*to develop students` reading skills
*to enlarge students` Vocabulary
*to develop students` writing skills
Audio-visual aids:laptop,cards,poster.
The Procedure of the lesson.
1. The Organizational moment.
Greeting conversation with the duty.
Good afternoon pupils! How are you?I`m fine.What`s the weather like today? Who`s on duty today?Will you tell us what date is it today?
2. Checking up the hometask.
Check the home task.
Students what was your home task?
Any Volunteers?
Spin game.
Students lets check the previous words from our h/t. Any Volunteers?
3. Presentation.
Explain modal verb shall and revise Present Continuous.
*Students today we take new theme”Shall” as a modal verb,please look at the slide,and please write it down.
*Please, also look at “Learn with Oscar” and write. Except it, we take new words:
Reach –жету
borrow –алу
After writing these words, they repeat after me.
4. Practice.
Now, students attention,let`s read the text on roles. Who would like to read the text?
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