Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  4 класс  /  План-конспект урока по английскому языку для начальных классов "What shall we do?"

План-конспект урока по английскому языку для начальных классов "What shall we do?"

Занятие позволит расширить знания детей по данной теме.

Описание разработки


*to develop students` reading skills

*to enlarge students` Vocabulary

*to develop students` writing skills

Audio-visual aids:laptop,cards,poster.

The Procedure of the lesson.

1. The Organizational moment.

Greeting conversation with the duty.

Good afternoon pupils! How are you?I`m fine.What`s the weather like today? Who`s on duty today?Will you tell us what date is it today?

2. Checking up the hometask.

Check the home task.

Students what was your home task?

Any Volunteers?

План-конспект урока по английскому языку для начальных классов What shall we do?

Spin game.

Students lets check the previous words from our h/t. Any Volunteers?

3. Presentation.

Explain modal verb shall and revise Present Continuous.

*Students  today we take new theme”Shall” as a modal verb,please look at the slide,and please write it down.

*Please, also look at “Learn with Oscar” and write. Except it, we take new words:



Reach –жету

borrow –алу


After writing these words, they repeat after me.

4. Practice.


Now, students attention,let`s read the text on roles. Who would like to read the text?

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки

The Plan of the lesson

Date: March, 14, 2014 year


Theme:”What shall we do?

Aims:*to develop students` reading skills

*to enlarge students` Vocabulary

*to develop students` writing skills

Audio-visual aids:laptop,cards,poster.

The Procedure of the lesson

Passage of the lesson

Teaching steps

Teacher`s Activity

Pupil`s Activity


The Organizational moment

Greeting conversation with the duty

Good afternoon pupils! How are you?I`m fine.What`s the weather like today? Who`s on duty today?Will you tell us what date is it today?

Good afternoon teacher!

We are fine,and what about you?

The weather is warm.

5 min

Checking up the hometask

Check the home task

Students what was your home task?

Any Volunteers?

S1:Our h/t is p 78,79 AB.

S2:May I?

10 min

Spin game

Students lets check the previous words from our h/t. Any Volunteers?

Raimbek: ice-skating


Zhuldyz: join in




Explain modal verb shall and revise Present Continuous

*Students today we take new theme”Shall” as a modal verb,please look at the slide,and please write it down.

*Please, also look at “Learn with Oscar” and write. Except it, we take new words:



Reach –жету

borrow –алу


After writing these words ,they repeat after me.

Studentsn look at the slide,write new theme,usage.

They write sentences in “Learn with Oscar”.

Than students write new words in their exercise books.

And repeat after me new words.

10 min



Working on the


Working with the Grammatical material

Activity “What`s Bart is doing?”

Now, students attention,let`s read the text on roles. Who would like to read the text?

Now, let`s do Ex 1, where the task is Circle and match.

Students ,please look at Ex 2on p 83,let`s do it.

Now, we play one game,please come up there.





These pupils read the text.

Anothers do Ex 1.

Students work with this ex.

5 students come and choose 1 piece and say what Bart is doing.

10 min


Sing a song

In fact,I know that you love singing.Let`s sing a song.

Students take sheets and listen and write, than sing a song.

5 min


Students let`s speak about marks

Students get to know about their marks in Assessment Chart

3 min

Giving up the h/t

Pupils please look at the slide and write down your h/t.

Students write their h/t

2 min

Курсы повышения квалификации

Организация и сопровождение олимпиадной деятельности учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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План-конспект урока по английскому языку для начальных классов "What shall we do?" (15.52 КB)

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