Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  9 класс  /  План урока по английскому языку на тему "Transport Situation in Krasnoyarsk"

План урока по английскому языку на тему "Transport Situation in Krasnoyarsk"

Работа поможет учащимся проанализировать транспортную ситуацию в Красноярске и написать статью для молодежного журнала.

Описание разработки

План урока составлен в соответствии с международными требованиями, включая цели, задачи, описание деятельности на каждом этапе урока. Я использовала видео, на котором записала на планшет коллег учителей английского языка (за неимением иностранцев), которые были в гостях в нашем городе. Они рассказали о тех проблемах с транспортом, с которыми столкнулись в нашем городе и путях их решения. Это стало отправной точкой для дальнейшей работы на уроке.

Ребята в группах с помощью "мозгового штурма" добавили проблемы, пути их решения и реальные возможности по их воплощению в таблицы, а потом использовали информацию для написания доклада. Предварительно, мы разбираем особенности данного вида текста, логичность и критерии оценивания подобного вида работ.

На мой взгляд, урок, а точнее 2 урока (план рассчитан на 90 минут) получился достаточно логичным, ребята были активны и замотивированы на работу на каждом этапе и продукты (доклады) получились очень содержательными. Материал может быть адаптирован и для более старших учащихся, а также для подготовки к письменному или устному разделу выпускных экзаменов.

Самое главное, на мой взгляд, что ребята учатся "упаковывать" имеющиеся знания и полученную информацию в формат таблицы и использовать данную информацию в соответствии с целями.


my students will be able to analyse Transport situation in Krasnoyarsk and write an article for a youth magazine.


To fill in the problems, causes and solutions of  Krasnoyarsk transport system in the table on the basis of background and heard info;

Improve listening for gist and specific info skills;

Use the info from the table in freer writing activity;


Warming up.

To introduce the topic and involve students in the discussion.

Sorry, I’m a little bit late today. It becomes more and more difficult to travel from the right bank to the left and vice versa even using a car. Do you feel the same?

Lead in.

I start thinking of changing the flat or work…


To introduce the text and topic we are going to listen.

1) Pre-listening

1) Eliciting

What are the main transport problems we are facing today? – traffic jams, not enough public transport, air pollution, accidents, drunk drivers…

План урока по английскому языку на тему Transport Situation in Krasnoyarsk

What are the causes? – a lot of cars, bad roads, drivers don’t know the rules…

Discuss and write the possible solutions to these problems. (complete the table on the board)

CCQ: Do you need to write anything? Where? Are you going to write any solutions or solutions for these problems?

Copy the table into your copy-books.

Listening for specific info.

To get info about problems and solutions in transport system in Krasnoyarsk.

2) While-listening

Listen to what other people say about transport system in Krasnoyarsk, check your guesses and add info in the table.

3) Post-listening


How likely is it that these solutions will be applied?

What predictions would you make for the future?


To rest and prepare for the next stage of the lesson.

We have some sentences around the classroom. Find them and collect.


To get the main idea of the sentences.

To check the meaning, pronunciation and use of key words.

To practice key words.

1) Reading for gist

1. Read the sentences and stick them to the correct column in the table. Explain your choice.

2. Voc work

Congestion, reduce, growth, increase

Drill chorally and individually

2) Reading for detail

Do you want any magic? Let’s become magicians! I have some words and phrases. Match them to their synonyms in the sentences and see how the sentences will change.

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки

LESSON PLAN on the topic “Transport Situation in Krasnoyarsk”

Level / Age: intermediate, 15-16

Aims: my students will be able to analyse Transport situation in Krasnoyarsk and write an article for a youth magazine.


  • To fill in the problems, causes and solutions of Krasnoyarsk transport system in the table on the basis of background and heard info

  • Improve listening for gist and specific info skills

  • Use the info from the table in freer writing activity

Personal aims:

  • Mind TTT/STT

  • Avoid echoing

  • Include movement activities


  • Didactic materials: p.116 ex.9, 10, 11, p. 138 from Oxford Exam Excellence. Preparation for secondary school exams by Danuta Gryca, Joanna Sosnowska etc., Oxford University Press, 2006;

  • Audio material prepared with the help of colleagues;

Assumptions: The students know main vocabulary on the topics “Transport” and “Environment”, can use their background knowledge and experience on the topics

Timetable fit: this is the 6th lesson on the topic including higher level (B2/C1) preparation on writing skills.

