Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  11 класс  /  Клуб любителей кино (The Cinema Fans Club)

Клуб любителей кино (The Cinema Fans Club)

Конспект урока включает тему и задачу, затем следует развёрнутый план, с указанием подробного содержания каждой части урока.

Описание разработки


 повышение мотивации в изучении английского языка путём просмотра фильмов на английском языке, беседы о просмотренных фильмах, профессиях, нужных в кинопроизводстве, жанрах кинофильмов.

  План урока.

  1. Warming up (Разогрев).

На экране телевизора – отрывок из мюзикла «Мама - миа» на английском языке, звучит песня в исполнении группы «АББА». Спрашиваю детей:

Do you like watching films? Are you fond of watching films in original? Do you find it difficult to see films in English? (Yes, rather. When I first watched the film, I understood nothing, it was a kind of a shock for me. I decided to study English better. because I felt strongly to hear original voices of my favorite actors. ) I: Yes, watching films in original is very useful, moreover, learning songs and remembering them is also the way to master your language. Today let’s use more elaborate words and phrases, go beyond basic vocabulary!

 Now, I invite you to join “The Cinema Fans Club”. But before considering yourselves cinema fans, I’d like to understand if you have some basic knowledge about films and their making.

  1. The main part of the lesson. (Основная часть урока)
  1. What types of films do you know? Three of them are given. (на доске таблица со словами)

drama musical

(The answer: a tragedy, a crime film, a documentary, a thriller, a science fiction film, a comedy, a western, a historical film, a horror film, a cartoon)

One more task to know more about genres.

  1. Match the film titles with the types of films

The Titanic a historic film

Gladiator a horror film

Dracula  a comedy

The Lost a police film

Armageddon a sci - fi film

The Police Academy  an action film

 The Mask an adventure film

 - ученики заполняют и комментируют – they prove the answer.

3. I: Surely, you have your own favorite actors and actresses. Could you share the information about them with us? (Ученики рассказывают о своих любимых актёрах и актрисах).

 - I see that you are fond of feature films, according to the actors you’ve represented. Who can tell us about the people involved in documentaries? (Ученик рассказывает о том, что ему нравятся документальные фильмы, особенно фильмы о космосе , в частности фильмы Клода Нуридзани – I am fond of films about space, some days ago I watched the documentary film “Microcosmos”. After that I have become addicted to such films: space, spaceships, cosmonauts and their training. Besides, I liked the music of Bruno Coolie in this documentary)

 4. Составление диалогов. (Make up a dialogue where you represent your favorite actor, director or producer).

 5. Игра «Угадай фильм» I offer you to think of a film and I’ll do my best to guess it. (Я выхожу из класса, а ученики загадывают фильм). Вернувшись, задаю вопросы, например, такие:

 1) Is it a feature or documentary film?

 2) When was it realized?

 3) Are the actors who perform in this film popular in our country?

 4) Who is a director of this film?

 5) What is the genre of the film? Etc.

  1. Аудирование. (Listening) If we are all fans, we should know about many people who are involved in film making. Let’s listen to the recording and take notes of what each person has said about their job.

 На доске - профессии:

A continuity girl

A stunt man

A clapperboard man

A sound editor

The text of the listening:

“ … I have to add the atmosphere to the original dialogue in order to create a fuller, richer texture of sound. For example, when a character rides in the rain, I can lay the sound of thunder to add an extra dimension.

 … Some of the tricks required real skills of an acrobat, so I was employed to perform several stunts for the leading actor.

 … My job requires accuracy and precision. I put marks on the ground for the actors so they always hit the right spot during the scene, and when the camera is rolling, announce the scene and shot and bang the clapperboard, so that the sound and vision could be synchronized.

 … It’s my job to build up contact between the production team, the cast and the crew. Besides, I have to book the hotel rooms needed during filming. (Ученики, прослушав текст, называют профессии, упомянутые в рассказе)

  1. Заключительная часть урока.

Finally, I see that you are real cinema fans. I invite you to join our “Cinema Fans Club’. Let’s draw a poster for any film you like. (На подготовленном листе ватмана дети все вместе делают коллаж любого полюбившегося всем фильма. )

  1. Рефлексия.

 - Do you like our lesson?

 What new information have you known?

 What moments of it do you think are the most interesting?

 Are you going to see English and American films in original?

