

Целью данного урока являлось обобщение ранее введенной лексики по теме «Праздники» и систематизация грамматического материала по теме «Повествовательные предложения в Past Indefinite Tense».

Описание разработки

Цель урока: Обобщить и систематизировать ранее введенный лексический и грамматический материал по теме “Holidays”.



Автоматизировать употребление ранее введенной лексики по теме «Праздники»

Повторить и систематизировать грамматический материал по теме «повествовательные предложения в Past Indefinite Tense»


Развивать навыки  аудирования,  диалогической и монологической речи, письма.

Развивать логическое мышление, воображение, память.

Развивать у школьников самостоятельность, используя творческие задания.


Повышать интерес к изучению традиций и культуры страны изучаемого языка.

Содействовать эстетическому воспитанию учащихся.

Оснащение: Презентация с ходом урока, набор слов и цветных картинок, символизирующих праздники для проектной работы учащихся, аудиозапись песни «If you’re happy», аудиозапись истории «In a dark, dark…», «мордашки» для контроля настроения учащихся.

Procedure of the lesson

Org. moment

1. Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you!

Good morning, dear pupils,

I’m  glad to see you! (слайд 1)

2. Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. But firstly tell me, please, how you are today. As for me I’m fine. And you? I see some of you are fine, some of you are so-so. But I think lesson will be interesting and each of you will be fine to the end of it. (слайд 2)

3. Let’s start answering the questions.

Did you celebrate New Year’s Day last year?

Did you decorate Christmas tree last year?

Did you send Valentine cards?

Whom did you buy presents on the 8th of March for? 

4. Have you guessed what the theme of our lesson is? Yes, you are right, it’s “Holidays”

Today we’ll go on speaking about holidays. We will  also revise grammar - Past Indefinite Tense. And you should be very attentive during the lesson, because at the end of the lesson you’ll have a test. 


Celebrate holiday

Decorate Christmas tree

Send cards

Get presents

Play tricks

Give flowers

Go “trick or treat”

Project work.

Which British holidays do you know?

I see that you know them. And now you’ll have a project work. The task is very interesting. You should make a poster of the holiday: choose the pictures, symbolizing your holiday and make a story from given words about way of celebrating this holiday.

Look at the screen (there is a poster of one holiday) (слайд 6)

1 group – St.Valentine’s Day

2 group – Christmas

3 group – Easter

4 group – Mother’s Day

Listening to the story “In a dark, dark…”.

Listen to the story and say when it can be told. (слайд 7)

What holiday will be at the screen?

Yes, you are right, it’s a Halloween. (слайд 8)

Speaking 3 languages.

Look at the screen. You can see symbols of the holidays. Name which holidays associate with which objects.

We live in Kazakhstan and each educated person should know 3 languages: English, Kazakh, Russian. Let’s name the symbols of holidays in Kazakh and Russian. (слайд 9)

Tossing the ball

Ex: T: шырша -         

P: Christmas tree, eлка

Having a rest.

And now imagine that today is your favourite holiday and you are happy. Listen to the song and do like it’s singing.

If you’re happy and you know it – Clap your hands!

If you’re happy and you know it – Clap your hands!

If you’re happy and you know it

Then your face will shurely show it

If you’re happy and you know it

Clap your hands!

- Stamp your feet!

- Say “Ah, man!”

- Do all three!

Work with the dialogue.

Terry and Sylvia are talking about Christmas Day. Complete their dialogue.

Completing the dialogue

Reading the dialogue in pairs.

Acting out the dialogue 

Revision of the Past Indefinite Tense.

What tense was used in the dialogue between Terry and Sylvia? – Yes, you are right,  it’s Past Indefinite Tense.

Answer the questions about this tense.

Когда употребляется  Past Indefinite ?

На какие 2 группы делятся все глаголы в английском языке? Почему?

Какие существуют правила чтения окончаний правильных глаголов в Past Indefinite?

Какие 2 формы имеет глагол “to be”в прошедшем времени? (слайд 12)

Work with grammar.

My parents (be) in New-York on Christmas Eve.

Tom (decorate) the Christmas tree yesterday.

My mother (buy) a present for me last week.

My brother (be) fourteen on the first of January.

