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Конспект урока "Your health depends on you!"

Урок направлен на закрепление лексики по теме FOOD,развитие навыков устной речи и аудирования. На уроке дети учатся бережно относиться к своему здоровью, формируют правильные привычки ЗОЖ.

Содержимое разработки

«Your health depends on you! » Урок в 6 классе

Продолжительность занятия – 45 мин.

Цели урока:

  • практическая: отработать употребление лексических единиц по теме “Food” “Health” в речи учащихся;

  • образовательная: развивать навыки устной речи, аудирования; повторить правила образования утвердительных и отрицательных предложений; совершенствование навыков монологической речи, умение высказываться логично и связно, продуктивно, умение анализировать и выражать свое мнение, описывать происходящие события;

  • развивающая: развивать воображение, фантазию, творческое мышление; развивать речевые способности, способность логически излагать, развивать умения сравнивать, анализировать, воображать; формировать языковые навыки учащихся; развитие умения работать в группах;

  • воспитательная: учить учащихся бережно относиться к здоровью; воспитание уважения к мнению других, умения слушать; воспитание отрицательного отношения к вредным для здоровья привычкам

Ход урока.

I. Организационный момент.

Т: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. How are you today? Are you fine? That's nice. Then, let's start our lesson. I want to invite you to the World of Health. We will try to make out what is meant when they say ‘healthy food’ and work out the basic rules for making our food healthy.

II. Фонетическая зарядка (Слайд № 1) 10 мин.

I hope everyone in class agrees that food plays a great role in our life. We can’t live without food. But what food do we eat? Are we always sure that food we eat is healthy? “You are what you eat”, says the English proverb. Do you agree with this statement? How do you understand it?

(-Not all food what we eat is healthy for people)

You can see some word from the topic “Food”. I want you to divide the words into two groups: “healthy food” and “unhealthy food”. Let’s write them one by one in two columns.

(учащиеся распределяют слова по колонкам)

Orange, cola, bread, salad, meat, sausage, soup, coffee, honey, chips, fish, hamburger, cream, eggs, yogurt, jam, cheese, cake.

III. Закрепление. Do you like poems? You should fill in the proper words into the sentences to complete the poem.

1. Hi, my name is Sam, I like eating… (jam)

2. My name is Louise, I like to eat …(cheese)

3. My big brother Jake is fond of … (cake)

4. And my sister Bunny eats too much …(honey)

5. This girl is Lola. She likes drinking…(cola)

6. And this boy is Fred. He likes eating… (bread)

7. But do you want to know the food they dream?

It’s chocolate cake with lots of sweet…( cream).

IV. Представление проектов. (Слайд 3) 10 мин.

It’s time to watch the project about “Healthy Food” made by Romozanov and Lukashenko.

(Presentation 1)

T: Thank you very much. Your ideas are very interesting. Do you like this project? What was new for you, what didn’t you know?

Look at the screen and try to say “true” or “false”. (Ha слайде предложения, учащиеся соглашаются или нет с этими высказываниями.) (Слайд 2 ) 3 мин.

1. All foods are good for you. 2.Vitamins and minerals help you to keep healthy. 3.Fruit and vegetables are full of sugar and fat. 4.Sweets, crisps and cola keep you healthy. 5.You should eat a variety of foods to stay healthy and grow big and strong. 6. Doctors often advice you to eat more ice- cream and chocolate. 7. Milk is useful for children.

And what about “tasty food’’? How do you understand the meaning?

(-It’s food that we prefer, that we like to eat). Boys present the project “Tasty food”.

(Presentation 2)

V. Речевая зарядка. 5 мин.

  • Do you have breakfast every day?

  • Do you eat fresh fruit and vegetables once a day?

  • Do you eat cakes and sweets three times a day?

  • Do you clean your teeth twice a day?

  • Did you do your exercises yesterday?

  • Do you do some sport every week?

  • Do you watch TV late at night?

  • Do you go to bed late?

Not only food is important for people’s health. We must not forget about physical activity. Are you healthy now? Do you know about it? So clap your hands and sing a song.

(“If you healthy and you know it”) 2 мин.

VI.Пословицы о здоровье. 5мин.

Good health is above wealth. Обжорство убивает быстрее, чем меч.

Prevention is better than cure. Здоровье дороже богатства.

Gluttony kills more than the sword. Болезнь легче предупредить, чем лечить.

Appetite comes with eating Здоровье не ценится, пока не приходит болезнь.

Health is not valued till illness comes Аппетит приходит во время еды.

After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile. После обеда посиди, после ужина пройдись

Т: Let's try to give advice “How to be healthy” to your friends. Fill in should or shouldn’t into the sentences. (Слайд 4) 5 мин.

1. You ...eat fruit and vegetables every day.

2. You … go for a walk every day

3. You ... eat a lot of sweets.

4. You... watch TV for more than one hour a day.

5. You … clean your teeth twice a day.

6. You …wash the hands before you eat.

7. You …get up late and go to bed late.

T: We can give a lot of pieces of advice, but that'll be enough for the lesson today. Thank you.

VII. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание

Т: I hope you liked this lesson. You've learned interesting facts about healthy and unhealthy food. You shouldn’t remember that your health depends on you. At home you will make a poster “Ideal school breakfast’’.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Исследовательская деятельность учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
1000 руб.
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