves contact to people.

The image of the alien strongly differs depending on that, the first contact to extraterrestrial race or the far future in which such contacts are the ordinary is represented. Practically always at the image of the first contact the alien in an image of the humanoid though exceptions (for example — the American TV series of the 60th years

The image of the alien strongly differs depending on that, the first contact to extraterrestrial race or the far future in which such contacts are the ordinary is represented. Practically always at the image of the first contact the alien in an image of the humanoid though exceptions (for example — the American TV series of the 60th years "Aliens") meet. More often, in a situation of the first contact aliens appear as aggressive force which can destroy mankind. Sensibleness of such actions, as a rule, remains on conscience of the author — in certain cases aliens aspire to grasp Earth, being guided by accurate motives (passion to a gain, need of receiving resources), sometimes — without realizing banefulness of the actions for mankind.

At the image of the far future the imagination goes further. In such cases the coexistence of people of Earth with several other civilizations is usually represented. It forces authors to vary images of aliens. Almost in all cases they are guided by features of human consciousness — negative characters appear in an image of ugly humanoids, reptiles or beings not subject to human reason. Positive characters are similar to ideal people or positive beings from human mythology more often.

At the image of the far future the imagination goes further. In such cases the coexistence of people of Earth with several other civilizations is usually represented. It forces authors to vary images of aliens. Almost in all cases they are guided by features of human consciousness — negative characters appear in an image of ugly humanoids, reptiles or beings not subject to human reason. Positive characters are similar to ideal people or positive beings from human mythology more often.

Sometimes images of aliens differ a peculiar originality — for example, they move not by means of extremities, and by means of a wheel located in the lower part of a body. Also, proceeding from a hypothesis of an extraterrestrial origin of the person, sometimes to aliens functions of the creator are attributed. So in «Travel the eighth» «Iyon Tikhogo's star diaries» Stanislav Lem two unlucky alien astronauts Ospod and Pogg for the sake of an entertainment splash out slops with microflora on a desert planet (ancient Earth) therefore life there arises .

Sometimes images of aliens differ a peculiar originality — for example, they move not by means of extremities, and by means of a wheel located in the lower part of a body. Also, proceeding from a hypothesis of an extraterrestrial origin of the person, sometimes to aliens functions of the creator are attributed. So in «Travel the eighth» «Iyon Tikhogo's star diaries» Stanislav Lem two unlucky alien astronauts Ospod and Pogg for the sake of an entertainment splash out slops with microflora on a desert planet (ancient Earth) therefore life there arises .

In human culture the alien personifies something novel, new feelings bearing with and potential danger. It is at the same time attractive and frightening image which is successfully maintained by modern mass culture. On the other hand, the alien often personified the reasonable being who is usually possessing high level of intellectual development and culture. Science fiction writers repeatedly brought an attention to the question of possibility of contact to extraterrestrial beings, describing difficulties of interaction of independently developing cultures and benefit from their cooperation.

In human culture the alien personifies something novel, new feelings bearing with and potential danger. It is at the same time attractive and frightening image which is successfully maintained by modern mass culture. On the other hand, the alien often personified the reasonable being who is usually possessing high level of intellectual development and culture. Science fiction writers repeatedly brought an attention to the question of possibility of contact to extraterrestrial beings, describing difficulties of interaction of independently developing cultures and benefit from their cooperation.

Philosopher N.N.Strakhov pointed to relationship in human consciousness of belief in existence of gods, spirits on the one hand and aliens with another: Whether such deep contents is in life, what it can't be limited to those forms in which it is shown on the earth, what it should in equal, or even the best forms to be found on other stars? Perhaps, life even is absolutely inexhaustible, so however many was stars and planets, for it everything will be a little, and never will be in time will be expressed in all the completeness?

Philosopher N.N.Strakhov pointed to relationship in human consciousness of belief in existence of gods, spirits on the one hand and aliens with another: Whether such deep contents is in life, what it can't be limited to those forms in which it is shown on the earth, what it should in equal, or even the best forms to be found on other stars? Perhaps, life even is absolutely inexhaustible, so however many was stars and planets, for it everything will be a little, and never will be in time will be expressed in all the completeness?

Such understanding of life, such desire to imagine other life — here, undoubtedly, the main basis on which we occupy planets inhabitants … If before from this aspirations were born the Olympic gods, or spirits underground, water and air, nowadays when more exact researches proved lack of these beings in the specified places, we, being conformed to discoveries, found that this other, not our life, instead of the Olympus, air and water, can be located on other planets.

Such understanding of life, such desire to imagine other life — here, undoubtedly, the main basis on which we occupy planets inhabitants … If before from this aspirations were born the Olympic gods, or spirits underground, water and air, nowadays when more exact researches proved lack of these beings in the specified places, we, being conformed to discoveries, found that this other, not our life, instead of the Olympus, air and water, can be located on other planets.

Happy End

Happy End

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