Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Подготовка к ЕГЭ  /  11 класс  /  Конспект урока "Printed books vs e-books"

Конспект урока "Printed books vs e-books"

Разработка урока позволяет совершенствовать умения и навыки выполнения заданий формата ЕГЭ на материале темы «Печатные книги против электронных книг».


Содержимое разработки

Idioms about books



an open book

Someone that is easy to know about because they don’t keep any secrets.

Julia’s life is like an open book. You always know what she’s up to”.

read someone like a book

To understand easily what someone is thinking or feeling

I can read Angela like a book. I always know what she’s thinking and what she’s about to say at meetings”

a closed book

Something you accept has completely ended

As far as I am concerned, that matter with the council is a closed book

don’t judge a book by its cover.

you shouldn’t form an opinion of something or someone only from its appearance

That professor may seem slow and awkward, but don't judge a book by its cover. He is one of the brightest minds in his field”.

the oldest trick in the book

A dishonest method of doing something that you know about because it has been used many times before

It was the oldest trick in the book – one man distracted me while another stole my wallet. I can’t believe I fell for it.”

take a leaf out of someone’s book

To copy what someone else does because they are successful at it

You should take a leaf out of Kate’s book. She has achieved wonders with those children”.

in someone’s good books

Used for saying when someone is pleased/annoyed with you.

Tommy has been on his best behaviour today. After yesterday’s tantrums, he’s been doing his best to be in my good books all day.”

bring someone to book

to punish someone or to make them explain their behaviour publicly when they have done something wrong

If policemen have lied, then they must be brought to book.

Idioms about books




an open book

Julia’s life is like an open book. You always know what she’s up to”.


you shouldn’t form an opinion of something or someone only from its appearance


read someone like a book

I can read Angela like a book. I always know what she’s thinking and what she’s about to say at meetings”.


To copy what someone else does because they are successful at it


a closed book

As far as I am concerned, that matter with the council is a closed book.


Used for saying when someone is pleased/annoyed with you.


don’t judge a book by its cover.

That professor may seem slow and awkward, but don't judge a book by its cover. He is one of the brightest minds in his field”.


Someone that is easy to know about because they don’t keep any secrets.


the oldest trick in the book

It was the oldest trick in the book – one man distracted me while another stole my wallet. I can’t believe I fell for it.”


A dishonest method of doing something that you know about because it has been used many times before


take a leaf out of someone’s book

You should take a leaf out of Kate’s book. She has achieved wonders with those children”.


To understand easily what someone is thinking or feeling


in someone’s good books

Tommy has been on his best behaviour today. After yesterday’s tantrums, he’s been doing his best to be in my good books all day.”


to punish someone or to make them explain their behaviour publicly when they have done something wrong


bring someone to book

If policemen have lied, then they must be brought to book.


Something you accept has completely ended

an open book

read someone like a book

a closed book

don’t judge a book by its cover.

the oldest trick in the book

take a leaf out of someone’s book

in someone’s good books

bring someone to book

Someone that is easy to know about because they don’t keep any secrets.

To copy what someone else does because they are successful at it

To understand easily what someone is thinking or feeling

Something you accept has completely ended

you shouldn’t form an opinion of something or someone only from its appearance

A dishonest method of doing something that you know about because it has been used many times before

Used for saying when someone is pleased/annoyed with you.

to punish someone or to make them explain their behaviour publicly when they have done something wrong

Julia’s life is like an open book. You always know what she’s up to”.

I can read Angela like a book. I always know what she’s thinking and what she’s about to say at meetings”.

As far as I am concerned, that matter with the council is a closed book“.

That professor may seem slow and awkward, but don't judge a book by its cover. He is one of the brightest minds in his field”.

It was the oldest trick in the book – one man distracted me while another stole my wallet. I can’t believe I fell for it.”

You should take a leaf out of Kate’s book. She has achieved wonders with those children”.

Tommy has been on his best behaviour today. After yesterday’s tantrums, he’s been doing his best to be in my good books all day.”

If policemen have lied, then they must be brought to book.

