Данная разработка представлена необходимым практическим материалом по аудированию по теме «Интернет или почтовая корреспонденция: в чьих руках будущее?» Ведь не секрет, что именно лексических единиц часто не хватает изучающим английский язык для того, чтобы правильно выразить свои мысли в устной или письменной речи. Предлагаемые задания несомненно обогатят словарный запас учащихся по данной теме, и придадут уверенности при рассуждении на данную тему.
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Внимательно прочитайте фразы
for all correspondence - для ведения переписки..
snail mail - обычная почта
apart from courier services - кроме курьеров
For sending of official documents - для отправки официальных документов.
be downloaded from the Internet - скачиваться из Интернета.
the publishing industry - издательское дело
art editions - художественные издания
great invention — великое изобретение.
transmission of documents - пересылки документов.
will take over the world - завладеет миром.
will take care of routine communication - будет осуществляться повседневная переписка
in good covers - в хороших обложках.
font and type size - тип и размер шрифта.
vice versa - и наоборот.
Listening Texts Прослушайте тексты и вставьте пропущенныем слова на месте пропуска
1. Simon In the next fifty years we'll all be using the Internet for all correspondence. Snail mail will have disappeared, apart from courier services for sending 1 official documents. And what about books and reading?
Simon In twenty years' time I expect that 2 ninety per cent of books and documents will be downloaded from the3 Internet. Computers will have become so fast that you will be able to 4 download a complete book in a few minutes. And when you've read it you will be able to throw it away.
Interviewer So, what will happen to the publishing industry?
Simon By the year 2100 all 5 publishing will have become electronic.The only print publishing will be 6 art editions of famous books like Shakespeare's plays.
2. Interviewer John Ford is Professor of English at Oxford University. Professor Ford, do you agree with Simon about 7 the future of books and publishing?
John With all due respect, I don't think he's right. I think that books and letters have a great past and will have an even greater future, I think the Internet is a 8 great invention. It makes 9 communication much easier. It's also great for the 10 transmission of documents. However, I think the idea that the Internet will 11 take over the world is going too far. I think the Internet will take care of routine communication, and that will allow more publication on good paper and in 12 good covers.
Simon But, with respect, you'll be able to do all that on the internet. You'll have good paper in your 13 printer and you'll have a binder at home or in the office. In addition, by downloading from the internet, you'll be able to choose your own font and type size. And you'll even be able to choose your 14 language. With machine 15 translation, in ten years' time we'll be reading English books in Russian and vice versa.
Time for a digital office?
C1 Listen and choose the best answer.
These days the Internet seems to be everywhere. The more we hear about it, the more it seems to grow. It has become so common that people say that they can't live without it. It's so simple that you don't need to talk about it. But there are problems. Many companies buy technology at different times from different companies from different places. These companies offer different help services. As a result, different systems often don't match. We say they are not compatible. Compatibility is a big problem in digital connections. If equipment is not compatible, the system doesn't work. So, what can you do?
One solution will be to use a digital office. In a digital office all the components will come from one supplier and they will all be compatible. The supplier will teach you how to use the equipment and will be on the end of a phone when you need it. By using a digital phone line the supplier will be able to fix most problems automatically without coming to see you. You'll save time and money this way.
In a few years' time everybody will have a digital office with everything from the phone line to the office computer completely digital and all interconnected.
But, by then, I suppose, we'll have found some new problems to worry about.
1. The author thinks one of the problems of
a) it's not new enough.
b) no one has it.
c) people don't know how to use it.
d) electronic components don't match.
2. The author thinks this is
a) a long term problem.
b) not a problem.
c) a short term problem.
d) a problem every day.
3. According to the author, you should the Internet in offices is
a) buy everything from one supplier.
b) buy the cheapest components.
c) buy the most expensive components.
d) don't get an Internet service.
4. For the author, the advantage of a single supplier is
a) they fix problems automatically.
b) they provide training and help.
c) everything matches.
d) you are free to find new problems.
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