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Конспект урока по английскому языку для начальных классов "Intellectual marathon "Who is the best?""

Занятие в виде соревнования поможет повысить интерес детей к изучаемому предмету. В игру включены грамматические и лексические задания.

Описание разработки



1) Systematization of lexical and grammatical material on topics sections.


1) to develop in students the ability to work in a team and a sense of community.

2) To promote the development of respect for each other

3) To develop students' interest in the subject.


1) The practice of students in reading, listening, speaking,


1) To develop the ability to guess the language, thinking, memory

Procedure of the lesson.

I. Organization moment .

II. Greeting.

Teacher: - Good afternoon, dear guests and children! I’m very glad to see you here. Now we shall organize an intellectual marathon called “Who is the best?. Two teams will take part in a game of the most quick-witted and the cleverest. Let’s introduce our judges:….

- It’s time to introduce yourselves. Who is the captain of the 1st team? What`s the name of your team? Who is the captain of the 2nd team? What`s the name of your team?

- Today all of you have a good chance to improve your English during the game. Good luck for two teams. So let`s start our competition.

Contest 1 “Warm up”.

А) What words are hidden?

(Вывешивается плакат с цифрами, раздается пронумерованный алфавит. Необходимо записать слово по-английски. Та команда, которая выполнит задание первой должна правильно назвать цифры, а потом слово.) - Slide № 3

1. - policeman 

2. - carpenter

В) Find the "wrong" word. – Slide № 4.

- September, Sunday, June, October .

- Tennis, cake, egg, sandwich

- kitchen, dining room, hall, bathroom, carpet

- table, shelf, arm-chair, skirt, sofa.

Contest 2 “ Prepositions” – Slide № 5.

Fill in the prepositions. -  Slide № 6.

Конспект урока по английскому языку для начальных классов Intellectual marathon Who is the best?

1. There is a window  * the room.

2. There are posters * the wall.

3. There is a bed * the wall.

4. There is a picture * the bed.

5. There is a carpet  * the floor. 


1. in;  2) on; 3) next to; 4) above; 5) on.

Contest 3 «Lexical » . -  Slide № 7.

Read the letter , look at the pictures and write the missing words. - Slide № 8.

Keys :

1. cold; 2) snowy; 3) toboggan; 4) snowman;  5) ski; 6) skate.

Contest 4 «Complete sentences» -  Slide № 9. (5мин)

В каждой строчке даны слова, которые необходимо поставить в правильной последовательности, чтобы получилось предложение.

- can, over, jump ,Tom ,fence , this.

- play, doesn’t, He, football.

- going, We’re, a picnic , to have.

- brother, than, My, sister, your, taller.

- time, get up, What, you , do?

Дети проверяют свою работу, используя Слайд № 10.

Tom can jump over this fence.

He doesn’t play football.

We’re going to have a picnic.

My brother taller than your sister.

What time do you get up?

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки

The date: 12.03.2015y.
Theme:       intellectual marathon “Who is the best?”     
1) Systematization of lexical and grammatical material on topics sections.
1) to develop in students the ability to work in a team and a sense of community.
2) To promote the development of respect for each other
3) To develop students' interest in the subject.
1) The practice of students in reading, listening, speaking,
1) To develop the ability to guess the language, thinking, memory

Equipments: a computer, an interactive board , a handout.


Procedure of the lesson


I. Organization moment .

II. Greeting

Teacher: - Good afternoon, dear guests and children! I’m very glad to see you here. Now we shall organize an intellectual marathon called “Who is the best?. Two teams will take part in a game of the most quick-witted and the cleverest. Let’s introduce our judges:….



- It’s time to introduce yourselves. Who is the captain of the 1st team? What`s the name of your team? Who is the captain of the 2nd team? What`s the name of your team?

- Today all of you have a good chance to improve your English during the game. Good luck for two teams. So let`s start our competition.

Contest 1 “Warm up”

А)What words are hidden?

(Вывешивается плакат с цифрами, раздается пронумерованный алфавит. Необходимо записать слово по-английски. Та команда, которая выполнит задание первой должна правильно назвать цифры, а потом слово.) - Slide № 3


  1. policeman 

  2. carpenter

В) Find the "wrong" word. – Slide № 4.

  • September, Sunday, June, October .

  • Tennis, cake, egg, sandwich

  • kitchen, dining room, hall, bathroom, carpet

  • table, shelf, arm-chair, skirt, sofa.


Contest 2 Prepositions” – Slide № 5.

Fill in the prepositions. -  Slide № 6.

1. There is a window  * the room.

2. There are posters * the wall.

3. There is a bed *  the wall.

4. There is a picture *  the bed.

5. There is a carpet  *  the floor. 



  1. in;  2) on;  3) next to;  4) above;  5) on.

Contest 3 « Lexical » . -  Slide № 7.

Read the letter , look at the pictures and write the missing words. - Slide № 8.


Keys :

  1. cold           2) snowy     3)  toboggan   4) snowman  5) ski              6) skate


Contest 4  «Complete sentences» -  Slide № 9.(5мин)

В каждой строчке даны слова, которые необходимо поставить в правильной последовательности, чтобы получилось предложение.

  • can, over, jump ,Tom ,fence , this.

  • play, doesn’t, He, football.

  • going, We’re, a picnic , to have.

  • brother, than, My, sister, your, taller.

  • time, get up, What, you , do?

Дети проверяют свою работу, используя Слайд № 10.

  1. Tom can jump over this fence.

  2. He doesn’t play football.

  3. We’re going to have a picnic.

  4. My brother taller than your sister.

  5. What time do you get up?


Contest № 5 Captains competition  «Magic square». - Slide №12.

  1. Представитель от каждой команды выходит к доске по очереди, на которой написаны цифры, но не по порядку! Надо правильно назвать числительное по мере возрастания. Побеждает та команда, представитель которой правильно назовет все цифры. Slide № 13.

And the last Contest 6 is to draw a class (рисование класса по описанию)

There are twenty desks in the classroom. The teacher`s table is near the window. There are 3 windows in the classroom which are white as is the door. The blackboard and the floor are brown. There are 2 pictures on the wall and you can see a big, yellow bookcase near the blackboard.


III. Summing up

- It’s time to finish our competition. The teams, the captains and their classmates have done their best to win. We are happy to have such clever pupils. Now well find out who is the winner today. Let's listen to the judges.
Dear judges, tell us some words about the score.

Our congratulations to the team….! Thank you very much for your work. You get excellent and good marks today.

The party is over.
 I’d like to tell you that the English language is very useful. The English language is very important. Try to get only excellent marks in English. Good-bye. See you soon!



« Who is the best? »

The teacher of English : Supygalieva A.ZH

Astana 2015

Курсы повышения квалификации

Современные педагогические технологии в работе по предупреждению и преодолению неуспеваемости учащихся в условиях реализации ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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Конспект урока по английскому языку для начальных классов "Intellectual marathon "Who is the best?"" (24.13 КB)

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