
Is there a yeti?

Is there a yeti?

1. To develop pupil’s spoken and listening fluency. 2. To develop pupil’s reading, writing skills. 3. To enrich vocabulary stock. To develop interest in learning English.


Содержимое разработки

  Theme of the lesson: Is there a yeti?

   School № 35

   Date: 11.12.2017.

   Teacher: Taiypbergenova A.B.

   Form: 3

   Number present


Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to.

    1. To develop pupil’s spoken and listening fluency.
    2. To develop pupil’s reading, writing skills.
    3. To enrich vocabulary stock.
        To develop interest in learning English.

Waiting result:

    Be able to work in pupil’s are friendly.

    We help to each other can ask and answer.

Lesson objectives:

    Recognize greetings.

    Understand and follow instructions.

Criteria of marking  

Working by group. Answer to the questions.

The course of the lesson:

Teacher’s action

Pupil’s action


1. Organization moment.

3 min

   - Greeting.
   - Good afternoon, children! How are you?
   - Repeat the words


   - Greets.
   - Answer to the questions.
   - Ac quaint with the list of criteria.


2. Checking home work

5 min

Check up the home work

Introduce writing works. Ask and answer the questions.

Orally and writing.

3. To know

5 min

Learning the new ds:

Noun: scarf, socks, trousers, coat, hat, mittens.

Repeat the  words.

Read and repeat the words

 - Write the rules of reading.


Rest time

5 min

Sing a song

Sing a song by listening a tope recorder



15 min

   1. Listen and repeat.
   2. Complete the puzzle.
   Find the answer and draw the picture.
   3. Syllables. Ex 3a

  1. Will listen and read.
  2. Read and think Find the answer the correct world.



4. assessment

5 min

▪ Marking by smiles primary colors.

Pupils note  their works.

▪ they mark themselves and lesson putting the understand.


5. Homework

Learn by heart the song.

Ex 3b p 27

Activity book.

Pupils writes the h.w. in diary




   Were the lesson  objectives  learning objectives realistic?

   What did the learners today?

   What was the learning atmosphere like?

   Did my planned differentiation work well?

   5 min

   Use the space below  to reflect on your lesson. Answer  the most relevant question from the box on the left about your lesson.



   Summary evaluation:

   What two things went really well ( consider both teaching learning)?



   What two thing would  have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



Курсы профессиональной переподготовке

Учитель, преподаватель английского языка

Продолжительность 300 или 600 часов
Документ: Диплом о профессиональной переподготовке
13800 руб.
от 2760 руб.
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