Have a nice day !!!
Work at our phonetics
Earl y to bed,
Earl y to r i se. [ai] [i],
Makes a man h ea l th y , [e]- [i]
W ea l th y and w i se. [e] -[i] -[Ө]- [ai]
rise – вставать
do = make
healthy – здоровый
wealthy – богатый
wise – мудрый, благоразумный
r i se , w i se
[ai] –
[e] –
[i] –
[Ө] –
h ea lthy, w ea lthy
earl y , health y , wealth y
heal th y , weal th y
Early to bed, Early to rise. Makes a man healthy, Wealthy and wise.
Кто рано ложится
И рано встает,
Богатство, здоровье
И ум наживет.
We will talking about ….
- New words “My day”
- Time
- Present Simple
- a story “My day”
The 15 th of February
Wake up! ( daily routine)
Sally’s daily routine
What does Sally do…..?
In the morning Sally
In the afternoon V s / es
In the evening
What do you do…..?
In the morning
In the afternoon I V.
In the evening
https://quizlet.com/4899380/daily-routine-flash-cards /
Asking about/Telling the time
What time is it?
It’s 12 o’clock.
It’s half past six .
It’s a quarter past five .
It’s a quarter to seven .
P1 - What time is it?
P2 – It’s seven o’clock.
P1 – What do you do at seven o clock?
P2 – I get up at seven o’ clock.
1) What’s his name?
2) Does Alvin do sport exercises?
3) Does Alvin take a shower?
4) What time does he go to work ?
My day
0 mistakes – mark “5” 1-2 mistakes – mark “4” 3-4 mistakes – mark “3” 5-6 mistakes – mark “2”
Test “My day”
1)In the morning we have…
4 ) At school pupils…
a) do morning exercises
b) lunch
b) have lessons
c) shopping
c) dinner
d) supper
d) clean the teeth
5) Время 7.15
a) It’s seven o’clock
2) The lessons begin at…
a) 8:00
b) It’s a quarter to seven
b) 8:30
c) It’s a quarter past seven
6) Before going to bed pupils read…
c) 9:00
- Beds
- b) flowers
- c) books
- d) TV-set
3) At 9 o’clock in the evening pupils go…
a) to school
b) shopping
c) home
d) to bed
https:// interneturok.ru/english/2-klass/leksika-4/moy-den-my-day/testcases
1) a
2) a
3) d
4) b
5) c
6) c
Now I know …
Now I can …
- Tell the time
- Ask questions about the time
- Hear the new words (in the video)
- Read the new words
- Speak about my day
- Time
- New words
and phrases
on the topic
“ My daily routine”
I worked fine / well / not very well
Lesson - Interesting / boring
Кто рано ложится и рано встает,
Богатство, здоровье и ум наживет.