All people (celebrate) New Year’s Day yesterday.

Where (be) you yesterday?

Last year I (get) a lot of Valentine’s cards.

People (send) cards to each other last week . (слайд 13)

Checking the results of the card work up (слайд 14)

Making a lexical test.

1. ___ is celebrated on the 31st of October.

   A) Halloween            

   B) Easter        

   C) Christmas

2. People decorate Christmas___ on Christmas.

    A) Present                 

    B) card                      

    C) tree

3. On ___children play jokes and tricks on other people, even on teachers.

    A) April Fool’s Day  

    B) Mother’s Day       

    C) St.Patrick’s Day

4. On Easter children get ___.

    A) Chocolate eggs      

    B) chocolate balls      

    C) cards

5. People send cards to someone they love and do not sign them on ___.

    A) St. Valentine’s Day         

    B) Easter        

    C) Mother’s Day

6. In ___ people visit their mothers, help them and give them presents.

    A) April                                 

    B) February   

    C) May

7. ___ is celebrated in late March or in April

    A) St. Patrick’s Day  

    B) Halloween

    C) Easter

8. On ___ children go “trick or treat”

    A) Christmas             

   B) Halloween

   C) New Year’s Day

9. Santa Claus is coming on ___.

   A) New Year’s Day  

   B) Easter        

  C) Christmas

10. Pumpkin and witch are the symbols of ___.

   A) Easter                    

   B) Halloween            

   C) St. Patrick’s Day

Checking the results of the test up. 


So now you should answer the question  “Which holiday do you like? And why?” 


To write a story about how you spent your favourite holiday last year.


1. What have you done today? What new information have you known? Was it interesting for you? 

2. I was very glad to meet you. You are very active and it turned out you are creative guys. I’m fine. I like your job. What about you? Show me your feelings. 

3. I think today was a holiday for you and me and I’d like to present you these pictures for remembering our enjoyable meeting. Thank you for your work. Good-bye! 

Содержимое разработки

Цель урока: Обобщить и систематизировать ранее введенный лексический и грамматический материал по теме “Holidays”.



  1. Автоматизировать употребление ранее введенной лексики по теме «Праздники»

  2. Повторить и систематизировать грамматический материал по теме «повествовательные предложения в Past Indefinite Tense»


  1. Развивать навыки аудирования, диалогической и монологической речи, письма.

  2. Развивать логическое мышление, воображение, память.

  3. Развивать у школьников самостоятельность, используя творческие задания.


  1. Повышать интерес к изучению традиций и культуры страны изучаемого языка.

  2. Содействовать эстетическому воспитанию учащихся.

Оснащение: Презентация с ходом урока, набор слов и цветных картинок, символизирующих праздники для проектной работы учащихся, аудиозапись песни «If you’re happy», аудиозапись истории «In a dark, dark…», «мордашки» для контроля настроения учащихся.

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Org. moment

1. Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you!
Good morning, dear pupils,
I’m glad to see you! (слайд 1)

2.Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. But firstly tell me, please, how you are today. As for me I’m fine. And you? I see some of you are fine, some of you are so-so. But I think lesson will be interesting and each of you will be fine to the end of it. (слайд 2)

3. Let’s start answering the questions.

  • Did you celebrate New Year’s Day last year?

  • Did you decorate Christmas tree last year?

  • Did you send Valentine cards?

  • Whom did you buy presents on the 8th of March for? (слайд 3)

4. Have you guessed what the theme of our lesson is? Yes, you are right, it’s “Holidays”

Today we’ll go on speaking about holidays. We will also revise grammar - Past Indefinite Tense. And you should be very attentive during the lesson, because at the end of the lesson you’ll have a test. (слайд 4)

  1. Phon.drill

(слайд 5)

  • Celebrate holiday

  • Decorate Christmas tree

  • Send cards

  • Get presents

  • Play tricks

  • Give flowers

  • Go “trick or treat”

  1. Project work.

  • Which British holidays do you know?

  • I see that you know them. And now you’ll have a project work. The task is very interesting. You should make a poster of the holiday: choose the pictures, symbolizing your holiday and make a story from given words about way of celebrating this holiday.

