July07 Un1 It’s Me (new) - 26 -
UNIT 1 IT’S ME «Это я»
Тема: MY NEW ENGLISH BOOK «Мой новый учебник Английского»
Communication objectives Pp will be able Educational objective Pp will | | Vocabulary Active: back at school, crayon, dictionary, extra (pen), glasses, surname, Revision: names of classroom objects Structures New: It’s nice to see you. That’s cool. Welcome back. Revision: Would you like… , How do you spell it? What’s this in English? Positive and negative imperatives, personal questions Phonetic script [] (square brackets), [stress] [p] [b] [k] [g] [f] [v] [t] [d] [s] [z] [m] [n] [l] [h] [r] [w] [e] [i] [neutral vowel] |
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Skills development Pp will practise greeting each other after a long absence speaking about the textbook and its structure reading for specific information | |
1. Речевая разминка
Greet the class. If you already know the class, say, Welcome back and elicit / explain the meaning of this greeting.
1a Individual, class. To introduce the characters (Max and Jane).
Ask Pp to look at the pictures of the children in their books. Tell Pp that these two children together with some others will help them to learn English. Say, Let’s listen to them. What are their names?
Play the tape and elicit the names by asking the questions, What’s the girl’s name? What’s the boy’s name? and ask Pp to write the names in the empty spaces. If you do not encourage writing in the books, ask a P to write the names on the blackboard.
Tapescript: |
Jane: | Hello, Max. |
Max: | Hello, Jane. |
Jane: | How are you? |
Max: | I’m fine. And you? |
Jane: | Just fine. |
Max: | Would you like to sit with me? |
Jane: | OK. |
Practise saying the phrases from the conversation (Hello; How are you? Would you like to sit with me?).
Ask Pp to stand opposite each other in the aisles with a desk between them. Tell them to act out the conversation and sit down.
1b Class, pairs. To create a friendly atmosphere and promote enjoyable learning.
Explain to Pp that Jane and Max know a back-to-school chant and that they are going to teach Pp how to sing it.
Ask a stronger Pp to read the chant aloud and elicit / explain the meaning of It’s nice to see you, We’re back again, It’s cool.
Play the tape. Pp listen and follow and practise saying the chant. Clap your hands to beat the rhythm.
Sing the chant together with Max and Jan once or twice. Tell Pp to close their books and try to say the rhyme to their partner.
Tapescript: |
Jane and Max: | One, two Nice to see you. It’s really nice to see you. One, two, One, two, three Would you like to sit with me? Look, look This is my book This is my new English book. We’re back again We’re back again We’re back again at school That’s cool! |
2a Individual, class. To get Pp familiar with the book.
Open page XXX and say, This is page XXX. Page XXX is very interesting. It’s about history. I love history.
Ask Pp to look through their new English textbook, find a page that they like and describe it following the example in the book.
2b Class, individual. To get Pp to know how the textbook is structured and organised.
Tell Pp to look at the picture and explain that the librarian is adding the information about their new English textbook to the computer database. Ask them to help her, i.e. look through the book and find the information to fill in each line.
3 Class. To revise the ABC and the names of some school things.
Revise the ABC either by singing one of the ABC songs your Pp know or write the text of the song below on the blackboard. Elicit the letters from Pp, then sing the song on the cassette.
Tapescript: |
ABCDEFG HIJ KLMNOP QRU and TUV W and XYZ This is the English alphabet. |
You might feel that your Pp are not quite confident with letters. If so, you could play play Typewriter: Ask Pp if they can name the things around them. Elicit the words and write them on the blackboard. Tell Pp to stand in a line facing the blackboard. Tell them that they are a typewriter and have to ‘type’ the words that you will tell them. Say a word from the list on the blackboard and point to a pupil. This P starts spelling the word by saying the first letter, the next P on the right says the second letter and so on. Each time you say a word to type appoint a new P to begin typing.
Tell Pp to check each other and ask their partner five words from the list on the blackboard using the model in the book. Drill the question, How do you say it? with the whole class. The P who answers can’t look at the blackboard. Demonstrate with a stronger P. As a follow-up ask Pp to give each other a mark – one point for each correct answer.
4a, 4b Individual, class. To develop dictionary skills.
Tell Pp that they are going to learn how to find words in the Wordlist. Explain that all the words in the Wordlist are put in alphabetical order. That is why it is important to know how to do it.
Ask Pp to do Ex. 4a. If Pp cannot handle the situation (all the words begin with the same letter), explain that they can arrange them using the second letter. If the second letter is the same, they should use the third one, etc. That is the way the words are ordered in the Wordlist.
When Pp finish Ex. 4a, ask them to proceed with Ex. 4b. Do NOT say the words yet. Use the numbers to refer to them. Say, Who can find the first word quickest? Elicit the answers, congratulate the winner and go on to the second word. Etc.
5a, 5b Individual, class. To introduce the notion of phonetic script.
Ask Pp if they know how to say the new words in Ex. 4b. Elicit that sometimes it is not easy to say an unknown English word right.
Tell Pp to look at the sample Wordlist entry and answer the questions. Elicit / Explain to them that the symbols in square brackets are called phonetics. They are special symbols used to show how to say English words. Emphasize that knowing the phonetic script will help them to say any English word using a dictionary.
