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Конспект урока по английскому языку "Travelling «Almaty - London»"

Урок способствует активизации лексики по пройденным темам, активизации и обобщению грамматического материала по теме «Употребление определенного артикля с названиями улиц, площадей».

Описание разработки

Цель урока:

Обобщающее повторение по темам «Лондон», «Алматы» посредством применения компьютерных технологий.

Задачи урока:


Активизация лексики по пройденным темам, активизация и обобщение грамматического материала по теме «Употребление определенного артикля с названиями улиц, площадей»


Развитие памяти и внимания, навыков устной речи, аудирования. Поискового чтения.


Воспитание патриотизма и любви к своей родине, уважения к культуре другого народа, формирование культуры речи.


Учить культуре общения, обучение кросс-культурной грамотности.

Оборудование: компьютер, интерактивная доска, карточки, фйлаги двух стран, галстуки команд.

Ход урока.

I. Организационный момент и приветствие.

II. Объяснение целей урока.

На экране заставка с изображением различных видов транспорта, карта Великобритании и Казахстана и двое в форме пилотов английской и казахстанской компании.

(На фоне музыки «The song “We are the World We are the children”»)

Teacher: Hello, boys and girls! Dear guests! We are going to have some fun today. We are going to have unusual lesson. Travelling – ‘London- Almaty’

You have to imagine that you are English and Kazakh students.

I hope you’ll find something interesting and new for yourselves.

Let’s start.

(звук самолета, прилета и вылета)

Teacher: Ladies and gentlemen!

Passengers are invited to take their seats on international flight London-Almaty is now boarding, our flight will take 45 minutes. I see everybody is present.

Капитан английской компании:

Hello our guests! Hello the students from Almaty. My name is Danil. I am the captain of the English International Flight Company. We wish you a good flight and pleasant journey.

Стюардесса 1:Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! I want to invite our Kazakh guests to our town. Take your seats, please. Don’t move before the flying up and down. Fasten your belt, please. Have a nice trip.

Стюардесса 2: The slogan of our flight is peace and friendship between all the people of the world. There is no place like home.

(на экране карта Англии и Казахстана и линия соединения Лондон - Алматы)

Teacher: But we must choose the transport of our journey.

(просмотр приложения «Транспорт») Let’s have a look at the timetable. There are a lot of flights to different cities. But we don’t know the time of our flight. Your task is listen to the information, choose the right clock and put it into the right place.

(запись на экране, дети прослушивают и перетягивают часы к городу, слайд с часами, работа с интерактивной доской)

Teacher: When does our plane departs?

Kazakh student: at half past six 6. 30

Teacher: And now try to read this timetable like a real announcer.

English student 1 : Flight 242 to Madrid is at 9. 15

Flight 647 to Paris is at 4. 50

Kazakh student 2: Flight 655 to London is at 6. 30

Flight 377 to Berlin is at 3. 25

(на экране самолет в облаках и звук летящего самолета)

Teacher: We are on plane. During our flight our guests from the English International company tell us about London.

Стюардесса 1: Take your seats, please. Don’t move before the flying up and down. Fasten your belt, please.

ES2: We welcome you to London. It is one of the largest cities in the world. About 7 million people live there.

ES3: There are many famous building, streets, museums and parks in London.

ES4: There are four parts in Great Britain. They are: Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

ES5: London is divided into four parts too. They are: East End, West End, Westminster and City.

ES6: The symbol of England is red rose. The symbol of Scotland is thistle.

ES7: The main leader in our country is Queen, Elizabeth 2. She has 4 children: one daughter and 3 sons.

ES8: The other famous sights are: Big Ben, Tower of London, Trafalgar Square, double-deckers, buses, St. Paul Cathedral.

ES1: I’ll tell you about Buckingham palace. It’s the Queen’s home place in London. There are 746 rooms in the place. The Royal Church is Westminster Abbey.

(звучит спокойная музыка, разговор двух пассажиров)

P1: Hello, my name is …… What’s your name and where are you from?

P2: My name is …. I’m from Wales. The capital of our country is Cardiff. I am a student of the Kazakh University, but now I’m going home, what about you?

P1: I’m from London. I know English and Russian. I know Kazakhstan and I want to see a very beautiful skating-rink “Medeo”

P2: Do you want to read a magazine? It’s very interesting.

P1: Yes, of course. Thank you very much.

Стюардесса 2: Ladies and gentlemen! We will finish our journey. Our plane fly down the capital of England-London.

Капитан: Our company thanks you very much. Good-bye.

Teacher: Thank you very much. We’re known and seen many interesting places in London. But now as in our proverb “East or West – Home is best” let’s go home, to our native town – Almaty.

(музыка взлета)

Teacher: We have arrived to Almaty. You can see boxes with words in Kazakh and Russian. You can see boxes with words in Kazakh and Russian. Our task is to find English equivalents to these English words.

(выполняют задания на доске, на экране аэропорт Алматы, слышится диалог на двух языках).

Teacher: What are we going to do at the airport?

KS1: We are going to buy tickets.

Teacher: Yes, all right. You have learned many useful words expressions both in English and Kazakh.

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки

Travelling “Almaty- London” 8 класс

Учитель английского языка КГУ ОШ № 76 г.Алматы

Цель урока: Обобщающее повторение по темам «Лондон», «Алматы» посредством применения компьютерных технологий

Задачи урока:

Образовательная: Активизация лексики по пройденным темам, активизация и обобщение грамматического материала по теме «Употребление определенного артикля с названиями улиц, площадей»

Развивающая: Развитие памяти и внимания, навыков устной речи, аудирования. Поискового чтения

Воспитательная: Воспитание патриотизма и любви к своей родине, уважения к культуре другого народа, формирование культуры речи

Обучающая: Учить культуре общения, обучение кросс-культурной грамотности

Оборудование: компьютер, интерактивная доска, карточки, фйлаги двух стран, галстуки команд

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент и приветствие.

