Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Проверочные работы  /  4 класс  /  Правила употребления глагола to be (проверочная работа)

Правила употребления глагола to be (проверочная работа)

Работа содержит тренировочные лексико-грамматические упражнения для закрепления правил употребления глагола to be.

Описание разработки

Read the text.

My brother is in the park, my sister is with her friends, my mother is in grandmother´s house, my father is at work and I am in my bedroom. We all are a happy family and we are glad to live in Paris because it is a beautiful city. Its weather is very nice. Its people are very friendly and helpful. Its food is delicious. There are many places where you can enjoy yourself and learn a lot, such as museums and parks of amusement.

Answer the questions.

Where is your sister? _______________________________________________________

Where is your mother? ______________________________________________________

Where is your father? _______________________________________________________

Where are you? ___________________________________________________________

Правила употребления глагола to be (проверочная работа)

Complete with the verb “to be”.

Mr. Jones ______________ a postman.                 

She ____________ French.

They ___________ doctors.                                    

You ____________students.

_______ you an English teacher?                           

Mr. Smith and I _____ teachers.

I _____ a football player.                                          

Mary _______ also a student in this class

He ______ Mexican.                                                

________ these chairs?

Write in negative.

This is a new book. . ___________________

We are busy today. ___________________

This is a difficult exercise. ____________

It is a small book. . ____________________

I am a teacher . _______________________

Helen and Mary are sisters. ________________

You are a good student. ___________________

This is a pencil. ______________________

We are Russians. ___________________________________

He is fifty years old. _________________________________

Полную информацию смотрите в файле. 

Содержимое разработки

Read the text.

My brother is in the park, my sister is with her friends, my mother is in grandmother´s house, my father is at work and I am in my bedroom. We all are a happy family and we are glad to live in Paris because it is a beautiful city. Its weather is very nice. Its people are very friendly and helpful. Its food is delicious. There are many places where you can enjoy yourself and learn a lot, such as museums and parks of amusement.

Answer the questions.

Where is your sister? _______________________________________________________

Where is your mother? ______________________________________________________

Where is your father? _______________________________________________________

Where are you? ___________________________________________________________

Complete with the verb “to be”.

Mr.Jones ______________ a postman. She ____________ French.

They ___________ doctors. You ____________students.

_______ you an English teacher? Mr. Smith and I _____ teachers.

I _____ a football player. Mary _______ also a student in this class

He ______ Mexican. ________ these chairs?

Write in negative.

This is a new book. .______________________________________________________________

We are busy today. _______________________________________________________________

This is a difficult exercise. _______________________________________________________________

It is a small book. ._______________________________________________________________

I am a teacher .________________________________________________________________

Helen and Mary are sisters. ________________________________________________________________

You are a good student. _________________________________________________________________

This is a pencil. _____________________________________________________

We are Russians. ___________________________________________________

He is fifty years old. __________________________________________________

Курсы повышения квалификации

Система работы с высокомотивированными и одаренными учащимися по учебному предмету

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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