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Презентация к уроку английского языка по теме «Потерянный рай Джона Мильтона»

Презентация способствует развитию навыков чтения на общее понимание оригинального текста классической английской литературы, познакомит с культурным и литературным наследием страны изучаемого языка.

Описание разработки

Цели урока:

Развитие навыков чтения на общее понимание оригинального текста классической английской литературы.

Знакомство с культурным и литературным наследием страны изучаемого языка

На уроке учащиеся самостоятельно формулируют тему. Рассматривается картина художника середины 17-начала 18 века Джордано, часть которой скрыта. Работая в группах, учащиеся восстанавливают часть картины и увидев её целиком, обращаются к оригинальному литературному произведению, по сюжету которого была написана картина. Учащиеся слушают отрывок текста в записи, выполняют упражнение на понимание текста. В конце урока проводится рефлексия.

Luca Giordano (1632-1705) was one of the most productive painters of all time and a distinguished representative of the Baroque period.

Jesus at the Sea.

The Holy family.

The Prayer in the Garden.

Gatchina Palace and Estate Museum

Презентация к уроку английского языка по теме Потерянный рай Джона Мильтона

The second and the largest room features the work of 17th and 18th century European masters. European paintings comprised the core of collections in Russian palaces throughout the 18th century. Expulsion from Paradise by Luca Giordanno is from Count Orlov’s collection.

Adam and Eve



Pandemonium = chaos

Beelzebub - a name for the Devil.

Sin and Death – Satan`s children

Hell and Earth


Night and Chaos

Archangel Uriel - one of the seven Archangels that stand at the throne of the God Creator

Tree of Life, Tree of Knowledge


Gabriel - the angel

Raphael - one of the seven archangels

serpent - a large snake.

Enoch - the eldest son of Cain

Noah - the tenth and last of the pre-flood Patriarchs.

Содержимое разработки

Авторская разработка открытого урока для 7Б класса по теме «Потерянный рай Джона Мильтона»   Английский язык.  учитель: Пехтерева Анна Евгеньевна

Авторская разработка открытого урока для 7Б класса по теме «Потерянный рай Джона Мильтона»

Английский язык.

учитель: Пехтерева Анна Евгеньевна

Цели урока: - развитие навыков чтения на общее понимание оригинального текста классической английской литературы. -Знакомство с культурным и литературным наследием страны изучаемого языка На уроке учащиеся самостоятельно формулируют тему. Рассматривается картина художника середины 17-начала 18 века Джордано, часть которой скрыта. Работая в группах, учащиеся восстанавливают часть картины и увидев её целиком, обращаются к оригинальному литературному произведению, по сюжету которого была написана картина. Учащиеся слушают отрывок текста в записи, выполняют упражнение на понимание текста. В конце урока проводится рефлексия.

Цели урока:

- развитие навыков чтения на общее понимание оригинального текста классической английской литературы.

-Знакомство с культурным и литературным наследием страны изучаемого языка

На уроке учащиеся самостоятельно формулируют тему. Рассматривается картина художника середины 17-начала 18 века Джордано, часть которой скрыта. Работая в группах, учащиеся восстанавливают часть картины и увидев её целиком, обращаются к оригинальному литературному произведению, по сюжету которого была написана картина. Учащиеся слушают отрывок текста в записи, выполняют упражнение на понимание текста. В конце урока проводится рефлексия.

Luca Giordano (1632-1705) was one of the most productive painters of all time and a distinguished representative of the Baroque period.

Luca Giordano (1632-1705) was one of the most productive painters of all time and a distinguished representative of the Baroque period.

 Jesus at the Sea

Jesus at the Sea

 The Holy family

The Holy family

 The Prayer in the Garden

The Prayer in the Garden

 Gatchina Palace and Estate Museum          The second and the largest room features the work of 17th and 18th century European masters. European paintings comprised the core of collections in Russian palaces throughout the 18th century. Expulsion from Paradise by Luca Giordanno is from Count Orlov’s collection.

Gatchina Palace and Estate Museum The second and the largest room features the work of 17th and 18th century European masters. European paintings comprised the core of collections in Russian palaces throughout the 18th century. Expulsion from Paradise by Luca Giordanno is from Count Orlov’s collection.