Make sure that Pp notice that:
phonetic script usually comes in square brackets
the stress is marked with the symbol [знак ударения], which is put before the stressed syllable
some symbols in phonetic script aren’t different from letters
each symbols in phonetic script corresponds to one sound only
Go on to Ex. 5b. One by one Pp say a transcribed word then find its alphabetic correspondence on the page and write it next to the phonetic script. Do the same on the blackboard.
When all the words are found, draw Pp’s attention to the differences:
unstressed [ ] in [seven], [lesson], [listen] and [history]
single [l] and [s] in [tell], [spell] and [lesson]
no [t] in [listen]
f) Tell Pp to open the Table of sounds and find the other symbols that are the same as letters.
For extra practice you might want to use the workbook exercises and the Table of Sounds on the workbook CD ROM.
6 Homework. To revise giving personal information orally and in writing.
Tell Pp to look at the symbol next to number 6 and ask what it means. Elicit homework.
Tell Pp that to enter the classroom for their next English lesson, they will need a special exercise book which has all necessary ‘identification information’. Ask Pp to get such an exercise book for their English classes and write all the information on its front cover as shown in Ex. 6.
To make sure that Pp understand all the questions, read them out and have a couple of pupils to answer them. Help with understanding if necessary.
Ask Pp to attach a photo of themselves or draw a self-portrait to make it look like a passport. Remind Pp that in order to write their name and surname in English they will need to refer to the Transliteration Table on p. XXX.
Reminder: For the next lesson prepare slips of coloured paper (30 x 6 cm), 2 or 3 for each student with names of countries written on them. Cut a slot as shown. Use these slips as luggage tags to attach to Pp’s schoolbags to make them look like suitcases. Slip the arrow-shaped end through the slot to attach the tag to a bag handle.
Use the following names of countries: Brazil, Australia, China, Egypt, Great Britain, Japan, Africa, Italy, France

Тема: A NEW PUPIL «Новый ученик»
-научиться спрашивать личную информацию;
- научиться слышать специфичную информацию;
- развивать навыки детального чтения;
- развивать навыки общения.
Communication objectives Pp will be able Educational objective Pp will | | Vocabulary Active: chat room, rules Revision: names of sports, food, be good at Structures Revision: What’s your favourite… ? to be: question forms and short answers, personal questions Phonetic script [tS] [э:] [э] [эе] |
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Skills development Pp will practise asking for and giving personal information listening for specific information reading for coherence and for detail | |
1. Организационный момент.
2. Речевая разминка.
Ask Pp to take out their exercise books. Check if Pp have done the homework and have written their names on their exercise books. Ask Pp the questions and elicit answers,
What’s your name? – My name’s….
What’s your surname? – My surname’s…
What class are you in? – I’m in class…
What’s your school number? – It’s…
Where are you from? – I’m from…
How old are you? –I’m…
Revise the names of different countries using the tags with Brazil, Australia, China, Egypt, Great Britain, Japan, Africa, Italy, France.
Suggest that Pp make suitcases out of their school bags by attaching tags with the names of countries.
Tell Pp that they are ready to travel now and they have to go through the passport control and the customs. Tell them to use their exercise book as a passport at the passport control and their school bags as suitcases at the customs.
If time permits, use the same procedure at the end of the lesson.
Turn the whole classroom into an ‘airport’. Some Pp are passengers, some are passport control officers. They say, Your passport please and ‘check’ the personal information. Others are customs officers. They ask, What’s in your bag? ‘Passengers’ describe the school things they really have in their bags.
3. Основная часть.
1a Individual, class. To practise listening for specific information.
Tell Pp that Jane and Max are going to meet a new pupil. Tell them to listen and say his name. Play the tape.
Tapescript |
Dima: | Hello. Is this class 5B? |
Teacher: | Yes, it is. Come in. Are you new? |
Dima: | Yes, I am. I’m new. |
Teacher: | What’s your name? |
Dima: | My name’s Dima. Dima Kolosov. |
Teacher: | Dima – that’s an unusual name. Where are you from? |
Dima: | I’m from Russia. I’m an exchange pupil. |
Teacher. | Aha. |
Dima: | I’m sorry I’m late. It’s my first day here. |
Teacher: | That’s all right. OK class, this is Dima, a new pupil. |
Children: | Hi. Hello, Dima. |
Teacher: | Come in, Dima and take a seat. |
Dima: | Thank you. |
1b Individual, class, pairs. To revise all the forms of the verb to be for the present
Объяснение использования глагола to be.
Draw Pp’s attention to the look box. Ask them to translate the question into Russian. Elicit, Ты новенький? Say that there are three words in the English sentence and only two in Russian. Ask which word is lost and why. Elicit the verb are.
Revise the conjugation of the verb to be with the whole class by saying a personal pronoun and eliciting the proper form of the verb to be. Clap your hands as you say the verb and encourage Pp to clap with you. Later on you might want to use clapping for error correction when a P omits the verb to be.
Ask Pp to fill in the gaps. Play the tape again to check. Go through the phrases and ask Pp to remember what the reply was. Elicit the answers. If necessary play the tape again.
Ask Pp to work in pairs and act out the conversation between the teacher and Dima. Walk around and monitor.
2a Class. To revise questions.
Ask Pp to look at the picture of Max, Jane and Dima in their books. Elicit the names of Max and Jane.