Содержимое разработки

Конспект открытого урока английского языка в 11 классе

Тема: Клуб любителей кино (The Cinema Fans Club)

Задача: повышение мотивации в изучении английского языка путём просмотра фильмов на английском языке, беседы о просмотренных фильмах, профессиях, нужных в кинопроизводстве, жанрах кинофильмов.

План урока.

  1. Warming up (Разогрев). На экране телевизора – отрывок из мюзикла «Мама-миа» на английском языке, звучит песня в исполнении группы «АББА». Спрашиваю детей:

Do you like watching films? Are you fond of watching films in original? Do you find it difficult to see films in English? (Yes,rather. When I first watched the film, I understood nothing, it was a kind of a shock for me. I decided to study English better. because I felt strongly to hear original voices of my favorite actors.) I: Yes, watching films in original is very useful, moreover, learning songs and remembering them is also the way to master your language. Today let’s use more elaborate words and phrases, go beyond basic vocabulary!

Now, I invite you to join “The Cinema Fans Club”. But before considering yourselves cinema fans, I’d like to understand if you have some basic knowledge about films and their making.

  1. The main part of the lesson. (Основная часть урока)

  1. What types of films do you know? Three of them are given. (на доске таблица со словами)

drama musical

war film ………

Types of films



………… …………

…………… …………

(The answer: a tragedy, a crime film, a documentary, a thriller, a science fiction film, a comedy, a western, a historical film, a horror film, a cartoon)

One more task to know more about genres.

  1. Match the film titles with the types of films

The Titanic a historic film

Gladiator a horror film

Dracula a comedy

The Lost a police film

Armageddon a sci-fi film

The Police Academy an action film

The Mask an adventure film

- ученики заполняют и комментируют – they prove the answer.

3. I: Surely, you have your own favorite actors and actresses. Could you share the information about them with us? (Ученики рассказывают о своих любимых актёрах и актрисах).

- I see that you are fond of feature films, according to the actors you’ve represented. Who can tell us about the people involved in documentaries? (Ученик рассказывает о том, что ему нравятся документальные фильмы, особенно фильмы о космосе , в частности фильмы Клода Нуридзани – I am fond of films about space, some days ago I watched the documentary film “Microcosmos”. After that I have become addicted to such films: space, spaceships, cosmonauts and their training. Besides, I liked the music of Bruno Coolie in this documentary)

4. Составление диалогов. (Make up a dialogue where you represent your favorite actor, director or producer).

5. Игра «Угадай фильм» I offer you to think of a film and I’ll do my best to guess it. (Я выхожу из класса, а ученики загадывают фильм). Вернувшись, задаю вопросы, например, такие:

1) Is it a feature or documentary film?

2) When was it realized?

3) Are the actors who perform in this film popular in our country?

4) Who is a director of this film?

5) What is the genre of the film? Etc.

  1. Аудирование. (Listening) If we are all fans, we should know about many people who are involved in film making. Let’s listen to the recording and take notes of what each person has said about their job.

На доске - профессии:

A continuity girl

A stunt man

A clapperboard man

A sound editor

The text of the listening:

“ … I have to add the atmosphere to the original dialogue in order to create a fuller, richer texture of sound. For example, when a character rides in the rain, I can lay the sound of thunder to add an extra dimension.

… Some of the tricks required real skills of an acrobat, so I was employed to perform several stunts for the leading actor.

… My job requires accuracy and precision. I put marks on the ground for the actors so they always hit the right spot during the scene, and when the camera is rolling, announce the scene and shot and bang the clapperboard, so that the sound and vision could be synchronized.

… It’s my job to build up contact between the production team, the cast and the crew. Besides, I have to book the hotel rooms needed during filming. (Ученики, прослушав текст, называют профессии, упомянутые в рассказе)

  1. Заключительная часть урока.

Finally, I see that you are real cinema fans. I invite you to join our “Cinema Fans Club’. Let’s draw a poster for any film you like. (На подготовленном листе ватмана дети все вместе делают коллаж любого полюбившегося всем фильма.)

  1. Рефлексия.

- Do you like our lesson?

What new information have you known?

What moments of it do you think are the most interesting?

Are you going to see English and American films in original?

Курсы повышения квалификации

Система работы с высокомотивированными и одаренными учащимися по учебному предмету

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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Клуб любителей кино (The Cinema Fans Club) (49 КB)

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