Содержимое разработки

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Гимназия № 9»

г.о. Электросталь

Конспект урока в 11 классе

Тема: “Printed books versus e-readers

(«Печатные книги против электронных книг»)

Составитель: Старец Ирина Александровна,

учитель английского языка

высшей квалификационной категории

Цель урока: совершенствование умений и навыков выполнения заданий формата ЕГЭ на материале темы «Печатные книги против электронных книг».


  1. закрепить навыки и умения монологической речи по теме «Книги»

  2. Запрашивать информацию на основе ключевых слов;

  3. Высказывать и аргументировать свою точку зрения.

  4. Использовать оценочные суждения и эмоционально-оценочные средства, выражать эмоциональное отношение к высказанному/обсуждаемому/прочитанному/увиденному.

  5. учить устно высказываться по теме, пользуясь опорами


1. Развитие личностной активности через учебную деятельность.

2. Развитие речевых способностей, связанных с речевой деятельностью и мыслительных операций (умение сравнивать, анализировать, обобщать).


1. Воспитание бережного отношения к книгам.

2. Воспитание уважительного отношения к мнению собеседника.

Технологии: технология проблемного обучения, технология коммуникативного обучения иноязычной культуре, информационно-коммуникационная технология, элементы игровой технологии.

Тип урока: урок повторения предметных знаний, умений, навыков.

Оснащение урока: тексты с сайта Британского центра, презентация Power Point, раздаточный материал, компьютер, проектор, интерактивная доска.

Формы организации познавательной деятельности: индивидуальная, парная, групповая, фронтальная.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент. (1 min)

Good Morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you! Sit down, please.

II. Целеполагание (2 мин.)

(Слайд 1)

On the screen you can see a small part of a picture. Do you know what picture I have hidden from you? What are your ideas?

Now let’s see if you were right. What are we going to discuss at this lesson?

(Слайд 2)

The theme of our lesson is “Printed books versus e-readers”. Today at the lesson we are going to practise expressing your opinion, asking questions, describing photos and comparing them. In other words, we are going to practice all those skills that you will need at the exam at the end of the year.

III. Pre-reading (2 min)

(Слайд 3)

Now I want you to think of as many words connected with books as you can and the way people read them.




paper books

flick the pages

electronic books

thumb (fingers)


smell the paper

digital books





Thank you for the words. Don’t forget to use them in your answers at the lesson.

There are different opinions about the future of books and e-readers. There can be little doubt about the advantages of e-readers. But books have been a part of our culture for hundreds of years. Which format of books will a reader choose in the future? A printed book or an electronic one?

Let’s try to find the answer to this question by the end of the lesson.

IV. Reading (4 min)

On the Internet, I have found two different articles about printed books and e-readers. Now I want you to read your own articles and to complete the tables with the advantages and disadvantages of both printed and electronic books according to your texts. Don’t write full sentences, only keywords. You have 3 minutes to do this task.







V. After-reading (5 min)

(Ученики сидят друг напротив друга)

You’ve just read your articles and you’ve written down some pros and cons of printed books and e-readers. Let’s have a battle where one group of students will give arguments for real books while the other group will respond by calling out their disadvantages. Then we’ll take turns to speak about electronic books.

(Sts from Group 1 (Text 1) name the advantages of printed books. Sts from Group 2 (Text 2) name their disadvantages. If there aren’t many disadvantages, they can give the advantages.

Then Sts from Group 2 (Text 2) name their advantages of e-readers whereas Sts from Group 1 (Text 1) present their disadvantages.

What choice do the authors of these articles make? Are they in favour of e-readers or are they going to stick to real books?

VI. Speaking (asking for information) 6 min

Слайд 4

Now imagine that you are considering visiting a new bookstore. Before going there you are calling to the shop to get some information. Ask all possible variants of direct questions and find out about the following:

  1. date of opening

  2. location

  3. rare book section

  4. discounts

  5. possibility to pay by credit card

  6. special offers

  7. audiobooks availability

  8. website availability

VII. A break (5 min)

(Выключить проектор, раздать идиомы: 1 лист на пару учащихся)

Let’s have a break. On your desks there are idioms with examples. Read the idiom, the example and match it to the definition.

Now go to the blackboard and give us your variants. Other students will check if they were right.