Tell Pp that they asked Dima more questions during the break. Elicit possible questions, e.g.
Are you from + names of countries?
What’s your favourite sport / food / film / computer / game / song / book?
Are you good at sport / football / tennis / English / maths / computers / dancing?
2b Individual. To practice listening for specific information.
Tell Pp to listen and check whether they have guessed the questions right or not.
Play the tape and elicit the answers.
Tapescript: |
Max: | Hello, Dima. I’m Max. |
Jane: | And I’m Jane. |
Dima: | Nice to meet you, guys. |
Jane: | Are you from Russia? |
Dima: | Yes, I am. |
Max: | How old are you? |
Dima: | I’m 11. And you? |
Max: | I’m eleven. |
Jane: | And I’m ten. |
Max: | What’s your favourite sport? |
Dima: | Football. I play ping-pong, too. |
Jane: | What’s your favourite food? |
Dima: | Ice-cream. I love it. |
Max: | Are you good at computers? |
Dima: | Yes, I am. And I love computer games. |
Jane: | Dima, let’s go and have an ice-cream. |
Max: | No, Dima, let’s go and play football. |
Dima: | Sorry, guys, let’s go to the computer club first. I need to send an e-mail to my parents. |
Answer key:
How old are you?
Are you from Russia?
What’s your favourite sport?
What’s your favourite food?
Are you good at computers?
2c Cocktail. To practise asking for and giving personal information.
Practise saying the questions with the whole class.
Explain the task. Demonstrate with a stronger P.
Invite Pp to stand up, walk around, ask and answer the questions. Set a time limit of about four questions. When the time is up, ask each Pp to report whether he / she found someone who is like him / her.
3a Individual, class. To practise reading for detail.
This exercise can be also done with the help of ICT, see Teacher’s Disk (TD)
Unit 1 Lesson 2
??????Equipment: teacher-operated computer, digital projector.
Or lab????
Ask if Pp use the Internet to meet new people. Explain what a chat room is. Say that children’s chat rooms have rules.
Tell Pp to read the page and answer the questions. Set a time limit of about three minutes and check the answers.
3b Individual, pairs / class. To practise reading for coherence.
Explain to Pp that because the children in the chat room are in different parts of the world and they have to read and write, not talk, the chats sometimes get jumbled. Ask them to read the conversation in the chat room again and unjumble it. Suggest using the table below.
Set a time limit of about four minutes. Pp can work in pairs.
Check the answers as a whole class. Encourage Pp to explain what helped them to do the task, e.g. In number 1 Smiley asks a yes/no question about the place. In number 5 Ice Cream Cone says no and says where she is from.
Answer key:
1 Are you from America? 5 8 |
2 How old are you? 4 19 21 24 |
3 Hello everybody. 6 9 |
7 Are you good at sport? 13 14 22 |
10 What’s you favourite food? 11 12 15 16 17 18 |
19 Where are you from, Leila? 23 |
3c Individual, class. To practise reading for detail.
Tell Pp to read the chat again and complete the children’s profiles. Set a time limit of about three minutes and check the answers as a whole class.
Answer key:
[A/w 1.: Smiley. // Смайлик.] Name: Tanya From: India Age: 11 Favourite food: pizza Sports: swimming | | [A/w 1.: Ice cream cone. // Рожок с мороженым.] Name: Darrel From: England Age: 9 Favourite food: ice cream Sports: football | | [A/w 1.: Flower.// Цветок. ] Name: Leila From: Australia Age: 10 Favourite food: chocolate Sports: tennis | |
Teaching phonetic script
Whenever you find it most convenient, ask Pp to say the words in boxes 1, 2 and 3 (revision). Then set a few minutes for Pp to spell these words / find the spelling on the page.
Go on to boxes 4 and 5. Introduce [ae] and [e:] demonstrating the contrast in articulation. Set a couple of minutes to spell the words / find the alphabetic correspondences on the page.
Follow the same procedure for [ch] in box 6.
5 Homework. To provide written consolidation.
Tell Pp that they can find pen pals on the Internet, explain the layout and conventions and ask them to answer the letter.
ТЕМА: ME AND MY CLASS «Я и мой класс»
- Научиться описывать людей по картинке;
- Научиться подписывать фотографии в фотоальбоме;
- Развивать навыки диалогической речи, мышление, воображение.
Communication objectives Pp will be able | | Vocabulary New Active: best, fair, on the left, serious, on the right Passive: album, at the back, at the front, bunch, caption, Christmas carols, concert laugh Revision: behind, between, great, happy, in front of, in the middle, kind, next to, nice, photo, under Structures New: That’s… for pointing to people in the photos Revision: the verb to be, question forms and short answers |
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Skills development Pp will practise talking about photos listening for specific information reading for gist and for detail writing captions for photos | |
1. Организационный момент.
2. Проверка домашнего задания.
3. Речевая разминка.
To revise the prepositions of place, suggest playing Simon Says. In this game Pp are to perform your various commands only when you add please to them. If you don’t say please, players don’t move. Below is a sample sequence. Give the commands several times changing their order.
Please stand up.
Please sit on the desk.
Please sit under the desk.
Please stand next to your desk.
Please stand in front of your desk.
Please stand behind your desk.
Please stand between your chair and your desk.
Ask Pp if they like taking photos. Tell them that today’s lesson is about photographs. Suggest playing ‘A Photographer’.
