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Клуб знатоков Великобритании

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Занятие по страноведению "Клуб знатоков Великобритании"

Цели и задачи:


  • обобщение знаний учащихся по теме,

  • практика монологической и диалогической речи, аудирования в контексте иноязычной культуры,

  • практика презентации проекта.


  • развитие умений использования компьютерных технологий при изучении иностранного языка,

  • умения действовать в ситуации, максимально приближенной к реальной,

  • развитие интеллектуальной и эмоциональной активности учащихся, познавательных и творческих способностей, сенсорного восприятия, расширение кругозора и социокультурной компетенции,

  • развитие межпредметных связей (литература, изобразительное искусство, французский язык).


  • воспитание уважения к культуре страны изучаемого языка и чувства патриотизма,

  • воспитание ответственности, уверенности в своих силах, коллективизма, культуры поведения в общественных местах, вежливости, доброжелательности и тактичности при общении с собеседником,

  • повышение мотивации к изучению иностранного языка.

При проведении факультатива использовались компьютерные технологии, проектная и коммуникативная методики, элементы модульной технологии.

Ход занятия

1. Организационный момент и вступительное слово учителя

Good morning, everybody.

My best wishes for you, children. I know that you will do all your best at the meeting of our Club.

Dear guests, we highly appreciate you to join us today.

We start a journey of discovery. We are going to travel through the time and space with the help of famous museums of London. It’s there that we should go if we want to learn more about who we civilized people are.

2. Фонетическаязарядка

Surrounding world is full of Beauty and we should learn to notice it.

Listen to the poem by William Blake who tells us about the wonderful world around us and recite it

From “Auguries of Innocence”.

To see a World in a grain of sand,
And a Heaven in a wild flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
And Eternity in an hour.

3. Речеваяразминка

Let’s start our journey. I’ll give you a map to choose your route.

As I come from London I should say the capital itself is a living museum. There are more than 100 as far as I remember. All museums are different.

What types of museums do you know? (Fine Arts, History, Natural history, Specialty)

What can you see in the fine art museums? (Paintings, sculptures, graphic art)

What can we learn about in the history museums? (How people lived many years ago, about wars, different historical events, to see clothes, furniture, jewels, arms.)

What do the natural history museums display? (Collections of plants, minerals, animals)

What collections do the specialty museums contain? (Children’s toys, waxworks.)

We are going to visit 4 famous museums. They are…

4. Защитапроекта “The National Gallery”

Let’s start with Trafalgar Square. (I show it on the map)

Have a look at the photos which were made by the pupils who have visited London this year.

“If you stand with your back to Nelsons Column, you will see a wide horizontal front in a classical style. It’s the National Gallery It has been in this building since 1838 and housed the collection of Old Masters Paintings. They were offered to the nation by an English private collector Sir George Beamount. And there were only 38 painting in the National Gallery. Today the picture galleries have over 2000 works of all schools of painting from 13-th till 19-th centuries” [1]

The most famous works among them are the paintings by Botticelli, Velazquez, Rembrandt, Goya, Rubens, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Renuar, and Gainsborough.

(Учитель рисования комментирует репродукции картин.)

After visiting the National Gallery we were really impressed by paintings.

But the most surprising thing was the fact that people needn’t pay money for the exhibition. It’s free.

Let’s imagine that you work here. What will you answer if somebody asks you about regulations in the gallery?

  1. – Is it all right if I take photographs?
    Sorry (Yes, please), taking photographs… ( topermit ).

  2. – Can I do some drawing if I want?
    Sorry (Yes, please), drawing … (to allow).

  3. – Can we eat in the museum?
    Food and drink may … (to bring) into a museum, but there is a café on Level 0.

  4. – Do you mind my smoking?
    Sorry (Don’t worry), smoking … (to forbid) here.

  5. – Can I touch the paintings or art objects?
    – …
    But if nobody sees it?
    Err…, everything … (tocontrol) byvideocamera.