VIII. Speaking (describing photos) (7 min)

Слайды 5, 6

I hope you had a little rest and I suggest playing a game. I want you to have a look at the screen where there are three photos. Imagine that these photos are from your family album. You have to describe one photo according to the plan but without telling us its number. Other students will try to guess which photo you describe. Don’t forget to use necessary linking words.

There is one rule. You have to listen to your classmate to the end, only then name the number of the photo. Listen carefully.

IX. Speaking (comparing and contrasting photos) 10 min

Слайды 7, 8, 9

In front of you there are two photos. Study them, compare and contrast them according to the plan.

X. Feedback

At the beginning of our lesson we said that there were different opinions about the future of books and e-readers. Now I’m interested in your opinion. Which format of books will you as readers choose in the future? A printed book or an electronic one? Don’t forget about the arguments.

XI. Hometask.

Write an opinion essay and comment on the following statement: Printed books are being replaced by electronic ones and they will soon disappear. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

XII. Thank you. It was nice to work with you today. Your marks for today are …

Содержимое разработки

Text 1 “Nothing beats a real book”







Text 2 “The book versus the e-reader”







Содержимое разработки

Nothing beats a real book


Call me old-fashioned, but I like a good book. And by that, I mean a real book. One that you can flick the pages of, one that you can put a bookmark in, one that has a battered cover and broken spine. 

Last year, I was given a Kindle. I have never actually read a book on it. There's something frustrating about having to charge it up before I can read; with a real book you can just open it and begin. It doesn't feel the same in my hands: it's too light. My fingers miss the familiar ritual of turning the page. I had good intentions of using it on my year abroad; after all, that was why my parents bought it for me. In the end, I didn't use it. I ploughed through the French books that my uncle had lent me instead. 

Over the last week, I have been proofreading several e-books, checking them for errors. Reading a screen for a long time makes your eyes feel rather tired. I don't get this problem with a real book! In addition, scientists say that looking at screens before going to sleep is bad for your health - so surely a real book is much better!

E-books are still a relatively recent invention. They are popular too, for a variety of reasons. An e-reader (such as a Kindle) takes up much less room (and weight) in a suitcase: perfect for people who used to have to take several books on holiday. Lots of people don't re-read books; an e-reader means they don't end up with a house cluttered with books they'll never look at again. People say they're more environmentally friendly: no trees are cut down for paper, no ink is needed. 

However successful these devices are, nothing can beat the appeal of a genuine book for me. After all, if I'm short of cash, or don't necessarily want to re-read a book, I can always go to the library and borrow a book. For free! 

Источник: http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/magazine/books/nothing-beats-real-book

The book versus the e-reader


Three years ago I was completely against e-readers such as the Amazon Kindle because I loved showing off all the books I owned on a bookshelf and would even store them alphabetically, which gave me a feeling of accomplishment. It wasn’t the fact that bookstores were closing down around me, as I would always buy books online anyway (who doesn’t like to save money?) that made me hate these new electronic versions of books, but the fact that I wouldn’t be able to hold a book, flick through the pages or turn down the corners to mark where I had read to.

However, last year I gave in. I bought a Kindle. My reason behind buying one was that I’d be travelling for a year and the suitcase allowance at airports would never be large enough for me to transport my books around! Books are just a hassle when going on holiday. When I was younger I would go to the library and take out the maximum number of books allowed and would always read them and reread them in the space of two weeks because I couldn’t take enough books with me. My hand luggage would be stuffed full of books just to make my suitcase lighter!

Since I’ve had an e-reader, I don’t think I would ever buy a book again. I have no need. Books are bulky and heavy whereas an e-Reader can easily be slipped into a handbag and is extremely light. I don’t want to be carrying round a book all day just so I have something to do on the metro, but instead I am carrying round a whole library!

Electronic books are also a lot cheaper than the hard copies and a lot of the time you can find some amazing books for free too. There’s even an option to read a sample of the book before you buy it, which I find is a great thing. There’s nothing worse than buying a book and not being able to get through the first chapter!

I do hate that many people are losing their jobs because of the rise in people buying digital versions of books, but that is the direction our world is moving in, as it’s happened to music and films too. I think the number of people owning e-readers will continue to rise despite how sad it is that paper copies of books will disappear. Keep turning those pages whilst you can!