Invite three Pp to come to the front, give them numbers 1, 2, 3. Show the class a photographer’s card (see Photocopiable materials p.XXX) so that the three Pp can’t see it. Elicit what the photographer should tell the three Pp to arrange them standing as shown in the photographer’s card, e.g. Dasha, stand in the middle. Petya, stand on the left. Nastya, take a chair, put it on the right and sit down. Smile! Say ‘cheese’!
Divide the class into groups of four. Appoint a stronger P in each group to be the photographer. Give out the cards. Remind Pp that the photographer can’t show his /her card to the group.
After the Pp have arranged themselves compare the ‘photo’ and the photographer’s card. Award each group a point for the correct ‘photo’. Appoint a new photographer and give him another photo.
1a Class. To introduce Who’s that? and That’s Max for talking about photos.
Ask Pp to look at the picture and ask if they know anyone in the photo. Point to Max and ask, Who’s that? Elicit, That’s Max.
Explain that That’s… is used for talking about photos. Ask Who’s that on the right of Max? Who’s that on the left of Max? Who’s that behind Max? to practise the structure.
1b Individual, class. To practise listening for specific information.
Tell Pp that Max wants to show the photo of his class to his mum. Tell them to listen to their conversation and find the girl called Vicky in the photo.
Play the tape and elicit the answer.
Tapescript: |
Max: | Do you want to see the picture of my class, Mum? |
Mum: | I’d love to. |
Max: | Here, look. |
Mum: | Uhu…Not many girls, boys only. |
Max: | Why? 10 boys and 5 girls. |
Mum: | Is that your new teacher? |
Max: | Yeah. |
Mum: | What’s her name? |
Max: | Miss Smith. She teaches maths. |
Max: | Is she nice? |
Mum: | Yes, she’s great. |
Mum: | Who’s that boy behind you? |
Max: | That’s Dima, an exchange pupil. |
Mum: | Is he? Where’s he from? |
Max: | He’s from Russia. |
Mum: | Is that Jane next to you? |
Max: | Yes, that’s Jane, right. |
Mum: | And who’s that boy in front of you? |
Max: | That’s a girl, Mum. Her name’s Vicky. She’s good at football. |
Mum: | Oh I see. |
Answer key: Vicky is the girl with short hair in front of Max.
2a Individual, class. To practise reading for gist.
Ask Pp to look at the photos, read the captions and match them. Check the answers with the whole class.
Answer key: A4 B3 C2 D1
2b Individual, class. To practise reading for detail.
Tell Pp to read the captions again and say whether the sentences are true or false.
Elicit answers and ask Pp to support their answers by reading aloud the sentences from the captions.
Answer key: 1T 2F 3T 4T 5F
2c Class, individual, pairs. To revise and introduce adjectives for describing characters.
Tell Pp to read the instruction and elicit what they should do. Explain that all the words they need to find describe people. You might want to explain to Pp that in Russian we call them прилагательные.
Pp to look through the captions and find the required words. Ask Pp what these words mean. If necessary, provide translation.
Answer key: 1 fair 2 kind 3 serious 4 happy 5 great 6 best 7 good
2d Class. To practise using new vocabulary.
Ask Pp which adjectives Max uses to describe his teacher and classmates. Elicit answers.
Answer key:
Jane is his best friend. Jane is great, Jane is happy.
Roy is the best football player.
Miss Bennett is kind and fair.
Joyce is a very good singer.
His classmates are serious.
3 Individual. To introduce the prepositions on the left , on the right and practise using
Tell Pp that Max wants to upload his class photo into his class album and he needs to write a caption for it. Tell Pp to look at the photo in Ex. 1a and complete the caption with the prepositions. Check with the whole class.
4 Pairs. To practise talking about photos.
Ask Pp to show their photos to their classmates and answer their questions.
Demonstrate with a stronger P by asking him / her questions about his / her picture, then set a time limit of about five minutes.
When the time is over ask one or two Pp to talk about their classmate’s photo. Praise those Pp who use That’s… correctly.
With a weaker class you might want to write the questions on the blackboard.
If some Pp haven’t brought their photos for the lesson, get them into pairs with those who have photos.
In a stronger class after a pair has finished talking about their pictures, tell them to stand up and change their partners. Stop the activity after Pp have talked to two or three Pp.
Teaching phonetic script
Whenever you find it most convenient, ask Pp to say the words in box 1 to pratise using the phonetic symbol Pp learned in the pevious lesson. Then set a few minutes for Pp to spell these words / find the spelling on the page.
Go on to boxes 2, 3, 4 and 5. Introduce the pairs of vowels and explain that the symbol [:] shows that these are long sounds. If you find it necessary explain the differences in the articulation of the long and short phonemes in each pair. Set a couple of minutes to spell the words / find the spelling on the page.
Follow the same procedure for [th] in box 6.
5 Homework. To provide written consolidation and to practise writing photo captions.
Tell Pp to take a photo of their friends / classmates and write a caption for this photo. Draw their attention to any example in the lesson (Ex. 2a and 3). Remind them to start with That’s…, use on the left / on the right / in front of / behind / between /, etc and the words to give short descriptions of the people in the photo.
Тема: DO YOU COLLECT ANYTHING? «Что ты собираешь?»