5. Физкультминутка «Туристы в Лондоне»

6. Комментарий к мультимедиа презентации «TheNaturalHistoryMuseum»

We are on the way to the Natural History Museum. The pride of London is The British Museum. It has 2 main sections – the Museum of Mankind and The Natural History Museum. It is situated in the separate building. I’m going to tell you a little about this museum.

  • This glorious building with its blue and terracotta facade has held treasure natural history collections. The museum was founded by London doctor naturalist and collector Sir Hans Sloan.

  • The building is decorated with animals and pterosaurs.

  • Central hall is an exhibit in itself. The star of show is a dinosaur Diplodocus. Its long neck stretching out to greet visitors as they enter. It’s the longest dinosaurs so far discovered. It is 26 meters long.

  • This is a skeleton of a giant dinosaur Megatherium. It lived in South America 100.000 years ago in ice ages.

  • It’s the Earth Hall. You can see 6 statues of gods, monsters, astronauts and a scientist. Theyrepresentourstruggletoexplainthenature.

  • “Dinosaurs and Their Living Relatives” is one of the most popular galleries.

  • It’s dark exciting space with a skeletal steel bridge.

  • The bird collection contains 95% of all known birds.

  • Many collections take place from floor to ceiling. There are more than million of specimens of beetles. Eachisgiven a uniquescientificname.

  • This butterfly lives in the forests of Papua New Guinea.

  • Earth treasury. This nugget was found in Australia. Its name is Welcome Stranger. Itsweightis 71 kilograms. Butit’s a modelonly.

  • Human being in Britain about 700.000 years ago. Primates’ exhibition. There is a little genetic difference between us and our closest relatives, the chimpanzee.

  • Amphibians and reptiles. There’s a tortoise skeleton. We can see how its backbone and ribs form the protective shell.

  • The Komodo dragon. Its bite is deadly.

  • You will find Mammals gallery in two parts. The first is classic display of specimens in glass cases. The second is a more theatrical display of large beasts.

7. But we have to hurry. We are on the way to Madam Tussauds’s Museum

How can we get there? Let’s go there by bus.


  1. Извините, какие автобусы идут до музея Мадам Тюссо? to / buses / MadamTussaud’s / which / go / excuseme /?

  2. Извините, вы не знаете, останавливается ли автобус возле Музея Естествознания?thebus /if /theNaturalHistoryMuseum /stops /excuse /do /you /me /near /know/?

  3. Извините, какдоехатьдоТауэра? the Tower of London /can /how /to /get /excuse /I /me /?

  4. Извините, вывыходите? me/ getting off/ are/ excuse/ you/ ?

  5. Извините, вынезнаете, гдевыйти, чтобыпересестьнаавтобус №5? do/ know/ get off/ where/ excuse me/ to/ change/ for/ number 5/ the/you/ to/?

  6. Извините, вы не подскажете, есть ли поблизости автобусная остановка? Excuse/ could/ me/ tell/ you/ there/ is/ near/ stop/ me/ if/ here/ a bus/?

8. Драматизация диалога (на французском языке)

At the beginning of the lesson we were going to travel throw the time.

So, with the help of different spells Madame Tussaud is here in our studio.

And we have a chance to interview her. Let’s greet such a famous person.

(Появляется Мадам Тюсcо со своей переводчицей. Девочка-журналист задаёт ей вопросы.) [2]

9. Комментариймультимедиапроекта

Welcome to Madame Tussaud’s Museum. Have a look at present exhibition.

  1. You can see the models of British monarchs and members of there families. They are Elizabeth 1, Henry the 8, Queen Victoria, The Queen Mother, and H. M. The Queen Elizabeth 2, Princess Diana.

  2. There are many national heroes, famous actors and actress, singers, musicians in the halls of the museum. Doyouknowthem?

  3. You can see the famous stars of show business.

  4. It is allowed to have the photo taken here. And we had a lot of fun.

The museum is popular with many tourists from different countries. There are lots of people all over the world in the museum. They spoke English because English is international language.

Listen to a song and sing along. “Sorry, my English isn’t very good…”

10. The Tower of London

Our next aim is …. How can we get there? First by underground, then – along the river Thames. I’ll recite you a poem which was written by Oscar Wild upon Westminster Bridge.

