Полугодовая контрольная работа по английскому языку ученика/цы 4___
Ф.И.О._____________________________________________ Дата: ____________
Учитель: Аспект: Лексика
Базовый уровень
Прочитайте текст, состоящий из 6 частей (A-F). Перед вами 5 вопросов (1-5) к разным частям текста. Установите в каких частях текста можно найти ответы на эти вопросы. Ответ на каждый вопрос можно найти только в одной части текста. Рядом с номером вопроса впишите соответствующую букву. В задании одна часть текста лишняя. (1 верный ответ - 1 балл)
A. Once upon a time there lived a family of rabbits. There were five of them: Mr.Rabbit, Mrs.Rabbit and three little baby-rabbits. Their parents called them “bunnies” and they loved them very much.
B.Sweety was big and fat. He liked only sweets, chocolate, sugar and honey. He didn’t like vegetables and porridge. The next bunny's name was Potato. He liked vegetables very much. Their sister’s name was Fruity. As you can see by her name, she liked fruit very much.
C. Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit bought their children the food they liked.
D. One day Mrs. Rabbit went shopping and bought many apples, sweets, potatoes, oranges, cakes, a box of chocolate, ice cream, carrots and tomatoes for breakfast.
E. She gave sweets, cakes, ice cream and a box of chocolate to Sweety and he was happy. She gave apples and oranges to Fruity.She gave potatoes and carrots to Potato.
F. But what about tomatoes? Whom did she give tomatoes to? What is a tomato? It is a fruit! So she gave tomatoes to Fruity.
Was Sweety big and fat? ________
Whom did Mrs. Rabbit give tomatoes to? ________
How did the parents call their children? ________
What did Mrs. Rabbit give to Sweety? ________
What did Mrs. Rabbit buy one day? ________
Обведи букву правильного ответа. (1 верный ответ - 1 балл)
I’d like to get a puppy _______ a birthday present.
as b) a c) how
On holidays children don’t ______________
have parties b) get presents c) go to school
I ________ a party last week.
invited b) sent c) had
Could I speak to Betsy, please? - ______________________________
Great! b) This is Betsy. Hello. c) The same to you.
Where is my Christmas present?
There is a present on the table.
Your present is on the table.
My present is here.
How old is your sister now? - _________________________________
She is not old. She is a little girl.
She is five.
She is very, very old.
We wish you a ____________ Christmas and a ______________ New Year.
happy, merry b) funny, lovely c) merry, happy____/7
3. Обведибуквуправильногоответа. (1верныйответ - 2 балла)
1.a) The family of rabbits was verysmall.
b) There were no children in the family of rabbits.
c) Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit had a daughter and two sons.
d) Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit were "bunnies”.
2. a) Sweety didn't like sweets
b) All the bunnies in the family liked the same food.
c) One bunny liked fruit, others vegetables and sweets.
d) The bunnies ate only porridge.
3. a) We can say what food the bunnies liked by their names.
b) Sweety liked vegetables.
c) We can’t say what food the bunnies liked by their names.
d) Only the bunnies' parents could say what they liked.
4. a) Potato liked potatoes but he didn t like other vegetables.
b) Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit never bought the bunnies the food they liked.
c)The parents didn't think about their children.
d)The children got the food they liked.
5. a) Fruity liked fruit and sweet porridge.
b) One day Mrs. Rabbit bought only milk and sweets for breakfast.
c) Mrs. Rabbit bought much differentfood for breakfast.
d) Mrs. Rabbit didn't buy any food for breakfast.
6. a) Mrs. Rabbit gave potatoes and carrots to Sweety.
b) Sweety got ice cream, sweets and chocolate for breakfast.
c) Mrs. Rabbit didn't give Sweety any food for breakfast.
d) Mr. And Mrs. Rabbit didn't buy their children the food they wanted.
7. a) Potato got the food he liked.
b) Potato got fruit and chocolate and was very clever.
c) Potato got sweets and chocolate and was happy.
d) Mrs. Rabbit didn't get any food for breakfast.
8. a) Fruity got no vegetables.
b) Mrs. Rabbit bought sweets for Fruity.
c) Mrs. Rabbit bought chocolate for Fruity.
d) Mrs. Rabbit didn't buy fruit for Fruity.
9. a) Fruity was the brother's name.
b) Carrots are sweets because they are sweet.
c) Carrots are sweets because children like them.
d) Children know that carrots are vegetables.
10. a) A tomato is a very sweet vegetable.
b) A tomato is a sweet.
c) A tomato is not a vegetable.
d) A tomato is not a fruit.
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