Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  5 класс  /  Omar likes English

Omar likes English

На этом уроке мы будем говорит о любимом предмете учеников.

Описание разработки

The theme: Omar likes English

Aims: Developing students’ speech abilities.


 - Educational: presentation of the new words, training students’ listening, reading abilities.

 - to consolidate students knowledge concerning the theme

 - Developing:developing learners’ speaking, reading, listening skills, their critical and creative thinking. to develop students abilities and skills in monologue speech through asking and answering questions. Doing of different exercises. To develop the students speaking. Reading and writing habits.

  - Up - bringing: developing learners’ abilities to work in groups, learners’self –confidence.

The type of the lesson:mixed lesson.

The methods of teaching : interaction, presentation, explanation, question - answer,

Individual work, pair and group work.

Visual aids:computer, slides, worksheets. , pictures

 Procudure of the lesson

I. Organization moment

 Warming - up. Good morning, students! I’m glad to see you sit down, please!

 - Who is on duty today?

 - What date and what day is it today?

 - Who is absent today?

 - What season is it now?

 - What winter months do you know?

 - What winter month is it now?

 - Thank you! Let’s continue our lesson and let’s check up your h/t

Checking up new words. –students , in last lesson we have taken new words. Please let’s review. For your every right answers I’ll give you stars.

 - Please , look at the screen.

Put the words in the right order. Slide 2

Cresne, omues, ykeobadr, rpni, esmgsase, mcuopert, lam - eis, neritten.

II. Brainstorming.

What is it? It is a rebus. Yes, you are right. Let’s sove it. What word is it? “Subject”. Thank you , students. Our theme is called “Omar likes English” we are going to speak about your favourite subjects. Open your books at page 90 and write down the date and the day.

 Answer my questions: Ansaganim, what is your favourite subject?

Alikhan, please. And so on

 III Realization of meaning.

Slide4. Look at the screen and listen.



Caбақ кестесі












сурет, сызу










Repeat after me, all together. Then look at the screen, listen these words and practise your pronouncation

2. Let’s listen the monologue about school subjects and answer my questions. What about this monologue? What day? What subjects have they got on Monday? Does he like a Science?

Does she like a Science? What subject does she have on Monday? What subjects does she like? What time is it? Who is Mr Evans? And etc.

III. Physical training. All together stand up and do the exercises.

 1. Clap, clap, clap your your hands

 Clap your your hands together,

 Stamp , stamp, stamp your feet

 Stamp your feet together,

 Turn, turn, turn around

 Turn around together,

 Clap, clap, clap your your hands

 Clap your your hands together.

2. Hands up, hands down

 Hands on hips

 Sit down, stand up

 Sit down, stand up

 Hands on hips.

 Bend left, bend right

 Bend left, bend right

 Hands on hips

One, two, three hop

One, two, three stop!

Thank you. Sit down, please.

IV. Reflection.

Postman: Hello, my friends. I’m a postman. May, I come in? I have a letter for you from the UK.

Take your letter, please. Happy New Year!Good - bye!

Весь материал - смотрите документ.

Содержимое разработки

Западно-Казахстанский область

Каратобинский район

Поселек Каратоба

Каратобинская школа- гимназия

Кыдырниязова Ажаргуль Тынышкалиевна

учитель английского языка

The theme: Omar likes English

Aims: Developing students’ speech abilities.


-Educational: presentation of the new words,training students’ listening,reading abilities.

-to consolidate students knowledge concerning the theme

-Developing:developing learners’ speaking,reading,listening skills,their critical and creative thinking. to develop students abilities and skills in monologue speech through asking and answering questions. Doing of different exercises. To develop the students speaking. Reading and writing habits.

-Up-bringing: developing learners’ abilities to work in groups,learners’self –confidence.

The type of the lesson:mixed lesson.

The methods of teaching : interaction,presentation,explanation,question-answer,

Individual work,pair and group work.

Visual aids:computer,slides,worksheets., pictures

Procudure of the lesson

I .Organization moment

Warming-up. Good morning, students! I’m glad to see you sit down, please!

-Who is on duty today?

-What date and what day is it today?

-Who is absent today?

-What season is it now?

-What winter months do you know?

-What winter month is it now?

-Thank you! Let’s continue our lesson and let’s check up your h/t

Checking up new words. –students , in last lesson we have taken new words . Please let’s review. For your every right answers I’ll give you stars .

-Please , look at the screen.

Put the words in the right order. Slide 2

Cresne, omues, ykeobadr, rpni, esmgsase, mcuopert, lam-eis, neritten.

II. Brainstorming.

What is it? It is a rebus. Yes, you are right.Let’s sove it. What word is it? “Subject”. Thank you ,students. Our theme is called “Omar likes English” we are going to speak about your favourite subjects. Open your books at page 90 and write down the date and the day.

Answer my questions: Ansaganim, what is your favourite subject?

Alikhan, please. And so on

III Realization of meaning.

Slide4. Look at the screen and listen .



Caбақ кестесі












сурет, сызу










information science



foreign languages


Шетел тілдері










physical education



Дене шынықтыру













Repeat after me, all together. Then look at the screen,listen these words and practise your pronouncation

2. Let’s listen the monologue about school subjects and answer my questions. What about this monologue? What day? What subjects have they got on Monday? Does he like a Science?

Does she like a Science? What subject does she have on Monday? What subjects does she like? What time is it? Who is Mr Evans? And etc.

III.Physical training. All together stand up and do the exercises.

1. Clap, clap,clap your your hands

Clap your your hands together,

Stamp , stamp, stamp your feet

Stamp your feet together,

Turn, turn,turn around

Turn around together,

Clap, clap,clap your your hands

Clap your your hands together.

2. Hands up, hands down

Hands on hips

Sit down, stand up

Sit down, stand up

Hands on hips.

Bend left, bend right

Bend left, bend right

Hands on hips

One,two, three hop

One, two, three stop!

  • Thank you. Sit down,please.


Postman: Hello, my friends. I’m a postman. May, I come in? I have a letter for you from the UK.

Take your letter, please. Happy New Year!Good-bye!

Students:Thank you. Good bye!


I-group. Read the letter. Then write your answer to Omar's letter.

II-Group.Write a monologue about your favourite subjects.

2-task.Let’s sing a song about days of the week and subjects

3-task.Let’s guess the riddles about School subjects.

  • In this subject we do sums and write numbers. We don't sing songs or jump. (Maths)

  • In this subject we run, jump, skip and play football. We don't make toys or watch films about pets. (PE)

  • In this subject we draw pictures of our friends, teachers and pets. We don't jump. (Art)

  • In this subject we listen to the cassette, sing songs, play games, talk to our friends and read books. We don't swim. (English)

Marks: Your marks for today.

10-8 stars -5 “excellent”

7-5 stars – 4 “good”

4-3 stars- 3 “bad”

Home task: Your home task for the next lesson

1.Write down “Sinqueen “Subject”

2. Write your time table

Conclusion: Our lesson is over.Thank you for your lesson. Good-bye!

Курсы повышения квалификации

Современные педагогические технологии в образовательном процессе

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
1000 руб.
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Комментарии 2

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Дана, 20.12.2015 17:06
It nwill be very interseting
Дана, 20.12.2015 17:06
Я бы хотела найти поурочные планы по английскому языку для пятого класса

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