Ivan Turgenev's State Literary Museum
Методическая цель: создание на уроке условий для интеллектуального и эмоционального развития учащихся.
Познавательная цель: знакомство с жизнью и творчеством И.С. Тургенева, музеем писателя в г. Орле.
Учебная цель: совершенствование речевых навыков чтения и говорения.
Воспитательная цель: более глубокое осознание родной культуры средствами английского языка.
Ход урока
1. Приветствие.
2. Введение в тему урока. T: Hello, friends! Today we are going to speak about literature! I have come across one interesting picture. Look here! This is a museum? And it is in Oryol.
There are a lot of literary museums in Russia. This Russian town is very rich in sightseing. Here is a museum of an outstanding Russian writer who was born in this town. Do you know this famous Russian writer? (показывает портрет, вывешивает его на доску)
What have you already known about Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev?
Р1 - He was born in Spasskoe-Lutavinovo.
Р2 - He wrote Fathers and Sons, Asya.
Р3 - He is famous in Russia and abroad.
Р4 - We study his poems at our Literature lessons.
Р5 - This year there is the 200-th annuversary of Turgenev’s birthday.
OK! Have you ever been to the State Turgenev Museum?
I have found the advertisings of this museum. Here they are! Take it please and say what they inform us about?
Good! But how can we get there? By bus? By train? By plane? Coose the right transport, make up a project! You have 3-5 minits
Now speak about transport. Prove your point of view. (Project 1)
3. So the transport is chosen and we start our voyage !
T: Just a moment! We all are keen on Russian literature. Many people are fond of reading books by Turgenev. By the way, it’s interesting to learn how the titles of his books are translated into English. Look at the сards and match the Russian and English titles. You have 2 minutes to think it over!
A Hunter’s Sketches | Вешние воды |
T: So, let’s check your answers!
The works of the Russian classic Ivan Turgenev received world recognition during the author’s lifetime. His “A Hunter’s Sketches”, novels and tales were widely read all over the world.
So we are really ready to visit the State Turgenev Museum. Listen to the guides carefully and be ready to ask questions to your guides. (Presentation)
Guide: Hallo, friends! We are your guides. I am David and I am Alina. Ivan SergeyevichTurgenev was born on the 28-th of October 1818г
Our excursion is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the great Russian writer’s birth.
His family was not big.
Varvara Petrovna Lutovinova was the writer’s mother and Sergei Nikolayevich Turgenev was the writer’s father. He had a brother Nikolay
Ivan Sergeevych Turgenev is a real intellectual aristocrat, a man of culture, devoted to literature, music and art. He created a number of national characters in his books.
His father Turgenev belonged to an ancient noble family, which took its roots from the time of Ivan Grozny monachy. His mother, Lutovinova, was a rich landowner.
“My father, then still a young and very handsome man, married my mother for her money,” I.S. Turgenev wrote in his story “First Love” half a century later. Varvara Petrovna was clever, fairly well educated and strong minded.
On October 28, 1818 the writer was born into a noble family. He spent his childhood in the family estate of his mother - the village of Spassky-Lutovinovo.
Here are the rooms where the family lived.
This is the two-storey wooden house where I.S. Turgenev was born. It stood at near the Cathedral of St. Boris and St. Gleb where the future writer was christened. This house was destroyed by fire in the 1840s. The Turgenev family were already living in Spasskoye.
Turgenev left no record of any childhood impressions of Oryol. His childhood memories are all associated with Spasskoye. From there he went to Moscow to study and then to St. Petersburg and Berlin. He returned to Orel as a mature man.
Turgenev first tried his hand at writing in 1843 and by the early 1850s he was already nationally known for his “The Hunter’s Sketches”.
Every corner of the museum is devoted to the famous Russian writer.
PAULINE VIARDOT is a French singer and a composer. From 1843 to the end of the writer's life was lit up with love for this wonderful woman.
You can find here all the issues of his literary works. The works of the Russian classic Ivan Turgenev received world recognition during the author’s lifetime. His novels and tales were widely read all over the world.
People in Oryol are very careful about all the places associated with the life and work of the famous writer. Turgenev's name is given to the street where he was born, the regional theater, pedagogical Institute, high school, city library.
Our excurcion is over. Have you got any questions? Our experts are ready to answer.
PUPIL 1 I have heard about “the Turgenev’s Bank of the Oka River”. Why is it called so?
Turgenev’s nurse often took the baby to the high bank of the Oka River where the garden ended. “From here, the child, who was to become so famous, took his first look at the sky and at the earth, she said. Perhaps it was the very place that inspired Turgenev’s feelings of love for mankind and to his country throughout the civilized world. The steep bank of the Oka is known in Oryol as “the Turgenev Bank”. It commands a splendid view of the old part of Oryol.
PUPIL 2. Did Turgenev spend his childhood in Oryol? Turgenev left no record of any childhood impressions of Oryol. His childhood memories are all associated with Spasskoye. From there he went to Moscow to study and then to St. Petersburg and Berlin. He returned to Oryol as a mature man.
PUPIL 3. What activities is the State Turgenev Museum involved in? The Turgenev Museum is the centre of Oryol’s literary life. Its staff arranges literary gatherings, get-togethers, scientific conferences, and continues to collect material associated with Turgenev. The library and depositories of the Museum are of great scientific and artistic value.
PUPIL 4. How is Turgenev honoured in his native town? In Oryol today there are many places commemorating Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev. The most picturesque nooks of the city, the street where the house he was born in stood, the Drama Theatre, the Chess Club, a library and a school are named after him.
6. T: Our literary trip is over. What are your impressions? What words come to your mind?
To my mind …
It seems to me …
I believe that …
No doubt that …
is worth стоит посетить, посмотреть, взглянуть , прогуляться
visiting, seeing, looking at, walking in.
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