-научиться говорить о предметах, которые собираешь;
- научиться вести переговоры, чтобы обменятся предметами из коллекции;
- воспитывать интерес и уважение к стране изучаемого языка.
Активная лексика:
coin - монета
clock - часы
key ring - брелки
soft toys – мягкие игрушки
model cars – модель автомобиля
sea shells – ракушки
posters - плакат
Структуры: Have you got …? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент.
2. Проверка домашнего задания.
3. Фонетическая разминка. (звуки на доске с.9)
4. Основная часть.
1a, 1b Class, pairs. To introduce and practise new vocabulary.
Tell Pp that they are going to learn about things people collect. Encourage Pp to read the lesson title and elicit the translation.
Ask Pp to look at the pictures and match them with the words. Check the answers and practise saying the new words.
Ask Pp, Do you collect robots? Elicit, Yes / No. Encourage Pp to ask and answer the questions about other things in pairs.
Go on to Ex. 1b and ask, What do you think Jane collects? Elicit several answers and discuss the next child (Max), etc.
2 Individual, class, pairs. To practise talking about collections.
- Ask Pp to look at the picture and elicit what Jane collects. Possible answers are, She collects dogs. She collects soft toys. She collects cards with dogs. She collects dog posters, etc. Accept any relevant answer.
- Encourage Pp to read the text and complete the conversation. Check the answers as a whole class.
Revise the structure I’ve got… Have you got…? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. How many… have you got?
- Practise saying the conversation in open pairs (see TB Introduction).
Ask Pp to ask and answer about their collections in pairs.
3a Individual, class. To practise listening for implied meaning.
Ask Pp to listen to the conversation and say whose collections they can see in the photo. Encourage Pp to give reasons.
Tapescript |
Max: | What’s that? |
Dima: | This? This is my key ring. |
Max: | A key ring? It’s great. I love it. |
Dima: | You know I collect key rings. |
Max: | I do, too. |
Dima: | Oh, really? How many have you got? |
Max: | 53. And you? |
Dima: | I’ve got only 9. |
Max: | Would you like to see my collection? |
Dima: | I’d love to. Have you got any Russian key rings? |
Max: | No, I haven’t. |
Dima: | Would you like to swap? |
Max: | OK, it’s a deal. |
Answer key: It’s Max’s collection as it is quite big. Dima has got only nine key rings.
3b Individual, class. To practise listening for coherence.
Ask Pp to read the phrases and explain the meaning of the phrases in bold.
Play the tape. Pp write the letters in their exercise books in the correct order.
Check with the whole class.
Answer key: B D A C
4 Groups. To practise negotiating swapping collectable things.
Photocopy a card and a collection of three things for each P. (See Photocopiable materials, p. XXX)
Divide Pp into groups of four. Give a card and a set of pictures to each pupil.
Tell Pp that in this role play their task is to make a good collection of the things that are mentioned on their role cards as quickly as possible.
Go through the flow chart with Pp. Explain that they are to ask one another about what things they have and suggest swapping them. While swapping they give pictures to one another. They can only swap the pictures after they say It’s a deal. If Pp don’t find the thing they want, they need to trade it for some other thing and then swap it with another pupil for the thing they collect.
Set a time limit of five to seven minutes for the role play and let Pp play.
Stop the role play when the time is up. Praise the Pp whose collections are the biggest.
Teaching phonetic script
Whenever you find it most convenient, ask Pp to say the words in boxes 1 and 2 practise using the phonetic symbols Pp learned in the previous lesson. Then set a few minutes for Pp to spell these words / find the spelling on the page.
Go on to boxes 3, 4 and 5. Introduce the diphthongs and explain how the second element is articulated. Set a couple of minutes for Pp to spell the words / find the spelling on the page.
Follow the same procedure for [th] in box 6. To check that Pp are confident with this symbol ask them to explain the difference between [think] and [this] in Russian
5 Homework. To consolidate the material of the lesson.
Ask Pp to make a photo or draw a picture of their collection and write a caption for it. Go through Ex. 2b again and remind them that they should say: (1) what they collect (2) how many items they have (3) why they collect these things.
5. Подведение итогов.
Тема: HELLO ON MTV «Музыкальный привет по радио.»
-научиться задавать вопросы и отвечать на них о любимой музыке;
- научиться благодарить за звонок;
- познакомить учащихся с английской песней.
Активная лексика:
caller- звонящий
DJ- диджей
hit song – хит, популярная песня
music programme- музыкальная радио- или телепрограмма
perfect- совершенный
Active: This is my hello to… Thanks for calling.
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент.
2. Проверка домашнего задания.
3. Речевая зарядка.
Ask Pp to look at the picture and say the name of the radio programme (MTV). Ask them what it stands for (Music TeleVision) and if Pp ever watch this channel or listen to similar phone-in radio programmes.
Elicit / Introduce the words DJ (disc jockey), music programme, phone-in, caller. To practise the words, ask Pp: Do you like listening to music? What’s your favourite music programme / music hit? Who’s your favourite singer / band? Do you like rap / hip-hop / pop music / rock? Do you like phone-in programmes? Would you like to call to a phone-in programmes?
4. Основная часть.
1a Individual, class. To practise listening for specific information.
Say that you are going to listen to an MTV phone-in programme where you can play a game to win a prize and ask for your favourite music.
Ask Pp to read the task and play the tape.
