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Present Perfect and Past Simple Verb Tenses

Упражнения для тренировки употребления времен Present Perfect and Past Simple

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Present Perfect and Simple Past Verb Tenses

C ircle the correct word or phrase from the brackets to complete each sentence. e.g. I ( have / has ) been to school today.

  1. My friends and I ( has / have ) made a den in the garden.

  2. The film ( has / have ) begun so come and sit down.

  3. He ( has / have ) lived there all his life.

  4. ( Has / Have ) you ever been to France?

  5. Mum and Dad ( has / have ) gone to the cinema tonight.

  6. The fox ( has / have ) eaten everything out of the bin.

  7. We ( has / have ) been to New York.

  8. We ( hasn’t / haven’t ) finished our project yet.

  9. My little sister ( hasn’t / haven’t ) started school because she’s only three.

  1. M y friends and I ( has / have ) made a den in the garden.

  2. T he film ( has / have ) begun so come and sit down.

  3. He ( has / have ) lived there all his life.

  4. ( Has / Have ) you ever been to France?

  5. M um and Dad ( has / have ) gone to the cinema tonight.

  6. The fox ( has / have ) eaten everything out of the bin.

  7. We ( has / have ) been to New York.

  8. W e ( hasn’t / haven’t ) finished our project yet.

  9. My little sister ( hasn’t / haven’t ) started school because she’s only three.

Choose the correct word or phrase from the brackets to complete each sentence. e.g. I ( went / have been ) to school yesterday.

  1. You need to line up because the bell ( rang / has rung ).

  2. Sam had a headache at lunchtime because he ( didn’t drink / hasn’t drunk ) enough water.

  3. If you ( finished / have finished ) your dinner, you can go out to play.

  4. I ( haven’t / didn’t have ) any money so I couldn’t buy an ice-cream.

  5. Ammara ( called / has called ) for you earlier but you weren’t here.

  6. Look how neat the hedge is now – Dad and I ( trimmed / have trimmed ) it.

  7. When you ( went / have gone ) to school this morning, was it raining?

  8. My sister ( learned / has learned ) to ride a bike when she was four.

  9. My hair is wet because I ( went / have been ) swimming.

  1. You need to line up because the bell ( rang / has rung ).

  2. Sam had a headache at lunchtime because he ( didn’t drink / hasn’t drunk ) enough water.

  3. If you ( finished / have finished ) your dinner, you can go out to play.

  4. I ( haven’t / didn’t have ) any money so I couldn’t buy an ice-cream.

  5. Ammara ( called / has called ) for you earlier but you weren’t here.

  6. Look how neat the hedge is now – Dad and I ( trimmed / have trimmed ) it.

  7. When you ( went / have gone ) to school this morning, was it raining?

  8. My sister ( learned / has learned ) to ride a bike when she was four.

  9. My hair is wet because I ( went / have been ) swimming.

Put the verb in brackets into the simple past tense to complete each sentence. E.g. I (go) to school yesterday. I went to school yesterday.

  1. Ammara (call) for you earlier but you weren’t at home.

  1. I (have) £1.50 pocket money so I (buy) an ice-cream at the fair.

  1. When you (go) to school this morning, (be) it raining?

  1. Sam had a headache all afternoon because he (not drink) enough water at lunchtime.

Now put these verbs into the present perfect tense to complete each sentence: E.g. I (break) my pencil so can I borrow your sharpener please?

I have broken my pencil so can I borrow your sharpener please?

  1. You need to line up because the bell (ring).

  1. Because dad and I (trim) the hedge, it looks very neat now.

  1. Mum says we can play out once we (finish) our homework.

  1. If you (not bring) your wellies, you can’t go out to play in the snow.

  1. Rihanna looks very nervous because she (not ride) a horse before.

  1. called

  2. had

  3. went, was

  4. didn’t drink

  5. has rung

  6. have trimmed

  7. have finished

  8. haven’t brought

  9. hasn’t ridden

Choose the correct tense (simple past or present perfect) for each verb, then complete the sentence. E.g.1 - I ( go ) to school yesterday. I went to school yesterday.

E.g.2 - Oh no, I ( break ) my pencil so can I borrow your sharpener please?

Oh no, I have broken my pencil so can I borrow your sharpener please?

  1. Come on everyone, line up. The bell ( ring ) already.

  1. Ammara ( call ) for you earlier but you weren’t at home.

  1. Rihanna looks very nervous because she ( not ride ) a horse before.

  1. When you ( go ) to school this morning, ( be ) it raining?

  1. Mum says we can play out once we ( finish ) our homework.

  1. Sam had a headache all afternoon because he ( not drink ) enough water at lunchtime.

  1. Because Dad and I ( trim ) the hedge, it looks very neat now.

  1. I ( have ) £1.50 pocket money so I ( buy ) an ice-cream at the fair.

  1. If you ( not bring ) your wellies, you can’t go out to play in the snow.

  1. has rung

  2. called

  3. hasn’t ridden 4. went, was

  1. have finished

  2. didn’t drink

  3. have trimmed

  4. had, bought

  5. haven’t brought

Курсы повышения квалификации

Система работы с высокомотивированными и одаренными учащимися по учебному предмету

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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