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Материал по английскому языку на тему "Examples of Essays"

Материал представлен примерами сочинений по английскому языку, которые помогут учащимся при сдаче экзамена.

Описание разработки

Why Should People Speak English?

English is the most important international language in the history of the world used by more people, across a larger area and in more fields than any other, ever. It is the second widely spread language in the world. English speak three hundred and five million people in the whole world. It is used in different aspects: communication, business, science, technology, politics and so on.

There is no doubt that English has a great role nowadays. A person who speaks English has more possibilities in life than those who do not know English at all. It is worth mentioning that nowadays it is necessary to speak English. At present, in the world of new technologies and computers, English plays an important role. So, even to enter some Universities you need to know English. That is why pupils should learn English and aspire to speak it without any difficulty. At the same time young people who speak English can find a good job and therefore they are more successful. Moreover, they earn more money and have a better well-to-do life.

As for me, English plays an important role in my life. I learn English because it is an open door in the future life. I think that a person who knows foreign languages succeeds more in life. Really, every educated person should know not only his native language but at least another foreign one. Not in vain Goethe once noticed: “He who doesn’t know a foreign language knows nothing about his own.” Thus, people who speak English can communicate with different people from different countries. I really enjoy this language. My future life depends on the knowledge of English. I would like to connect my life with English language. My dream is to speak English freely. To my mind, it is a very interesting language to study. The knowledge of English helps people to obtain success in life and be useful for the society they live in.

What we have to realize is: the role of English is very important in the modern world that is why people should speak English.

With or without School Uniform

School uniform is a special set of clothes worn by all pupils at school. Nowadays there are two different opinions about school uniform. Some people think that pupils should wear uniform at school as it was many years ago. They consider that pupils who wear school uniform are more organized and disciplined. On the other hand, there exists another opinion about school uniform. So, such opinion is based on the statement that wearing school uniform is not so important nowadays. They say that uniform does not have a great influence upon the process of teaching or memorizing. From my point of view, it would be better to wear a school uniform in our lyceum. I think that it would have only a positive influence upon every pupil.

As for the pupils’ reaction to the idea to introduce a school uniform in our lyceum it is worth mentioning that there would be two different opinions. Some pupils would like to wear a school uniform. They would prefer to have a special uniform that would distinguish our lyceum and our pupils from other schools and lyceums from our town and other towns and villages as well. Other pupils consider that school uniform is only our past. It reminds them the time when their parents went to school. They think that nowadays pupils should choose themselves what to wear. They have their own options. They notice that school uniform cannot express their individuality and personality.

As far as I know, school uniform has a great influence upon the pupils and the process of teaching. The pupils feel the responsibility for the uniform they wear. Therefore they have to take care of it. So, every evening they should put the uniform in order and prepare it for the next day. In such a way pupils become more organized, disciplined and responsible.

Live to believe

Life is a period of time during which a person grows, develops and creates. It is a long period of time during which we are glad and melancholy, work and have a rest, learn something, sing or dance, go in for sport or simply walk with our friends.

To my knowledge, life is the quality of being active and exciting. It means that our life consists not only of difficulties and troubles. It is also full of glad and happy moments that help us to believe in good. So, we should be afraid of nothing. We should live and believe that everything will be good and the worst and darkest period in our life will step back. I think that in spite of the adversities that happen in a person’s life he or she should not give up all hope. Nowadays, everything can happen in our life although we should be strong even strong - willed. Only such a person can get over all the difficulties and be happy and enjoy the life.

From my point of view, hope and belief are the best qualities that help us to live in such a difficult and cruel time. A person who believes only in good and considers that life is nice and beautiful never goes to seed and is not down in the mouth. Moreover, such people always resist their fear and overcome all the difficulties in their way. They are really very courageous and strong. As for the weak people, they cannot obtain success in their life. That is why, in order to be successful in life every of us should live, enjoy our life, value every second of our life and believe that our life will be more beautiful and happier and certainly without troubles.

Knowledge advances by steps and not by leaps

Aristotle, one of the great Greek philosophers, once said: “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” So, it takes great efforts of the person to become an educated one. I consider that it is really a treasure to have education. Not in vain the proverb says: “Better unborn than untaught.”

In my opinion, it is very difficult and takes a lot of time to get good knowledge and become a useful person for the country you live in. Really, it advances by steps and not by leaps and bounds. To my mind, it is a long hard work. For example, a pupil who wants to obtain BAC, to have good marks and certainly good knowledge to be ready to enter the University needs 12 years of hard diligent everyday work. Another example can be great poets and scientists who spent all the life creating their masterpieces and only after that they could prove that they are really genius and have enough knowledge to be useful and necessary for their own country. Therefore, they can be called true sons of their country.

So, I would tend to think that it is never too late to learn, although it takes lots of time and efforts. From my point of view, we should always remember that knowledge is power and it is not a burden.