Adam and Eve  God  Satan  Pandemonium = chaos  Beelzebub - a name for the Devil.  Sin and Death – Satan`s children  Hell and Earth  Paradise  Night and Chaos  Archangel Uriel - one of the seven Archangels that stand at the throne of the God Creator  Tree of Life, Tree of Knowledge  Garden  Gabriel - the angel  Raphael - one of the seven archangels  serpent - a large snake.  Enoch - the eldest son of Cain  Noah - the tenth and last of the pre-flood Patriarchs

Adam and Eve God Satan Pandemonium = chaos Beelzebub - a name for the Devil. Sin and Death – Satan`s children Hell and Earth Paradise Night and Chaos Archangel Uriel - one of the seven Archangels that stand at the throne of the God Creator Tree of Life, Tree of Knowledge Garden Gabriel - the angel Raphael - one of the seven archangels serpent - a large snake. Enoch - the eldest son of Cain Noah - the tenth and last of the pre-flood Patriarchs

Nimrod - a king who was rebellious against God  Tower of Babel - a tower built in an attempt to reach heaven, which God frustrated by confusing the languages of its builders  Moses - prophet who led the Israelites across the desert toward the Promised Land. During the journey he was inspired by God on Mount Sinai to write down the Ten Commandments on tablets of stone  Israelites

Nimrod - a king who was rebellious against God Tower of Babel - a tower built in an attempt to reach heaven, which God frustrated by confusing the languages of its builders Moses - prophet who led the Israelites across the desert toward the Promised Land. During the journey he was inspired by God on Mount Sinai to write down the Ten Commandments on tablets of stone Israelites

Milton’s speaker begins Paradise Lost by stating that his subject will be Adam and Eve’s disobedience and fall from grace. He invokes a heavenly muse and asks for help in relating his ambitious story and God’s plan for humankind. The action begins with Satan and his fellow rebel angels who are found chained to a lake of fire in Hell. They quickly free themselves and fly to land, where they discover minerals and construct Pandemonium, which will be their meeting place. Inside Pandemonium, the rebel angels, who are now devils, debate whether they should begin another war with God.  disobedience – непослушание rebel - мятежник

Milton’s speaker begins Paradise Lost by stating that his subject will be Adam and Eve’s disobedience and fall from grace. He invokes a heavenly muse and asks for help in relating his ambitious story and God’s plan for humankind. The action begins with Satan and his fellow rebel angels who are found chained to a lake of fire in Hell. They quickly free themselves and fly to land, where they discover minerals and construct Pandemonium, which will be their meeting place. Inside Pandemonium, the rebel angels, who are now devils, debate whether they should begin another war with God. disobedience – непослушание rebel - мятежник

Beezelbub suggests that they attempt to corrupt God’s beloved new creation, humankind. Satan agrees, and volunteers to go himself. As he prepares to leave Hell, he is met at the gates by his children, Sin and Death, who follow him and build a bridge between Hell and Earth.

Beezelbub suggests that they attempt to corrupt God’s beloved new creation, humankind. Satan agrees, and volunteers to go himself. As he prepares to leave Hell, he is met at the gates by his children, Sin and Death, who follow him and build a bridge between Hell and Earth.

In Heaven, God orders the angels together for a council of their own. He tells them of Satan’s intentions, and the Son volunteers himself to make the sacrifice for humankind. Meanwhile, Satan travels through Night and Chaos and finds Earth. He disguises himself as a cherub to get past the Archangel Uriel, who stands guard at the sun. He tells Uriel that he wishes to see and praise God’s glorious creation, and Uriel assents . Satan then lands on Earth. Seeing the splendor of Paradise brings him pain rather than pleasure.  sacrifice – жертва cherub – херувим disguise – маскировать   assent- соглашаться

In Heaven, God orders the angels together for a council of their own. He tells them of Satan’s intentions, and the Son volunteers himself to make the sacrifice for humankind. Meanwhile, Satan travels through Night and Chaos and finds Earth. He disguises himself as a cherub to get past the Archangel Uriel, who stands guard at the sun. He tells Uriel that he wishes to see and praise God’s glorious creation, and Uriel assents . Satan then lands on Earth. Seeing the splendor of Paradise brings him pain rather than pleasure. sacrifice – жертва cherub – херувим disguise – маскировать assent- соглашаться

Satan leaps over Paradise’s wall, takes the form of a large bird, and perches himself atop the Tree of Life. Looking down at Satan from his post, Uriel notices something strange in the face of this so-called cherub. The other angels agree to search the Garden for intruders .  leap – прыгать perch – взгромоздиться intruder - самозванец

Satan leaps over Paradise’s wall, takes the form of a large bird, and perches himself atop the Tree of Life. Looking down at Satan from his post, Uriel notices something strange in the face of this so-called cherub. The other angels agree to search the Garden for intruders . leap – прыгать perch – взгромоздиться intruder - самозванец

Meanwhile, Adam and Eve tend the Garden, carefully obeying God’s supreme order not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Satan takes the form of a toad and whispers into Eve’s ear. Gabriel, the angel set to guard Paradise, finds Satan there and orders him to leave. Satan prepares to battle Gabriel, but God makes a sign appear in the sky—the golden scales of justice—and Satan scurries  away . Eve tells Adam about a dream she had, in which an angel tempted her to eat from the forbidden tree. Worried about his creation, God sends Raphael down to Earth to teach Adam and Eve of the dangers they face with Satan.  toad – жаба scurry away – убегать tempted - искушать