For Skills Work (Reading, Writing, Listening or Speaking)

Anticipated problems


Students may not know some vocabulary in reading tasks

Students may not have enough background knowledge about the solutions for transport problems

Students may forget peculiarities of writing an article

Pre-teach new vocabulary, guess from context

Give examples, hints

Elicit info, use CCQ, give an example


Stage Aims




tion Pattern

Warming up

Lead in

To introduce the topic and involve students in the discussion

2 min

Sorry, I’m a little bit late today. It becomes more and more difficult to travel from the right bank to the left and vice versa even using a car. Do you feel the same?

I start thinking of changing the flat or work…



Listening for specific info




Link to writing


To introduce the text and topic we are going to listen

To get info about problems and solutions in transport system in Krasnoyarsk

To check comprehension

To rest and prepare for the next stage of the lesson

To get the main idea of the sentences

To check the meaning, pronunciation and use of key words

To practice key words

To analyse different types of writing

To motivate students for writing activity

To revise the format of a magazine article

To practice writing an article

To practice peer checking and assessment; improve collaborative skills

To improve writing skills

7 min

7 min

4 min

3 min

10 min

5 min

4 min

2 min

1 min

1 min

1 min

3 min

20 min

5 min

10 min

1) Pre-listening

1) Eliciting

What are the main transport problems we are facing today? – traffic jams, not enough public transport, air pollution, accidents, drunk drivers…

What are the causes? – a lot of cars, bad roads, drivers don’t know the rules…

Discuss and write the possible solutions to these problems. (complete the table on the board)

CCQ: Do you need to write anything? Where? Are you going to write any solutions or solutions for these problems?

Copy the table into your copy-books.

2) While-listening

Listen to what other people say about transport system in Krasnoyarsk, check your guesses and add info in the table

3) Post-listening


How likely is it that these solutions will be applied?

What predictions would you make for the future?

We have some sentences around the classroom. Find them and collect.

  1. Reading for gist

1. Read the sentences and stick them to the correct column in the table. Explain your choice.

2. Voc work

Congestion, reduce, growth, increase

Drill chorally and individually

  1. Reading for detail

Do you want any magic? Let’s become magicians! I have some words and phrases. Match them to their synonyms in the sentences and see how the sentences will change.

  1. Post-reading

Are the sentences neutral or emotional? Formal or informal?

Now you are real magicians! You can make informal text formal and vice versa!

You shouldn’t hide your talents so I strongly recommend you to take part in a competition which is held by our youth magazine and write an article about transport in Krasnoyarsk.

1) Pre-writing

1) While we were working here, somebody brought letters for you. Go to our administrator, take them and return quickly. What’s there?

Oh, put them in order and glue above synonyms.

2) Eliciting

Is there a heading? What is the first/last para about? What’s in the main part?

Is it formal/neutral/informal?

What else do we keep in mind while writing? (reasoning, linking words, grammar, spelling, volume)

2) Writing a draft

Write your article

  1. Peer checking

Exchange your works, check if all the points are included, help with reasoning if necessary. Give advice.

4) writing an article


Pair work






Pair work

Pair work







Pair work



To express opinion on the stages of the lesson

3 min

Was the table useful for writing? How can you make formal text informal and vice versa?

Were your partner’s pieces of advice useful? What was new for you?



To improve searching and speaking skills

2 min

Prepare a short monologue (2 min) about problems and solutions in transport systems in other countries (Tokyo, London…)


Extra activity

To remind useful phrases for articles

3 min

1) I have some phrases you can use in your articles. But my nephew mixed all of them up. Work in pairs. Exchange the phrases in your samples with the phrases given.

2) What can we do to improve the transport situation? (use public transport more, organize meetings, discussions on the topic…)

Pair work


Курсы повышения квалификации

Практическая грамматика английского языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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