7 класс Unit 1 учебник О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова
11 класс Unit 1 учебник М. З. Биболетова
In fact English is a Germanic language. The Anglo-Saxons contributed to the formation of English most of all. English grammar is still very similar to German.
There are also a lot of French words in English from when William Duke of Normandy became the King of England in 1066. You can find a lot of Scandinavian words in English too.
They came from the times when the Vikings raided Britain.
The English alphabet came from Latin. Christian monks, who spoke Latin, brought it to England from Ireland.
It is very strange, but the Celtic language didn't contribute many words to modern English.
We can only find Celtic words in the names of places and rivers such as: Dover, Kent, Avon and the Thames, for example.
The beginning of the British Empire was in 1583 when Queen Elizabeth I sent her ships to explore new lands and continents.
The expeditions were always successful.
More and more lands became the part of the British Empire. At that time Doctor Dee, the Queen's magician and astrologer, said the famous words: "British Empire". He was right.
Britain had the largest Empire in the world.
People said about it: "The sun never sets on the British Empire."
It was true: the Empire was so big that it was always daylight in some part of it.
Its territories were on every continent and ocean.
By the beginning of the 20th century the British Empire had a population of 400-500 million people (about a quarter of the world's population at that time), and covered about 30 million square kilometers.
Some of the countries that used to be British colonies or territories are: the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, and large parts of Africa, the Caribbean, the Far East, the Middle East and some islands in
Scandinavian words in English - anger, cake, call, egg, get, give kick, kill, score, scrub, seat, skill, skin, ski take, they, them, their, ugly, want, window, husband.
Latin words in English- street, kitchen, cup, cheese, wine, angel, wall, paper.
French words in English - country, court, crime, prison, religion, prince,
Royal, adventure, change, fruit, letter, princess, literature, magic, male, female, mirror, question, special.
Соотнесите группу слов и язык, из которого они заимствованы
a) Turkish b) German c) French d) Dutch e) Greek f) English
1. Рейд, вымпел, рупор, яхта, шлюпка, шлюз, фрегат, крейсер, штурман, матрос, юнга, верфь, каюта, люк.(D)
Алтарь, архангел, патриарх, идол, сатана, канон, Евангелие (E)
Галстук, китель, штопор, футляр, крендель, пудель, картофель, кухня, лазарет, бинт, шрам, солдат, офицер, лагерь, плац, фланг, штурм. ( B)
Тулуп, сарафан, башмак, каблук, чулок, войлок, амбар, сарай, балаган, чулан, очаг, лачуга, шалаш, таз, утюг, тюфяк, колчан, капкан, лошадь, табун, деньги, аршин.
товар, караул, богатырь, карандаш, туман, сундук, карман, чугун.(A)
Костюм, жилет, пальто, мебель, кабинет, салон, буфет, суп, бульон, компот., котлета, сюжет, жанр, эскиз, актёр (C)
Рельс, тоннель, экспресс, трамвай, трактор, клуб, комбайн, теннис, спорт, рекорд, старт, финиш, лидер, бифштекс, пудинг, пикник, веранда, сквер.( F)