
My future career

Данная разработка способствует развитию устной монологической речи, закрепляет лексические единицы по теме 'Профессии', также способствует закреплению Present Simple. Она помогает отработать произношение слов по теме для обучающихся с ТНР.

Содержимое разработки

1.Find matches

  1. A cook a. cuts and sells meat

  2. A nurse b. writes articles for magazines and newspapers

  3. An architect c. cures animals

  4. A shop assistant d. works in a shop with the cash register.

  5. A hairdresser e. cooks in a restaurant

  6. A travel agent f. works in a theatre

  7. A builder g. designs houses and buildings

8. A vet h. works in a hospital, helps doctors

9. A cashier i. takes orders and serves people in a cafe

10. A journalist j. cuts and styles people’s hair

11. A waiter k. helps to build a house or a building

12. A butcher l. works in a shop and advises people what to buy

13. An actor m. helps people buy tickets and make hotel reservations

Tell briefly about your future profession

  1. dealing with machines, gadgets

  2. dealing with nature, animals

  3. dealing with people

  4. dealing with images

  1. My name is.............................

  2. My dream is to become a .............................

I want to be a ………………….. because I like

  1. money, salary

  2. friendly atmosphere

  3. job satisfaction

  4. good conditions

  5. being useful for people and the country

  1. The most important factors for me in my future profession is





e) creative

f) responsible

  1. A good …………………………….. needs to be

5.I suppose in ten years I will be a successful / rich / famous ……………………..

Курсы повышения квалификации

Проектная деятельность учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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