Контрольная работа. Вариант 1. 4 класс.
ослушай описание и выбери верную картинку.
B) C)
Прочитай письмо Тайни и дополни предложения.
Dear Jim and Jill,
In January I will go to Russia. It will be cold and snowy in winter. I will toboggan and play snowballs. I will make a funny snowman and I will ski in the park. I won't skate because I can't.
In the evenings I will tell my Russian friends new fairy tales. Would you like to go to Russia with me?
Write, please.
Your Tiny.
It will be ____________________ in winter.
Tiny won't ________________because he can't.
Tiny will go to Russia in ______________.
Tiny will ___________ in the park.
О пиши погоду на каждой картинке.
B) C) D)
Используй слова: windy, cold, cloudy, snowy, sunny, rainy, hot, warm.
Example: It's warm and sunny.
Выпиши то, что можно делать летом: (не менее 7 словосочетаний и слов)
Play tennis, ski, run, ride a bike, play snowballs, dive, play hide-and-seek, skate, make a snowman, swim, play football, fly a kite, have a picnic.
Составь предложения из слов. Запиши предложения.
Will, to the park, go, they, tomorrow?
play, hide-and-seek, Jill, won't, in an hour.
Tiny, next week, visit, will, his grandma.
My mum, have a picnic, next week, won't.
Прочитай диалог и вставь пропущенные слова.
picnic, weather, fly, warm, like.
Mark: What is the 1)________________like today?
Bess: It is 2)______________and sunny.
Mark: Would you 3)______________to go to the park and have a 4)______________?
Bess: Of course. I can 5)_____________ my kite there.
Прочитай вопросы и кратко ответь на них.
Do you like summer? ___________________________
Can you ride a bike? ____________________________
Does Jim like to fly a kite? Yes, ___________________
Will he play hockey in winter? Yes, __________________
Are they students? No, ___________________________
Has she got a cat? No, ___________________________
Контрольная работа. Вариант 2.
ослушай описание и выбери верную картинку.
A) B) C)
Прочитай письмо Тайни и дополни предложения.
Dear Jim and Jill,
In July I will go to Russia. It will be sunny and hot in summer. I will ride a bike and play football. I will swim and I will have a picnic in the park. I won't dive because I can't.
In the evenings I will tell my Russian friends new fairy tales. Would you like to go to Russia with me?
Write, please.
Your Tiny.
It will be ____________________ in summer.
Tiny won't ________________because he can't.
Tiny will go to Russia in ______________.
Tiny will ___________ in the park.
О пиши погоду на каждой картинке.
A) B) C) D)
Используй слова: windy, cold, cloudy, snowy, sunny, rainy, hot, warm.
Example: It's warm and sunny.
Выпиши то, что можно делать зимой: (не менее 7 словосочетаний и слов)
Play hockey, ski, run, walk in the park, play snowballs, dive, play hide-and-seek, skate, make a snowman, swim, play football, toboggan, have a picnic.
Составь предложения из слов. Запиши предложения.
Will, basketball, play, you, tomorrow?
read, the book, Ann, won't, in an hour.
Tim, next summer, have, will, a picnic.
My friend, go, next week, won't, to school.
Прочитай диалог и вставь пропущенные слова.
park, football, play, sunny, like.
Mary: What is the weather 1)______________ today?
Jess: It is 2)______________and hot.
Mary: Would you like to go to the 3)_____________ and play 4)______________?
Jess: Of course. I like to 5)_____________ football there.
Прочитай вопросы и кратко ответь на них.
Do you like winter? ___________________________
Can she ride a bike? Yes, ________________________
Do you like to fly a kite? ________________________
Will he play snowballs in winter? Yes, __________________
Are they friends? No, ___________________________
Has he got a dog? No, ___________________________