It is worth mentioning that people cannot become patriots in one night. They receive education from their ancestors. That is way grown-up people should teach children to become the people who can pray for the nation and the world instead of praying for their own children. I am convinced that we should not behave lightly, jealous towards other people forgetting the honour of the nation. I consider that people who endeavour to present their nation in a more beautiful and valuable manner are true patriots. The descendants of such people will also be patriots.

As for me, I am a patriot. I love my country, my nation. I am devoted to my country and its welfare. I am always ready to do everything possible for my country in order to make it more prosperous. I always think of my country and will serve it if my nation suffers misery. I will support my country at any time.

Art is Long, Life is Short

As far as I know art is the use of imagination to express ideas or feelings, particularly in painting, drawing or sculpture. At the same time it is also the skill of creating objects such as paintings and drawings. L. Tolstoy once noticed: “Art is a human activity its purpose being the transmission to others of the highest and best feeling to which men have risen”. So, it means that art belongs to the people. The history of art from the Renaissance to our days confirms this fact. Therefore an artist is a worthy son of his time if his art is addressed to the people, when it deals with life, when he welcomes the sunrise as a wonderful symbol of man’s finest hopes.

There are two kinds of art or rather there is art and pretence of art. To my mind, real live art appeals to the heart and mind of man, to his feelings and ideas and it proclaims life. Pretence of art is dead, it does not appeal to the living. I think that whatever it deals with is dead, without sunlight, without breath of life. Moreover, it is devoid of hope or prospect. The two concepts are contrasting. The dead challenges the living one. It continues to pollute life. It encroaches on the world of all that is so beautiful and wonderful. From my point of view, art is really truthful only when it serves life, only when the artist hopes to arouse warm responses in the heart of man. True art elevates the mind and soul of people.

Nevertheless, it is worth to mention that art is not only paintings or sculptures. I consider that poetry is also art. Plutarch once mentioned: “Painting is silent poetry and poetry is painting that speaks”. Really, painting is silent poetry. Pictures cannot speak, cannot sing, cannot cry or shout. We can only look at them and admire their beauty. And everyone who looks at the picture understands it in his/her own way. As for the poetry, it is art, a majestic creation. It is like a picture but we can read it. That is why Plutarch said that poetry is painting that speaks. To my mind, both painting and poetry are really masterpieces, art that cannot be forgotten.

Art has a great influence upon every person. I think it is a positive one. According to Pablo Picasso “art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life”. I believe that art is something high that will live eternally. Art is not a thing it is a way, a very long one. Time changes us and everything around us. As for the art it remains. Life is short, art is long.

Содержимое разработки

Examples of Essays

Why Should People Speak English?

English is the most important international language in the history of the world used by more people, across a larger area and in more fields than any other, ever. It is the second widely spread language in the world. English speak three hundred and five million people in the whole world. It is used in different aspects: communication, business, science, technology, politics and so on.

There is no doubt that English has a great role nowadays. A person who speaks English has more possibilities in life than those who do not know English at all. It is worth mentioning that nowadays it is necessary to speak English. At present, in the world of new technologies and computers, English plays an important role. So, even to enter some Universities you need to know English. That is why pupils should learn English and aspire to speak it without any difficulty. At the same time young people who speak English can find a good job and therefore they are more successful. Moreover, they earn more money and have a better well-to-do life.

As for me, English plays an important role in my life. I learn English because it is an open door in the future life. I think that a person who knows foreign languages succeeds more in life. Really, every educated person should know not only his native language but at least another foreign one. Not in vain Goethe once noticed: “He who doesn’t know a foreign language knows nothing about his own.” Thus, people who speak English can communicate with different people from different countries. I really enjoy this language. My future life depends on the knowledge of English. I would like to connect my life with English language. My dream is to speak English freely. To my mind, it is a very interesting language to study. The knowledge of English helps people to obtain success in life and be useful for the society they live in.

What we have to realize is: the role of English is very important in the modern world that is why people should speak English.

With or without School Uniform

School uniform is a special set of clothes worn by all pupils at school. Nowadays there are two different opinions about school uniform. Some people think that pupils should wear uniform at school as it was many years ago. They consider that pupils who wear school uniform are more organized and disciplined. On the other hand, there exists another opinion about school uniform. So, such opinion is based on the statement that wearing school uniform is not so important nowadays. They say that uniform does not have a great influence upon the process of teaching or memorizing. From my point of view, it would be better to wear a school uniform in our lyceum. I think that it would have only a positive influence upon every pupil.

As for the pupils’ reaction to the idea to introduce a school uniform in our lyceum it is worth mentioning that there would be two different opinions. Some pupils would like to wear a school uniform. They would prefer to have a special uniform that would distinguish our lyceum and our pupils from other schools and lyceums from our town and other towns and villages as well. Other pupils consider that school uniform is only our past. It reminds them the time when their parents went to school. They think that nowadays pupils should choose themselves what to wear. They have their own options. They notice that school uniform cannot express their individuality and personality.

