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КВН "Кошки и Мышки"

Это разработка КВН мероприятия на тему "Кошки и Мышки". Учителям очень хорошо поможет, здесь много информаций и понадобится на уроке.


Содержимое разработки

КВН «Кошки и мышки»


  1. Развитие языковых, интеллектуальных, творческих способностей учащихся

  2. Расширение с помощью английского языка представлений учащихся об окружающем мире, о языке как средстве взаимодействия с этим миром.

  3. Развитие речевой культуры учащихся и культуры общения

  4. Закрепление речевых образцов , грамматических структур, лексики

  5. Формирование положительной мотиваций учения, готовности воспринимать культуру другого народа

Подготовка к КВН

  1. Учащиеся рисуют оформление сцены. Готовят фигурки кошек и мышей.

  2. Самостоятельно готовят рассказы и сценки по темам: «Моя семья», «Мой необычный дом», «Карманные деньги», «Правила в нашей семье».

  3. Переделывает песни


Оформление сцены (дом кошек и дом мышек), костюмы, эмблемы, плакаты, рисунки, магнитофон и д.р

Ход урока

Pupil 1. For many years cats and mice have been living on Earth. And all these long years they have been fighting. They are enemies. You ask why?

Pupil 2. The legend says once upon a time the king of Mice quarreled with the king of Cats. Nobody knows the reason of the battle. But someone says it was a piece of cheese.

Pupil 1. And today two enemies decided to have a just duel and to learn who is the cleverest, the strongest, and the bravest in the world.

Pupil 2. Attention! Attention! The world competition between’Cats’ and ‘Mice’ is declared to be opened. I ask teams to come here.

Pupil1. I want to introduce you our noble jury..

Pupil2. Dear ‘Cats’ and ‘Mice’ , greet each other. Say some pleasant words. You are welcome.

(Команды выходят по очереди)

Кошки чинно выходят под музыку «Pussy» парами. По окончании музыки громко кричат «Мяу» и разбигаются в разные стороны, выглядывая кто откуда. Один из учащихся читает стихотворение.


Cats sleep anywhere

Any table, any chair

Top of piano, window-edge

In the middle of the edge

Open drawer, empty shoe

Anybody is lap will do

Fitted in a cardboard with your frocks-


They don’t care! Cats sleep anywhere!

(кошки выбегают и кричат хором свой девиз)

We are cats! Our motto is: it is never too late to mend

Поют песни на мотив ‘Happy birthday’)

, We are beautiful cats

We are the death of the rats

And we say a cunny mouse

‘Go away of the house!’

If you don’t away

We will fight you all day

Never live in peace

And we’ll never you miss!


For many years Cats oppressed Mice. Mice were very shy. There were only some Mice who fought with Cats. For example, Robin Mouse. He took cheese from the Cats and gave it to the Mice. Now we’re free and brave. We star on Hollywood’s screen. You can’t use the computer without a computer mouse. Mice flew into space. Now the Mice have the rights!

Выходят Мыши и начинают петь песню, но, увидев кошек, замолкают и прижимаются друг к другу, затем смело продолжают. Исполнив песню, убегают, показывая «нос». Песня испоняется на мотив «Yellow Submarine».

In the house where I was born

Lived some mice, bold and free

And they told me of their life

In the hole under the tree

We are happy, clever, funny mice

Clever , funny mice, clever, funny mice

Hello kittens ! what a nice surprise

What a nice surprise, what a nice surprise

We are nice Mice! Our motto is:

Early to bed, early to rise and you’ll be healthy, wealthy as mice

Pupil1: All right! I suggest you live in peace today. The aim of our competition is to get to know each other closely. As a training, we’ll ask questions about your families.

Is your family large or small?

Who is your mother?

What is your father?

What ‘s your sister’s hobby?

Where do you live?

Pupil 2. Well, you have learned some facts about your families and we want to listen to the whole story.

Cats’ story

Our family is large. I have mother, father, two brothers, three sisters and grandfather. Everyone is responsible for its comfort, success in work and good spirit. The head of our family is my grandfather. But he lives alone. He is an old soldier. He took part in the First World Cat’s War. His name is ‘Combat’. My father’s name is Vasilii. He is five years old. He is fat and he doesn’t like working. My mother often argues with him, but in vain. He is sitting and dreaming on the roof all day long. My mother is of noble breed. Her name is Margo. But life has flattered her and now she is Murka. We have five kittens in our family: Cusia, Pusia, Tusia, Tasia, Masia. We take care of our parents and catch mice every day for them. We like singing song. We are very happy!

Mice’s story

My family is very large. I have got mother, father, ten sisters and ten brothers. My mother’s name is Mary.She is a housewife. My father is a businessman. He sells cheese. My elder brother is on actor. His name is Jerry. Our grandfather was an actor, too. His name is Mickey Mouse. He lives in California. My sister is a hacker. She is like computer. We call her ‘computer mouse’. I have many brothers and sisters. They like to play with our toy cat. It ‘s so funny. We are very friendly. I love my family.

Pupil 1. Home, sweet home! Everybody wants to have a very cozy and comfortable house. It ‘s the place where we live, rest and sleep. We create our lovely house and think that it’s our castle. ‘My home is my Castle.’

(ученики рассказывают о своих домах. Мыши рассказывают о доме в норке, а кошки-на крыше).

Pupil1. To keep the family and the house we make some rules which help us live. All members of the family should obey them and keep order.

Mice‘s Rules

  1. You mustn’t eat cheese from a mousetrap

  2. Don’t eat too much cheese

  3. You should go shopping every day and don’t forget to buy cheese

  4. You shouldn’t watch cheese operas more than two hours a day.

  5. The first to enter the house must be a mouse

  6. If you have any problems with cats call for rats

  7. Pull the cats by the tail but take care of your own one

  8. Mice! You are the best.

Cats’ Rules

  1. Parents give their children pocket money

  2. Every good cat should eat from is own bow

  3. We should be very strong to catch many mice

  4. A mouse is our enemy forever

  5. We can sleep everywhere except the fridge

  6. Cats are not people, they can’t work

  7. A cat must run after a mouse all day long

  8. Cats always win mice

Pupil 1: one of the rules is to give pocket money to children. Do you like it? Cats and mice like. When you have pocket money, your fantasy is endless. You want to buy different things.

Pocket money

Cats ‘ Story

Yesterday I was a good boy. I did everything my mother told me to do. She was pleased and gave me some pocket money. It was a miracle. I did not know what to buy. I thought about ‘Whiskas’. I had never eaten it before. But on the other hand I had a big problem. Fleas ! They tortured me day and right and I needed ‘antifleas’ dog collar. But I got to used to them. Today I think about a comb. Oh ,no! I like to walk shaggy like a punk. But it will be good to cut my claws and do manicure. But it’s only a dream because I have only a cent.

Mice ‘ Story

1st mouse: I want to buy a long tail.

2nd mouse: I want to buy a magic tube.

3rd mouse: I want to buy a Robodog. Bow-wow-wow!

4th mouse: I want to buy an anticat alarm

5th mouse: And I want to buy a ton of cheese

All together: Oh, cheese.

Pupil 1: and now one of you’ll go to the shop and buy something

(сценки в магазине)

Pupil2: in the evening all the families gather at home. It ‘s wonderful time for resting. Both Cats and Mice like to sing songs. Let ‘s listen to them.

(Ученики сами выбирают песни для исполнения)

Pupil1: The competition is over and our noble jury is ready to tell us the score. Приветственное слово жюри.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Организация и сопровождение олимпиадной деятельности учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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