Meanwhile, Adam and Eve tend the Garden, carefully obeying God’s supreme order not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Satan takes the form of a toad and whispers into Eve’s ear. Gabriel, the angel set to guard Paradise, finds Satan there and orders him to leave. Satan prepares to battle Gabriel, but God makes a sign appear in the sky—the golden scales of justice—and Satan scurries away . Eve tells Adam about a dream she had, in which an angel tempted her to eat from the forbidden tree. Worried about his creation, God sends Raphael down to Earth to teach Adam and Eve of the dangers they face with Satan. toad – жаба scurry away – убегать tempted - искушать

Raphael arrives on Earth and eats a meal with Adam and Eve. Raphael relates the story of Satan’s envy over the Son’s appointment as God’s second-in-command. Satan gathered other angels together who were also angry to hear this news, and together they plotted a war against God. The angels then begin to fight. The battle lasts for two days, when God sends the Son to end the war and deliver Satan and his rebel angels to Hell.  envy – зависть appointment - назначение

Raphael arrives on Earth and eats a meal with Adam and Eve. Raphael relates the story of Satan’s envy over the Son’s appointment as God’s second-in-command. Satan gathered other angels together who were also angry to hear this news, and together they plotted a war against God. The angels then begin to fight. The battle lasts for two days, when God sends the Son to end the war and deliver Satan and his rebel angels to Hell. envy – зависть appointment - назначение

Raphael tells Adam about Satan’s evil motives to corrupt them, and warns Adam to watch out for Satan. Adam asks Raphael to tell him the story of creation. Raphael tells Adam that God sent the Son into Chaos to create the universe . He created the earth and stars and other planets. Curious, Adam asks Raphael about the movement of the stars and planets. Eve retires , allowing Raphael and Adam to speak alone. Raphael tells Adam that he will learn all he needs to know, and that any other knowledge is not meant for humans to comprehend.  universe – вселенная retire – удаляться

Raphael tells Adam about Satan’s evil motives to corrupt them, and warns Adam to watch out for Satan. Adam asks Raphael to tell him the story of creation. Raphael tells Adam that God sent the Son into Chaos to create the universe . He created the earth and stars and other planets. Curious, Adam asks Raphael about the movement of the stars and planets. Eve retires , allowing Raphael and Adam to speak alone. Raphael tells Adam that he will learn all he needs to know, and that any other knowledge is not meant for humans to comprehend. universe – вселенная retire – удаляться

Eight days after his banishment , Satan returns to Paradise. He takes the form of the serpent. Satan searches for Eve and is delighted to find her alone. In the form of a serpent, he talks to Eve and compliments her on her beauty. She is amazed to find an animal that can speak. She asks how he learned to speak, and he tells her that it was by eating from the Tree of Knowledge. He tells Eve that God actually wants her and Adam to eat from the tree, and that his order is merely a test of their courage . She is hesitant at first but then reaches for a fruit from the Tree of Knowledge and eats. Adam is horrified to find that Eve has eaten from the forbidden tree. Knowing that she has fallen, he decides that he would rather be fallen with her than remain pure and lose her. So he eats from the tree as well.  banishment – изгнание courage – мужество  hesitant - нерешительный

Eight days after his banishment , Satan returns to Paradise. He takes the form of the serpent. Satan searches for Eve and is delighted to find her alone. In the form of a serpent, he talks to Eve and compliments her on her beauty. She is amazed to find an animal that can speak. She asks how he learned to speak, and he tells her that it was by eating from the Tree of Knowledge. He tells Eve that God actually wants her and Adam to eat from the tree, and that his order is merely a test of their courage . She is hesitant at first but then reaches for a fruit from the Tree of Knowledge and eats. Adam is horrified to find that Eve has eaten from the forbidden tree. Knowing that she has fallen, he decides that he would rather be fallen with her than remain pure and lose her. So he eats from the tree as well. banishment – изгнание courage – мужество hesitant - нерешительный

God immediately knows of their disobedience. He tells the angels in Heaven that Adam and Eve must be punished. He sends the Son to give out the punishments . The Son first punishes the serpent whose body Satan took, and condemns it never to walk upright again. Then the Son tells Adam and Eve that they must now suffer pain and death.  punishment – наказание condemn - обрекать

God immediately knows of their disobedience. He tells the angels in Heaven that Adam and Eve must be punished. He sends the Son to give out the punishments . The Son first punishes the serpent whose body Satan took, and condemns it never to walk upright again. Then the Son tells Adam and Eve that they must now suffer pain and death. punishment – наказание condemn - обрекать