The Thames nocturne of blue and gold
Change into harmony in grey.
A barge with ochre-colored hay
Dropped from the wharf: and chill and cold.


The Tower include not one but 20 towers. Many tragic stories of British history came from here. In the so-called Bloody Tower 2 sons of king Edward 4 were murdered and buried beneath steps in the White Tower.

Traitors Gate (Воротапредателeй) is in the St Thomas Tower and has steps leading down to the River Thames. Prisoners were brought to the Tower by barge.

A lot of them went through this gate but few came out. Among the famous prisoners executed at the Tower were Thomas More, Ann Boleyn and Catherine Howard.

The White Tower is the oldest part. It dates back to the 11-th century and the time of William the Conqueror.

It is the great fortress. Whoever held the Tower held the kingdom.

The national collection of arms and amours is kept in the Tower.

Amours (доспехи), spears (копья).

Guns, arms (ружья/пушки, пистолеты).

Gibbet (виселица), axe (топор). Mary Queen of Scots.

It was the place of execution. The pillow shows sympathy for prisoners.

The Queen Palace.

The Crown Jewels are displayed in the Jewels House and include all the regalia used in the coronation ceremony and the state occasions.

These swords are used in the coronation ceremony. They symbolize charity and justice.

This precious sword is given to the king by Archbishop of Canterbury. And the monarch holds it in his hands during the ceremony. It is decorated by sapphires, rubies, emeralds and more than 1200 diamonds.

A gold sphere means lordship over the whole world. It is decorated with precious stones, pearls and amities. Scepter means prosperity of the kingdom.

The First Star of Africa (Kullinan).
St. Edward Crown.
The Imperial State Crown.
The Imperial Crown of India.
The Queen Mother Crown (and Koh-I-Nur).
George, Prince of Wells Crown.
4 Crowns
A cup for vine.
Gold Altar Dish.
Two candlesticks and a jug.
Cups and plates.

11. Подведение итогов. Командная игра

(Каждый вопрос имеет свою цену.)


  1. Who offered his private collection to the National Gallery? (SirGeorgeBeamount)

  2. How many paintings are there in the National gallery nowadays? (Over 2000)

  3. Name 5 famous artists whose paintings are displayed in the National Gallery? (Botticelli, Velasques, Goia, Rembrandt, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Renuar, Rubens, Gainsborough)

  4. How much does the ticket to the National Gallery cost? (Youneedn’tpaymoney)

  5. Where is the National Gallery situated?


  1. What colour is the building of the Natural History Museum? (Blueandterracotta)

  2. What is the building of the Natural History Museum decorated by? (Animalsandpterosaurs)

  3. What is Diplodocus? (A dinosaur in the central hall of the NHM)

  4. How long is Diplodocus? (26 meters)

  5. What is the title of the most popular gallery in the NHM? (“The Dinosaurs and Their Living Relatives”)


  1. What was Madame Tussaud’s name? (Marie)

  2. When did Madame Tussaud show her first exhibition? (1802) Where did it take place? (inLondon)

  3. When was Madame Tussaud’s Museum opened in London? (1835)

  4. Where is Madame Tussaud’s Museum situated nowadays? (MaryleboneRoad)


  1. Who started to build the Tower? (WilliamtheConqueror)

  2. Why do we call the central part of the fortress the White Tower? (Henry 3 paintedthefortresswhite.)

  3. What is the traditional name of the Tower guardians? (Beefeaters)

  4. Why don’t people let the ravens fly away from the Tower? (There is a legend that they bring good luck to Britain, as long as they stay at the Tower.)

  5. What is the oldest crown on display at the Jewel House? (StEdwardCrown)

12. Рефлексия

You know a lot about London and its museums. If you had only 3 hours in London where would you go?

13. Прощание

In conclusion, I’d like to say that it’s very interesting to travel, to learn more about our planet, to be more intelligent and well-educated.

But I should say that when we were abroad we wanted to come back to Belarus, because we feel here at home: warm and comfortable.


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Продолжительность 300 или 600 часов
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13800 руб.
от 3450 руб.
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