Check the answer as a whole class and elicit / explain the meaning of Perfect Match.
Answer key: (B) Perfect Match
Tapescript: |
DJ: | Hello and welcome to MTV. Lots of music, songs a-a-and prizes! Today we’re playing Perfect Match. Listen to the rules: answer three questions and if your answers match our answers, you’re a winner. You’ll get a prize and then listen to your favourite music. Call us on 95590078, answer our questions and if you’re lucky, get a prize! |
1b Individual. To practise listening for specific information.
Tell Pp to read the text with the gaps and write numbers from one to four in their exercise-books.
Play the tape twice if necessary and check the answers as a whole class.
Answer key: 1 three 2 match 3 prize 4 favourite music
2a Individual, pairs. To practise listening for specific information.
a) Ask Pp: What kind of prizes can callers win? Elicit and write the words on the board, e.g.
MTV T-shirts, baseball caps, calendars, posters, pens etc.
b) Tell Pp to read the questions and play the tape. Check the answers as a whole class.
Tapescript: |
DJ: | [Low pop music, sound of a call] Hello. |
Henry: | Hello. Is that MTV? |
DJ: | Yes, it is. What’s your name, caller? |
Henry: | I’m Henry. |
DJ: | OK, Henry. Where’re you from? |
Henry: | I’m from Oxford. |
DJ: | Good, now answer my questions. Are you 12 years old? |
Henry: | Yes, I am. |
DJ: | Great. And is your friend’s name Peter? |
Henry: | No, it isn’t. His name’s Mike. |
DJ: | [A sound which means that someone loses the game] O-o-ops-s! Sorry, no match, Henry. Call us again later. And our next caller is… [Sound of a call] Hello. What’s your name? |
Max: | Max. My name’s Max. |
DJ: | Where are you from, Max? |
Max: | I’m from London. |
DJ: | How old are you? |
Max: | I’m ten. |
DJ: | OK, Max, answer my questions. Are you good at dancing? |
Max: | Yes, I am. |
DJ: | Great. And do you collect CDs? |
Max: | Yes, I do. I’ve got 26 CDs. |
DJ:? | Very good. And my last question… Is your best friend from London? |
Max:. | No, she isn’t. She’s from Russia. Her name’s Anya |
DJ: | [A sound which means that someone wins the game.] Perfect match, Max. You’re the winner! Your prize is an MTV baseball cap. And what’s your favourite music? |
Max: | School’s cool! This is my hello to Anya. She’s glad she’s back at school now. |
DJ:. | Great. OK, Anya from Russia, listen, Max from London says hello to you. |
Max: | Thanks. |
DJ: | Thanks for calling MTV. And now School’s co-o-ol… |
Answer key: Max is a winner. His prize is an MTV baseball cap.
2b, 2c Individual, pairs. To prepare for role play.
Ask Pp to read the questions and find the ones the DJ asked the winner and write the answers in their exercise-books.
Play the tape again and let Pp check their answers.
Answer key:
2 Are you good at dancing? – Yes, I am.
3 Is your best friend from London? – No, she isn’t.
5 Do you collect CDs? – Yes, I do.
Elicit some other questions that the DJ usually asks callers and write them on the blackboard, e.g. What’s your name, caller? Where’re you from? How old are you? What’s your favourite music hit?
Ask Pp if they remember some details about Max and Anya: Where’s Max from? How old is he? What’s his favourite music hit? Who does he say hello to? Where’s Anya from?
3a Individual. To prepare questions for a role play.
To motivate Pp for the role play, ask them if they would like to call MTV and say hello to a friend. To prepare for it, invite them to write three questions and answers for a conversation with a DJ. Ask them not to show the questions to their partners.
Draw Pp’s attention to the topics and provide help where necessary. Before Pp start a role play, make sure they have written their questions correctly.
3b Pairs. To practise speaking.
Draw Pp’ attention to the speech bubbles on the page: This is my hello to... Thanks for calling MTV. Practise saying them.
Divide them into Pupils A and Pupils B. Ask Pupils A to use their questions and answers for a game and choose a prize for a possible winner. Ask Pupils B to write their favourite music hit and the name of a person who this hit is for. Revise the phrases No match, Perfect match etc. Ask Pp to act out the conversation between a DJ and one of the callers. Then Pp change over.
Ask some of the pairs to act out the conversation for the class.
3c Class. To promote learning as an enjoyable experience and to practise rhythm.
Before playing the tape, practise saying the rap song with the class. Focus on the rhythm.
Play the tape and invite Pp to sing along.
Down, down!
Yellow and brown
The leaves are falling
Over the town.
September is the time
For beginning school?
It’s great to be back
School is cool!
It’s great to be back
School is cool!
The leaves are falling
One by one
Summer’s over
School’s begun.
Off to school
We go together
School is cool
In any weather.
School is cool
In any weather.
4 Homework. To practise asking questions.
Explain the task to Pp. Tell them that they will find out if they are winners or not in the next lesson and that the winners will get a prize.
In the next lesson tell Pp to look at p. XXX and see if their answers match.
Photocopy and cut out the prizes for the winners (see Photocopiable materials p. XXX). Use thick paper. As you don’t how many winners there will be make a prize for each P. You can use the extra prizes later.
5. Домашнее задание.
6. Подведение итогов.