As far as I know, school uniform has a great influence upon the pupils and the process of teaching. The pupils feel the responsibility for the uniform they wear. Therefore they have to take care of it. So, every evening they should put the uniform in order and prepare it for the next day. In such a way pupils become more organized, disciplined and responsible.

Live to believe

Life is a period of time during which a person grows, develops and creates. It is a long period of time during which we are glad and melancholy, work and have a rest, learn something, sing or dance, go in for sport or simply walk with our friends.

To my knowledge, life is the quality of being active and exciting. It means that our life consists not only of difficulties and troubles. It is also full of glad and happy moments that help us to believe in good. So, we should be afraid of nothing. We should live and believe that everything will be good and the worst and darkest period in our life will step back. I think that in spite of the adversities that happen in a person’s life he or she should not give up all hope. Nowadays, everything can happen in our life although we should be strong even strong - willed. Only such a person can get over all the difficulties and be happy and enjoy the life.

From my point of view, hope and belief are the best qualities that help us to live in such a difficult and cruel time. A person who believes only in good and considers that life is nice and beautiful never goes to seed and is not down in the mouth. Moreover, such people always resist their fear and overcome all the difficulties in their way. They are really very courageous and strong. As for the weak people, they cannot obtain success in their life. That is why, in order to be successful in life every of us should live, enjoy our life, value every second of our life and believe that our life will be more beautiful and happier and certainly without troubles.

Knowledge advances by steps and not by leaps

Aristotle, one of the great Greek philosophers, once said: “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” So, it takes great efforts of the person to become an educated one. I consider that it is really a treasure to have education. Not in vain the proverb says: “Better unborn than untaught.”

In my opinion, it is very difficult and takes a lot of time to get good knowledge and become a useful person for the country you live in. Really, it advances by steps and not by leaps and bounds. To my mind, it is a long hard work. For example, a pupil who wants to obtain BAC, to have good marks and certainly good knowledge to be ready to enter the University needs 12 years of hard diligent everyday work. Another example can be great poets and scientists who spent all the life creating their masterpieces and only after that they could prove that they are really genius and have enough knowledge to be useful and necessary for their own country. Therefore, they can be called true sons of their country.

So, I would tend to think that it is never too late to learn, although it takes lots of time and efforts. From my point of view, we should always remember that knowledge is power and it is not a burden.

It is worth mentioning that people cannot become patriots in one night. They receive education from their ancestors. That is way grown-up people should teach children to become the people who can pray for the nation and the world instead of praying for their own children. I am convinced that we should not behave lightly, jealous towards other people forgetting the honour of the nation. I consider that people who endeavour to present their nation in a more beautiful and valuable manner are true patriots. The descendants of such people will also be patriots.

As for me, I am a patriot. I love my country, my nation. I am devoted to my country and its welfare. I am always ready to do everything possible for my country in order to make it more prosperous. I always think of my country and will serve it if my nation suffers misery. I will support my country at any time.

Art is Long, Life is Short

As far as I know art is the use of imagination to express ideas or feelings, particularly in painting, drawing or sculpture. At the same time it is also the skill of creating objects such as paintings and drawings. L. Tolstoy once noticed: “Art is a human activity its purpose being the transmission to others of the highest and best feeling to which men have risen”. So, it means that art belongs to the people. The history of art from the Renaissance to our days confirms this fact. Therefore an artist is a worthy son of his time if his art is addressed to the people, when it deals with life, when he welcomes the sunrise as a wonderful symbol of man’s finest hopes.

There are two kinds of art or rather there is art and pretence of art. To my mind, real live art appeals to the heart and mind of man, to his feelings and ideas and it proclaims life. Pretence of art is dead, it does not appeal to the living. I think that whatever it deals with is dead, without sunlight, without breath of life. Moreover, it is devoid of hope or prospect. The two concepts are contrasting. The dead challenges the living one. It continues to pollute life. It encroaches on the world of all that is so beautiful and wonderful. From my point of view, art is really truthful only when it serves life, only when the artist hopes to arouse warm responses in the heart of man. True art elevates the mind and soul of people.

Nevertheless, it is worth to mention that art is not only paintings or sculptures. I consider that poetry is also art. Plutarch once mentioned: “Painting is silent poetry and poetry is painting that speaks”. Really, painting is silent poetry. Pictures cannot speak, cannot sing, cannot cry or shout. We can only look at them and admire their beauty. And everyone who looks at the picture understands it in his/her own way. As for the poetry, it is art, a majestic creation. It is like a picture but we can read it. That is why Plutarch said that poetry is painting that speaks. To my mind, both painting and poetry are really masterpieces, art that cannot be forgotten.

Art has a great influence upon every person. I think it is a positive one. According to Pablo Picasso “art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life”. I believe that art is something high that will live eternally. Art is not a thing it is a way, a very long one. Time changes us and everything around us. As for the art it remains. Life is short, art is long.

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