Методическая разработка открытого урока по теме «Образование в Англии» предназначена для использования преподавателями иностранного языка в работе со студентами по рабочей программе.
В ней представлены общие подходы к изучению лексических единиц, формирование и закрепление грамматических навыков говорения, закрепление грамматических навыков в словарной игре, изучение лексики, устойчивых предложений по теме, формирование и закрепление диалогической речи (прослушивание аудиокассеты, просмотра презентатации по теме).
На базе каждого из упражнений, представленных в работе, разработан ряд разнообразных закрепляющих упражнений.
1. Пояснительная записка.
2. Технологическая карта занятия. с. 1- 6
3. Список литературы с. 7
Тип урока: комбинированный, обобщающий.
Задачи урока:
систематизировать знания учащихся по теме;
развивать навыки работы с текстом;
совершенствовать навыки практического владения английским языком по видам речевой деятельности (говорение, письмо, аудирование) ;
активизировать употребление изученной лексики, закрепление грамматических форм;
формировать у учащихся внутреннюю мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка и культуры;
развивать умения анализировать, обобщать;
развивать способности к догадке, коммуникабельности;
развивать репродуктивные и продуктивные речевые действия;
развивать внимание и слуховую память;
расширять кругозор.
формировать уважение к культуре других народов и культуре своей страны;
воспитывать чувство ответственности перед одноклассниками.
Оснащение урока: раздаточный материал (тексты “Education”, DVD- диск, словари)
Учебник: Т. А. Карпова «Английский для колледжей».
Ход урока.
1. Оргмомент. Создание мотивации к работе на уроке. Объявление темы и задач урока.
Teacher: Good morning! I am very glad to see you and hope that you are ready for the lesson and you are in a good mood. Today`s lesson is dedicated to knowledge, its importance, its role and place in people`s life. Take a look at what famous people have said about knowledge:
The more we learn – the more we know,
The more we know – the more we forget,
The more we forget – the less we know.
The more we forget – the less we know.
So why study?
And now answer the questions: “Why do you study? Why do you go to college?”
Students: I go to college, because I must :
because we have exams this year;
because it is interesting to study;
because knowledge is power;
because I want to get an interesting profession;
because I want to enter a University, etc.
2. Проверка домашнего задания.
Teacher: I hope you have prepared the home-work for today. It was the text “Knowledge Is Power” and you had to prove it in proverbs. Am I right? Let deal with your proverbs first. Read and translate, please.
An idle brain is the devil`s workshop – Праздный ум – мастерская дьявола. Сравнение: Труд человека кормит, а лень портит.
Business before pleasure - Сначала дело, потом удовольствие. Сравнение: Кончил дело - гуляй смело.
Deeds, no twords – Дела, а не слова. Сравнение: Больше дела, меньше слов.
Constant dropping wears away a stone – Постоянно падающие капли точат камень. Сравнение: Терпение и труд всё перетрут.
Hand some is a shand some does – Красив тот, кто красиво поступает. Сравнение: Не по виду суди, а по делам гляди.
Make hay while the Sunshines – Готовь сено, пока солнце светит. Сравнение: Не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня.
Live and learn – Живи и учись. Сравнение: Век живи, век учись.
Practice make sperfect– Практика ведёт к совершенству. Сравнение: Повторение – мать учения.
A little learning is a dangerous thing – Недостаточное знание опасно. Сравнение: Недоученный хуже ученого.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy – Одна только работа без забав превращает Джека в тупого ребенка. Сравнение: Делу время – потехе час.
3. Обсуждение прочитанного дома текста “Knowledge Is Power”.
The main problem for today`s discussion: “Knowledge is power”. This statement means that the more a man knows, the greater power he has. Knowledge has given man his great power.
You may think that one cannot know everything. It is correct, of course, but everybody must try to increase his knowledge. You get knowledge at school, from books, magazines, radio and TV programmes, the Internet.
Knowledge of history helps us to understand the past, the present and the future. If your knowledge of other school subjects is good, it will help you in your future life.
What do people do if they do not something important for their work or profession? As a rule, they try to get knowledge about it. They try to learn and understand what they do not know and try to use it in practical life.
We need knowledge to be more useful for our country.
Teacher: Look through the text “Knowledge Is Power” and define the main idea of the text. Prove it.
Student: I think the main idea of the text is that everyone must try to increase his knowledge. (Цитата из текста)
I suppose knowledge will help us in future. (Цитата из текста)
4. Работа с текстом “Schools in England”.
Teacher: As you know, children go to school in every country. So, put your books aside and take the texts “Schools in England” and materials to the texts, given to you. We are working with this text.
England has got a very interesting system of education. Education is classdivided in England. There are some state schools in England. They are infant schools, junior schools and secondary schools.
British boys and girls begin to go to school at the age of 5. They draw pictures, sing songs, play games, listen to the stories and tales. British children begin to read and write when they enter the infant schools.
Little children are divided into two groups, according to their mental abilities. Children leave infant schools when they are 7 years old. They begin to study at junior schools where they learn to write, to read and to do mathematics. Boys and girls have got many interesting school subjects. They are History, English, Mathematics, Art, Music, Sport, Computing, Cooking.
When the pupils enter the junior schools, they are divided into three groups according to the results of the tests and intellectual abilities. Boys and girls study at junior schools for four years. Then they take their examinations and enter secondary schools.
There are some types of secondary schools in England. They are: grammar schools, modern schools and comprehensive schools. In England boys and girls go to a secondary school from 11 till 16 years old. They don't go to school on Saturdays and Sundays.
One can attend modern school, but pupils don't learn foreign languages at such schools.
If pupils go to grammar schools they will have a good theoretical secondary education. The other secondary school is a comprehensive school. Almost all secondary school pupils (90 %) go there.
There are some private schools in England. Boys and girls don't study together at these schools. The sons of the aristocracy go to public schools and their parents pay much money for their education.
Independent and preparatory schools are private schools too. They prepare pupils for public schools for money. The teachers of the private schools pay personal attention to each pupil. It is possible to enter the best English Universities after leaving public schools. After finishing grammar schools pupils have good knowledge and may continue to study in colleges or Universities.
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