Тема: I’M GOOD AT COMPUTERS! «Музыкальный привет по радио.»
- научиться говорить об использовании компьютера;
- научиться строить отрицательное предложение по обмену предметами из коллекции;
- научиться давать инструкции об использовании компьютера.
Активная лексика:
attach - прикрепить
button - кнопка
click - щелкнуть
computer - компьютер
copy - копировать
disc - диск
drag – тащить, тянуть
drop – уронить, упасть
enter - войти
highlight – выделить цветом
keyboard - клавиатура
mouse - мышь
password - пароль
paste - приклеивать
screen – экран
type - печатать
Структура: I have got…
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент.
2. Основная часть.
1a Individual, class. To introduce names of the parts of the computer.
Ask Pp, Are you good at computers? Elicit Pp’s answers and tell Pp that they are going to study the computer in English.
Elicit what English words for the parts of the computer Pp already know. Discuss which words sound similar in Russian and English.
Ask Pp to do the matching. Elicit / Explain the answers. If you have a real computer in the classroom, you can use it to introduce the new vocabulary.
Practise saying the words.
Answer key: A disc B computer C keyboard D button E screen F mouse
1b Individual, class. To practise using new vocabulary.
Elicit the meaning of the words password and enter.
Tell Pp that they can find out the password if they solve the puzzle. To do this they must fill in the correct words from Ex. 1a in the horizontal lines and get the password in the vertical line.
Answer key:
| | | | | 6 | | | | | |
| | 1 | C | O | M | P | U | T | E | R |
2 | K | E | Y | B | O | A | R | D | | |
| | | 3 | B | U | T | T | O | N | |
| | 4 | D | I | S | C | | | | |
| 5 | S | C | R | E | E | N | | | |
2 Class. To introduce verbs for operating the computer.
Tell Pp that they are going to learn the words for talking about how to operate the computer. Encourage Pp to read and say the words.
Elicit if Pp know the meaning of any of the words. If you have a computer in the classroom, demonstrate the operations with a real computer.
Here are some simple ways to demonstrate the operations without a real computer:
Take a real computer mouse. Click on the button. Elicit what you did in Russian. Click again and say the word click. Ask Pp to say the word.
Draw two screens on the blackboard. On the left screen draw some simple object, e. g. a circle. Put the mouse on the circle, click and bring the mouse on the right screen, draw a circle on the right screen. Elicit what you did in Russian. Do the operation again and say the words drag and drop. Ask Pp to say the words.
On the left screen draw some simple object, e. g. a circle. Put the mouse on the circle, click and highlight the circle with a piece of chalk. Elicit what you did in Russian. Do the operation again and say the word highlight. Ask Pp to say the word.
Click on the highlighted circle and erase the picture. Draw the circle on the right screen. Elicit what you did in Russian. Do the operation again and say the words cut and paste. Ask Pp to say the words.
Put the mouse on the circle on the right screen, click and highlight the circle with a piece of chalk. Move the mouse and draw another circle next to the first. Elicit what you did in Russian. Do the operation again and say the words highlight, copy and paste. Ask Pp to say the words.
Type a word on the screen, e.g. CIRCLE. Elicit what you did in Russian. Do the operation again and say the word type. Ask Pp to say the word.
raw a paper clip like this
next to the word CIRCLE. Elicit what you did in Russian. Do the operation again and say the word attach. Ask Pp to say the word.
3 Individual, class. To practise reading for detail.
Tell Pp to look at the picture and elicit the English words for the objects in the picture.
Ask Pp to read the instructions in the menu. Encourage Pp to imagine that they do the instructions on the computer.
Ask Pp to draw a computer screen in their exercise books and show what they can get if they follow the instructions in the correct way. Refer Pp to p. XXX for key.
4 Individual, class. To practise talking about how to operate computer.
Ask Pp to look at the screens. Encourage Pp to describe how they can get the objects and labels to the second screen. With less advanced Pp you may want to go through the operations in Russian first.
Take one object /one label at a time. Draw a screen on the blackboard and fill it with the pictures and labels along with Pp’s descriptions of the operations.
Elicit several optional ways to do the operations. With the screen on the blackboard show the result of the operation, i.e. if Pp describe the operations in the correct way. Ask Pp to compare the screen on the blackboard with the right screen in the textbook.
Here are some simple paths to do the operations:
Highlight the exercise book, cut and paste.
Click on the exercise book, drag and drop.
Highlight the word exercise book, cut and paste.
Type the word exercise book under the picture.
Highlight the disc, copy and paste.
5 Individual, class. To practise finding information in the Internet.
Tell Pp that they can use the computer to find and swap things for their collections on the Internet.
Encourage Pp to look at the website pages and read the texts. Elicit/explain the answers.
Ask Pp whether they would like to visit a website like this and swap some things. Discuss with the class.
Answer key:
Collectors’ Fair
For people who want to collect and swap things. For collectors.
Collections of coins, warriors, robots, model cars, key rings, stickers, dolls, sea shells.
You can see collections and read about them. You can write to other collectors and swap things.
You choose things, click the button “click to swap”, read collectors’ letters or write your letter. You attach the picture of the things you want to swap and click to send.
6 Homework. To practise writing short e-mails about collections.
Ask Pp to write a short e-mail to the website about the things they collect and would like to swap. Pp may use the text in Ex. 5 as a model.