  • Look at the screen (there is a poster of one holiday) (слайд 6)

1 group – St.Valentine’s Day

2 group – Christmas

3 group – Easter

4 group – Mother’s Day

  1. Listening to the story “In a dark, dark…”.

  • Listen to the story and say when it can be told. (слайд 7)

  • What holiday will be at the screen?

  • Yes, you are right, it’s a Halloween. (слайд 8)

  1. Speaking 3 languages.

  • Look at the screen. You can see symbols of the holidays. Name which holidays associate with which objects.

  • We live in Kazakhstan and each educated person should know 3 languages: English, Kazakh, Russian. Let’s name the symbols of holidays in Kazakh and Russian. (слайд 9)

  • Tossing the ball

Ex: T: шырша - P: Christmas tree, eлка

  1. Having a rest.

And now imagine that today is your favourite holiday and you are happy. Listen to the song and do like it’s singing.

If you’re happy and you know it – Clap your hands!

If you’re happy and you know it – Clap your hands!

If you’re happy and you know it

Then your face will shurely show it

If you’re happy and you know it – Clap your hands!

- Stamp your feet!

- Say “Ah, man!”

- Do all three! (слайд 10)

  1. Work with the dialogue.

Terry and Sylvia are talking about Christmas Day. Complete their dialogue.

  1. Completing the dialogue

  2. Reading the dialogue in pairs.

  3. Acting out the dialogue (слайд 11)

  1. Revision of the Past Indefinite Tense.

What tense was used in the dialogue between Terry and Sylvia? – Yes, you are right, it’s Past Indefinite Tense.

Answer the questions about this tense.

  • Когда употребляется Past Indefinite ?

  • На какие 2 группы делятся все глаголы в английском языке? Почему?

  • Какие существуют правила чтения окончаний правильных глаголов в Past Indefinite?

  • Какие 2 формы имеет глагол “to be”в прошедшем времени? (слайд 12)

  1. Work with grammar.

  1. My parents (be) in New-York on Christmas Eve.

  2. Tom (decorate) the Christmas tree yesterday.

  3. My mother (buy) a present for me last week.

  4. My brother (be) fourteen on the first of January.

  5. All people (celebrate) New Year’s Day yesterday.

  6. Where (be) you yesterday?

  7. Last year I (get) a lot of Valentine’s cards.

  8. People (send) cards to each other last week . (слайд 13)

  1. Checking the results of the card work up (слайд 14)

  1. Making a lexical test.

1. ___ is celebrated on the 31st of October.

A) Halloween B) Easter C) Christmas

2. People decorate Christmas___ on Christmas.

A) Present B) card C) tree

3. On ___children play jokes and tricks on other people, even on teachers.

A) April Fool’s Day B) Mother’s Day C) St.Patrick’s Day

4. On Easter children get ___.

A) Chocolate eggs B) chocolate balls C) cards

5. People send cards to someone they love and do not sign them on ___.

A) St. Valentine’s Day B) Easter C) Mother’s Day

6. In ___ people visit their mothers, help them and give them presents.

A) April B) February C) May

7. ___ is celebrated in late March or in April

A) St. Patrick’s Day B) Halloween C) Easter

8. On ___ children go “trick or treat”

A) Christmas B) Halloween C) New Year’s Day

9. Santa Claus is coming on ___.

A) New Year’s Day B) Easter C) Christmas

10. Pumpkin and witch are the symbols of ___.

A) Easter B) Halloween C) St. Patrick’s Day (слайд 15)

  1. Checking the results of the test up. (слайд 16)

  1. Speaking.

So now you should answer the question “Which holiday do you like? And why?” (слайд 17)

  1. Hometask.

To write a story about how you spent your favourite holiday last year.

  1. Summary.

1. What have you done today? What new information have you known? Was it interesting for you? (слайд 18)

2. I was very glad to meet you. You are very active and it turned out you are creative guys. I’m fine. I like your job. What about you? Show me your feelings. (слайд 19)

3. I think today was a holiday for you and me and I’d like to present you these pictures for remembering our enjoyable meeting. Thank you for your work. Good-bye! (Слайд 20)

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Интерактивные методы в практике школьного образования

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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