Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Тесты  /  7 класс  /  "If-clauses Type 0, Type 1. Ways of expressing future actions".

"If-clauses Type 0, Type 1. Ways of expressing future actions".

Тест предполагает проверку сформированности грамматических навыков в употреблении условных предложений 0 и 1 типов, а также употребление времен для выражения будущих действий.

Содержимое разработки

Use the Present Simple, the Present Continuous, the Future Simple

1. If the weather (to be) sunny tomorrow, we (to go) to the countryside.

2. I (to visit) my doctor next Monday.

3. The bus (to arrive) at 7 o’clock tomorrow.

4. We won’t find a hotel if we (not to hurry up).

5. Their train (to leave) in a couple of hours.

6. If you (to meet) Mike, ask him to call me.

7. I’m thirsty, I (to have) something to drink.

8. If he (to come) today, we (to play) computer games.

9. If a Viking (to give) a word, he (to keep) it at any cost.

10. If we (to have) free time tomorrow, we (to go) for a walk.

11. Alex (to have) a party on Saturday, he has already invited me.

12. If she comes late, she (to have) problems at home.

13. It’s hot in the room, I (to open) the window.

14. If a Viking (to break) his promise, he (to lose) all his friends.

15. Invite them to our place if the (to phone) you again.

Use the Present Simple, the Present Continuous, the Future Simple

1. If the weather (to be) sunny tomorrow, we (to go) to the countryside.

2. I (to visit) my doctor next Monday.

3. The bus (to arrive) at 7 o’clock tomorrow.

4. We won’t find a hotel if we (not to hurry up).

5. Their train (to leave) in a couple of hours.

6. If you (to meet) Mike, ask him to call me.

7. I’m thirsty, I (to have) something to drink.

8. If he (to come) today, we (to play) computer games.

9. If a Viking (to give) a word, he (to keep) it at any cost.

10. If we (to have) free time tomorrow, we (to go) for a walk.

11. Alex (to have) a party on Saturday, he has already invited me.

12. If she comes late, she (to have) problems at home.

13. It’s hot in the room, I (to open) the window.

14. If a Viking (to break) his promise, he (to lose) all his friends.

15. Invite them to our place if the (to phone) you again.

Use the Present Simple, the Present Continuous, the Future Simple

1. If the weather (to be) sunny tomorrow, we (to go) to the countryside.

2. I (to visit) my doctor next Monday.

3. The bus (to arrive) at 7 o’clock tomorrow.

4. We won’t find a hotel if we (not to hurry up).

5. Their train (to leave) in a couple of hours.

6. If you (to meet) Mike, ask him to call me.

7. I’m thirsty, I (to have) something to drink.

8. If he (to come) today, we (to play) computer games.

9. If a Viking (to give) a word, he (to keep) it at any cost.

10. If we (to have) free time tomorrow, we (to go) for a walk.

11. Alex (to have) a party on Saturday, he has already invited me.

12. If she comes late, she (to have) problems at home.

13. It’s hot in the room, I (to open) the window.

14. If a Viking (to break) his promise, he (to lose) all his friends.

15. Invite them to our place if the (to phone) you again.

Use the Present Simple, the Present Continuous, the Future Simple

1. If the weather (to be) sunny tomorrow, we (to go) to the countryside.

2. I (to visit) my doctor next Monday.

3. The bus (to arrive) at 7 o’clock tomorrow.

4. We won’t find a hotel if we (not to hurry up).

5. Their train (to leave) in a couple of hours.

6. If you (to meet) Mike, ask him to call me.

7. I’m thirsty, I (to have) something to drink.

8. If he (to come) today, we (to play) computer games.

9. If a Viking (to give) a word, he (to keep) it at any cost.

10. If we (to have) free time tomorrow, we (to go) for a walk.

11. Alex (to have) a party on Saturday, he has already invited me.

12. If she comes late, she (to have) problems at home.

13. It’s hot in the room, I (to open) the window.

14. If a Viking (to break) his promise, he (to lose) all his friends.

15. Invite them to our place if the (to phone) you again.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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