Цели урока:
Дидактическая (обучающая) –
- выявить уровень усвоения ранее изученного материала; - продолжить работу над формированием произносительных и лексико
- грамматических навыков говорения.
Задачи: учащиеся должен усвоить на уровне осмысленного воспроизведения лексику по теме, уметь строить высказывания по аналогии.
1. Организационный этап.
Good morning, dear friends. How are you today? I hope you are OK. The weather is fine. I saw so nice trees on my way here. Let’s grow a forest at our lesson. We know that different colours show our mood, if you are OK plant your tree in the yellow forest, if you are so-so choose blue and yellow, if you are a bit shy choose blue.
I’m really glad to work with you today. So, you are my students and I’m your teacher. My name is T. V. And I see your names on the badges.
2. Этап постановки целей и задач.
Our lesson is not quite usual today. But before we start our work, will you answer my question: where do you feel yourselves safe and comfortable? P – at home. What is home for you? Is it a building? Is it a flat? Is it your family? Is it your family holidays and celebrations? (На доску крепятся карточки со словами: building, flat, family, holidays.)
So what are we going to speak about? P- we’re going to speak about our home. T – you’re quite right, we’re going to speak about our home, sweet home.
3. Этап повторения ранее изученных знаний.
So, what home is? P1 – Home is my flat, the place where I live. Do you like your home? Is it sweet? Why is it sweet? P2 –because home is my family; P3 – home is my family holidays. What holiday is the best for you? (Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day)
Thank you, that’s good. What about your birthday? I think it’s the best holiday.
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