Источник: http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/magazine/books/book-versus-e-reader

Содержимое разработки

Printed books  vs  e-readers Starets I.A. Gymnasium № 9 Electrostal

Printed books vs e-readers

Starets I.A.

Gymnasium № 9


Books printed electronic




Study the advertisement . You are considering visiting the new bookstore and now you’d like to get more information. Ask direct questions to find out about the following: Visit our bookstore

Study the advertisement .

You are considering visiting the new bookstore and now you’d like to get more information.

Ask direct questions to find out about the following:

Visit our bookstore

  • date of opening
  • location
  • rare book section
  • discounts
  • possibility to pay by credit card
  • special offers
  • availability of audiobooks
  • availability of website
These photos are from your album. Present one of them to your friend. Remember to speak about: Where and when the photo was taken What/who is in the photo What is happening Why you keep the photo Why you decided to show the photo to your friend Photo № 1 Photo № 3 Photo № 2

These photos are from your album. Present one of them to your friend. Remember to speak about:

  • Where and when the photo was taken
  • What/who is in the photo
  • What is happening
  • Why you keep the photo
  • Why you decided to show the photo to your friend

Photo № 1

Photo № 3

Photo № 2

These photos are from your album. Present one of them to your friend. Remember to speak about: Where and when the photo was taken What/who is in the photo What is happening Why you keep the photo Why you decided to show the photo to your friend Photo № 1 Photo № 3 Photo № 2

These photos are from your album. Present one of them to your friend.

Remember to speak about:

  • Where and when the photo was taken
  • What/who is in the photo
  • What is happening
  • Why you keep the photo
  • Why you decided to show the photo to your friend

Photo № 1

Photo № 3

Photo № 2

Study the two photographs. Compare and contrast them according to the plan. ·   give a brief description (action, location) ·   say what the pictures have in common ·   say in what way the pictures are different ·   say which of the libraries you’d prefer to take books from ·   explain why   You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously. Photo № 1 Photo № 2

Study the two photographs. Compare and contrast them according to the plan.

·   give a brief description (action, location)

·   say what the pictures have in common

·   say in what way the pictures are different

·   say which of the libraries you’d prefer to take books from

·   explain why

  You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously.

Photo № 1

Photo № 2

Study the two photographs. Compare and contrast them according to the plan: ·   give a brief description (action, location) ·   say what the pictures have in common ·   say in what way the pictures are different ·   say which kind of book you’d prefer  ·   explain why   You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously. Photo № 2 Photo № 1

Study the two photographs. Compare and contrast them according to the plan:

·   give a brief description (action, location)

·   say what the pictures have in common

·   say in what way the pictures are different

·   say which kind of book you’d prefer 

·   explain why

  You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously.

Photo № 2

Photo № 1

·   give a brief description (action, location) ·   say what the pictures have in common ·   say in what way the pictures are different ·   say which kind of book you’d prefer  ·   explain why   You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously. Photo № 2 Photo № 1

·   give a brief description (action, location)

·   say what the pictures have in common

·   say in what way the pictures are different

·   say which kind of book you’d prefer 

·   explain why

  You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously.

Photo № 2

Photo № 1

Thank you  for the lesson

Thank you for the lesson

Ссылки на фотографии

Ссылки на фотографии

  • https://www.wht.by/news/itmarket/537 /
  • https://www.syl.ru/post/recreation/851
  • https ://www.davidwolfe.com/7-things-reading-does-mind-body /
  • https://www.bornrealist.com/? p=8985
  • https://blog.allo.ua/o-chtenii-poleznoe-s-priyatnym /
  • http://www.ondair.net/25-things-you-can-do-on-an-airplane-to-take-your-career-to-the-next-level /
  • http://kulturmultur.com/project/90/Devyat_neozhidannyh_mest_dlya_vstrechi_s_knigoy_05_06_2015 /
  • http://quietyell.com/2013/03/30/little-free-library-for-the-neighborhood /
  • http:// galleryeerie.com/book+reader+man
  • https :// stock-clip.com/video/23758030-happy-students-studying-together-at-home
  • http:// www.windowssearch-exp.com/images/search?q=Tired+Teenager&form=RESTAB&first=1&cw=1263&ch=863
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