  2. Объяснение целей урока

**** На экране заставка с изображением различных видов транспорта, карта Великобритании и Казахстана и двое в форме пилотов английской и казахстанской компании.

(На фоне музыки «The song “We are the World We are the children”»)

Teacher: Hello, boys and girls! Dear guests! We are going to have some fun today. We are going to have unusual lesson. Travelling – ‘London- Almaty’

You have to imagine that you are English and Kazakh students.

I hope you’ll find something interesting and new for yourselves.

Let’s start.

(звук самолета, прилета и вылета)

Teacher: Ladies and gentlemen!

Passengers are invited to take their seats on international flight London-Almaty is now boarding, our flight will take 45 minutes. I see everybody is present.

Капитан английской компании:

Hello our guests! Hello the students from Almaty. My name is Danil. I am the captain of the English International Flight Company. We wish you a good flight and pleasant journey.

Стюардесса 1:Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! I want to invite our Kazakh guests to our town. Take your seats, please. Don’t move before the flying up and down. Fasten your belt, please. Have a nice trip.

Стюардесса 2: The slogan of our flight is peace and friendship between all the people of the world. There is no place like home.

(на экране карта Англии и Казахстана и линия соединения Лондон - Алматы)

Teacher: But we must choose the transport of our journey.

(просмотр приложения «Транспорт») Let’s have a look at the timetable. There are a lot of flights to different cities. But we don’t know the time of our flight. Your task is listen to the information, choose the right clock and put it into the right place.

(запись на экране, дети прослушивают и перетягивают часы к городу, слайд с часами, работа с интерактивной доской)

Teacher: When does our plane departs?

Kazakh student: at half past six 6.30

Teacher: And now try to read this timetable like a real announcer.

English student 1 : Flight 242 to Madrid is at 9.15

Flight 647 to Paris is at 4.50

Kazakh student 2: Flight 655 to London is at 6.30

Flight 377 to Berlin is at 3.25

(на экране самолет в облаках и звук летящего самолета)

Teacher: We are on plane. During our flight our guests from the English International company tell us about London.

Стюардесса 1: Take your seats, please. Don’t move before the flying up and down. Fasten your belt, please.

ES2: We welcome you to London. It is one of the largest cities in the world. About 7 million people live there.

ES3: There are many famous building, streets, museums and parks in London.

ES4: There are four parts in Great Britain. They are: Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

ES5: London is divided into four parts too. They are: East End, West End, Westminster and City.

ES6: The symbol of England is red rose. The symbol of Scotland is thistle.

ES7: The main leader in our country is Queen, Elizabeth 2. She has 4 children: one daughter and 3 sons.

ES8: The other famous sights are: Big Ben, Tower of London, Trafalgar Square, double-deckers, buses, St. Paul Cathedral.

ES1: I’ll tell you about Buckingham palace. It’s the Queen’s home place in London. There are 746 rooms in the place. The Royal Church is Westminster Abbey.

(звучит спокойная музыка, разговор двух пассажиров)

P1: Hello, my name is …… What’s your name and where are you from?

P2: My name is …. I’m from Wales. The capital of our country is Cardiff. I am a student of the Kazakh University, but now I’m going home, what about you?

P1: I’m from London. I know English and Russian. I know Kazakhstan and I want to see a very beautiful skating-rink “Medeo”

P2: Do you want to read a magazine? It’s very interesting.

P1: Yes, of course. Thank you very much.

Стюардесса 2: Ladies and gentlemen! We will finish our journey. Our plane fly down the capital of England-London.

Капитан: Our company thanks you very much. Good-bye.

Teacher: Thank you very much. We’re known and seen many interesting places in London. But now as in our proverb “East or West – Home is best” let’s go home, to our native town – Almaty.

(музыка взлета)

Teacher: We have arrived to Almaty. You can see boxes with words in Kazakh and Russian. You can see boxes with words in Kazakh and Russian. Our task is to find English equivalents to these English words.

(выполняют задания на доске, на экране аэропорт Алматы, слышится диалог на двух языках)

Teacher: What are we going to do at the airport?

KS1: We are going to buy tickets.

Teacher: Yes, all right. You have learned many useful words expressions both in English and Kazakh.

  • Excuse me.

  • Кешіріңіз

  • Иә?

  • When is the plane to Almaty, please?

  • Алматы қаласы ұшақ қашан ұшады?

  • Ұшак он төрт жарымда ұшады,

  • Two thirty

  • How much is the ticket?

  • Билет неше теңге тұрады?

  • Сізге бір жаққа ма?

  • Single or return?

  • A single, please.

  • Иә бір жаққа

  • Сізден жиырма мың теңге

  • That will be twenty thousand tenge.

  • Here you are.

  • Міне алаңыз

  • Here is your ticket, please.

  • Рақмет сіздің білетіңіз

  • Oh, thanks a lot!

(после диалога слайды Алматы и музыка)

Teacher: Let’s sum up the lesson. Look at the board and say: true or false (задания в тетрадь) Just now. What do you say about the lesson? What do we know? Do you like the lesson?

The passengers were very active. You are the best students. You have shown the good knowledge on this theme. Our journey is over. It’s time to say Good-bye.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Практическая грамматика английского языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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