This lesson can be given in a computer lab. See TD Un1 L6
Тема: PROGRESS PAGE «Тест по разделу»
Lesson objectives Pp will be able to develop self-study skills to monitor their own progress to build up a feeling of achievement |
Explain to Pp the objective of the lesson: to see for themselves what and how well they have learned in the unit and to find out any areas that need more work.
Explain to Pp the meaning of the evaluation scale (see TB Introduction) and ask them to predict their mark.
Ask Pp to do the tasks individually. Encourage them to use the SB, WB and the notes in their exercise books.
Set a time limit of 30 minutes and 10 minutes for checking the answers.
1 Listening
Tell Pp that Max is making friends with another new student. Tell to listen to their conversation and complete the new pupil’s profile. Play the tape twice.
Tapescript: |
Max: | Hello. Are you new? |
Rashi: | Yes, I am. |
Max: | Where are you from? |
Rashi: | From India. |
Max: | Cool. I’m Max. And you? |
Rashi: | I’m Rashi. |
Max: | Nice to meet you, Rashi. How old are you? |
Rashi: | I’m eleven. |
Max: | Me, too. I’m eleven. What class are you in? |
Rashi: | In class 5. |
Max: | Are you good at sport? Let’s go and play football. |
Rashi: | OK. I love football. |
Max: | Would you like an ice cream first? |
Rashi: | Sure. Ice cream is my favourite food. |
Answer key: 1 India 2 Eleven 3 Five 4 ice cream 5 football
Scoring: Give two points for each correct word.
2 Vocabulary
Answer key:
Aigul collects coins, key rings, soft toys and posters.
Renat collects clocks, model cars, sea shells and warriors.
Scoring: Give one point for each correct word.
Answer key
Aigul collects coins, key rings, soft toys and posters.
Renat collects clocks, model cars, sea shells and warriors.
Scoring: Give two points for each correct word.
3a Structure: to be
Pp write numbers 1 to 10 in their exercise books and write the correct form of the verb to be.
Answer key: 1 is 2 is 3 am 4 is 5 are 6 are 7 is 8 is 9 is 10 isn’t
Scoring: Give one point for each correct answer.
3b Reading
Pp write numbers 1 to 4 in their exercise books and write the names of the people in the photo.
Answer key 1 Alla Petrovna 2 Anya 3 Kate 4 Alesha
Scoring: Give two points for each correct answer.
4 Reading instuctions
Pp follow the instructions: draw pictures and write the words in the boxes.
Answer key
1 [Picture of a . // изображение клавиатуры] | 2 [Picture of a computer mouse. // изображение компьютерного экрана] |
3 [Picture of a disc. // изображение ручки] disc | 4 [picture of a disc. // изображение ручки] |
Scoring: Give two points for each instruction.
Follow up
Tell Pp to put away their exercise books and use their SB only now.
Go through the test with the whole class. Ask Pp to give their answers, correct and explain the mistakes. Tell Pp to open their exercise books and correct their own or their partner’s work.
Allow a couple of minutes to count the score.
Ask Pp to compare it with the mark they expected to get at the beginning of the lesson. If the answer is no for any exercise, ask pupils - so what does this mean? Elicit that they need to look through the material again, make sure they understand it, if not ask a friend/the teacher,
Make sure Pp have checked their work correctly. To do that you might want to collect the exercise books but remember that YOU DO NOT ASSESS this work.
Equipment: computer workplace for each pupil. |
Lesson objectives Pp will be able to revise the vocabulary and structures of the previous lessons. |
In Lesson 6 or 7 explain to Pp that on the Internet they can read kids' on-line magazines in English. Some magazines invite readers to contribute their articles. Tell Pp that they can write an article and send it to one of the magazines.
1 Preparation
Tell Pp that at home they need to prepare pictures / photos and captions ???? articles on one of the following topics:
Explain Pp that they can work individually or in pairs or groups.
2 Activity
Ask Pp to read the web-site page with the adverts for kids' on-line magazines and choose the one they would like to contribute to. Ask what magazines Pp have chosen and how they made their choice. Elicit what words and phrases helped Pp to make their choice.
Tell Pp to fill in the registration form. To work with the paper version you will have to photocopy the registration form enough for all pupils. (Re-word: photocopy enough copies of the registration form for all pupils.)
Allow about ten minutes for Pp to do the writing and (maybe 'then' instead of 'and'?) collect the registration forms.
3 Presentation
If you work with the paper version of this lesson, prepare big sheets of paper with the titles of the magazines from Ex. 1 p. XXX. Arrange them on the walls so that Pp can walk around and read each other’s texts.
Tell Pp to stick their texts and pictures on the posters they have chosen.
Tell Pp to visit the mock web-sites of the magazines and see their articles and pictures displayed there. Encourage Pp to read carefully each other’s texts (move 'carefully' here) as they will have to vote for the best text.
Set a time limit of about ten minutes for this stage and make sure that Pp read all the texts.
Explain to Pp that each of them has three votes. Pp cannot not (I think you don't want the 'not' here??) vote for their own articles. (texts?)
If you work with the paper version, give each Pp a crayon and encourage them to draw a star next to the three articles they like best.
After everyone has finished voting, count the results and announce the three best articles. Encourage Pp to congratulate the winners.
Equipment: A workplace for each group of Pp, digital projector. |