God tells the angels to transform the Earth. After the fall, humankind must suffer hot and cold seasons . On Earth, Adam and Eve blame each other for their disobedience and become increasingly angry at one another. In a fit of rage, Adam wonders why God ever created Eve. Eve begs Adam not to abandon her. Together they pray to God.  abandon - покидать

God tells the angels to transform the Earth. After the fall, humankind must suffer hot and cold seasons . On Earth, Adam and Eve blame each other for their disobedience and become increasingly angry at one another. In a fit of rage, Adam wonders why God ever created Eve. Eve begs Adam not to abandon her. Together they pray to God. abandon - покидать

God hears their prayers, and sends Michael down to Earth. Michael arrives on Earth, and tells them that they must leave Paradise. But before they leave, Michael takes Adam up onto the highest hill, where he shows him a vision of humankind’s future. Adam sees the sins of his children, and his children’s children, and his first vision of death. Horrified, he asks Michael if there is any alternative to death. Adam sees the story of Noah and his family. Next is the vision of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel. This story explains why many languages are spoken on Earth today. Adam sees the Son’s sacrifice to save humankind. Led by Michael, Adam and Eve slowly leave Paradise hand in hand into a new world.  sin - грех

God hears their prayers, and sends Michael down to Earth. Michael arrives on Earth, and tells them that they must leave Paradise. But before they leave, Michael takes Adam up onto the highest hill, where he shows him a vision of humankind’s future. Adam sees the sins of his children, and his children’s children, and his first vision of death. Horrified, he asks Michael if there is any alternative to death. Adam sees the story of Noah and his family. Next is the vision of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel. This story explains why many languages are spoken on Earth today. Adam sees the Son’s sacrifice to save humankind. Led by Michael, Adam and Eve slowly leave Paradise hand in hand into a new world. sin - грех

Пой, Муза горняя! Сойди с вершин  Таинственных Синая иль Хорива,  Где был тобою пастырь вдохновлен,  Начально поучавший свой народ  Возникновенью Неба и Земли  Из Хаоса…

Пой, Муза горняя! Сойди с вершин Таинственных Синая иль Хорива, Где был тобою пастырь вдохновлен, Начально поучавший свой народ Возникновенью Неба и Земли Из Хаоса…

Sing, Heavenly Muse, that, on the secret top  Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire  That Shepherd who first taught the chosen seed  In the beginning how the heavens and earth  Rose out of Chaos…

Sing, Heavenly Muse, that, on the secret top Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire That Shepherd who first taught the chosen seed In the beginning how the heavens and earth Rose out of Chaos…

Но прежде ты, о Дух Святой! - ты храмам  Предпочитаешь чистые сердца,-  Наставь меня всеведеньем твоим!

Но прежде ты, о Дух Святой! - ты храмам Предпочитаешь чистые сердца,- Наставь меня всеведеньем твоим!

And chiefly Thou, O Spirit, that dost prefer  Before all temples the upright heart and pure,  Instruct me, for Thou know’st

And chiefly Thou, O Spirit, that dost prefer Before all temples the upright heart and pure, Instruct me, for Thou know’st

Открой сначала,- ибо Ад и Рай  Равно доступны взору Твоему,-  Что побудило первую чету,  В счастливой сени, средь блаженных кущ,  Столь взысканную милостью Небес,  Предавших Мирозданье ей во власть,  Отречься от Творца, Его запрет  Единственный нарушить?

Открой сначала,- ибо Ад и Рай Равно доступны взору Твоему,- Что побудило первую чету, В счастливой сени, средь блаженных кущ, Столь взысканную милостью Небес, Предавших Мирозданье ей во власть, Отречься от Творца, Его запрет Единственный нарушить?

Say first, for Heav'n hides nothing from thy view  Nor the deep Tract of Hell, say first what cause  Moved our Grand Parents in that happy State,  Favoured of Heav'n so highly, to fall off  From their Creator, and transgress his Will

Say first, for Heav'n hides nothing from thy view Nor the deep Tract of Hell, say first what cause Moved our Grand Parents in that happy State, Favoured of Heav'n so highly, to fall off From their Creator, and transgress his Will

    It was interesting for me to find out that…   ________________________________________________________________      It was rather difficult to…   ________________________________________________________________     Put a mark (10 points)   ________________________________________________________________

It was interesting for me to find out that… ________________________________________________________________ It was rather difficult to… ________________________________________________________________ Put a mark (10 points) ________________________________________________________________

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GINzUBvQ5nw   https://www.dartmouth.edu/~milton/reading_room/pl/book_1/text.shtml   http://literature.org/authors/milton-john/paradise-lost   https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Wiktionary:Main_Page   http://gatchinapalace.ru/en

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GINzUBvQ5nw https://www.dartmouth.edu/~milton/reading_room/pl/book_1/text.shtml http://literature.org/authors/milton-john/paradise-lost https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Wiktionary:Main_Page http://gatchinapalace.ru/en

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