TEP Unit 1. 24 HOURS.
Lesson 1. Are you a party animal?
Communication aim: students should be able to talk bout likes and dislikes, daily routines and activities with the help of the Present Simple Tense.
Grammar focus on: the Present Simple Tense
№ | Content | Time | Attention control | Notes |
I | Warming up | 8 |
| Greetings, introductions. 1. Hello! My name is… I like teaching English very much. What’s your name? Nice to meet you. Welcome to the Reward Language School! 2. A few words about the Reward Language School. 3. Tell me about yourselves (name, age, city, job, interests). |
| Write on a w/b “Welcome to the REWARD Language School!” Write your phone number and an email on the w/b. Use personalization.
Ask Ss additional questions and get other Ss to ask their partners. |
II | Phonetics | 10 |
| 1. Peculiarities of the English pronunciation 2. The way of working on phonetics 3. Introduction of the sound [i:] Unit 1 4. Practice of the sound [i:] in ex 1,2 5. Listen to the dialogue "Steve's meal" and answer the question in ex. 3 6. Practice the dialogue
H/W: 1) peculiarities of the English pronunciation. 2) learn the dialogue by heart | 4 1 5 | Comment on the peculiarities of the English pronunciation (with humor, fast and artistically). Write [i:]on the w/b, explain the articulation. Ask Ss to listen to you, repeat and represent imitating sounds and intonation.
| h/o of “Teaching English pronunciation”(manual, part 1)
L1 h/o 1 |
III | Grammar-Present Simple with likes/dislikes | 37 |
| 1. To speak about regular things, daily routines and activities, likes and dislikes we use Present Simple 2. practice h/o exercises 1, 2 (*ex. 3 – extra task) 3. SB p. 11 ex. 6, 7.
4. SB ex. 9: Make the sentences in ex. 7 true for you! 5. Game: Find someone who…. likes…. After – presenting the results to the whole group.
H/W: 1) grammar rule; 2) WB 1.1 p. 5 ex.4(a), 5 Drill 1 part 1 ex 1, 2 | 5
12 10
| Revise the word order and how to make questions and negatives, the conjugation and use of “to be”
Ask Ss to look through the text in ex. 1 p. 10 and complete Grammar rules. Establish the fact that the faces represent different degrees of liking and not liking. (Fluid pairs) Encourage Ss to ask each other questions making them from affirmative sentences to find the person who likes this or that. Make your example first. Walk around the class and control Ss’ speech.
explain how to do it | L1 h/o 1
L1 h/o 1
L1 h/o 2 (cut h/o to make cards for each student)
h/o of WB 1.1 |
IV | Speaking & Vocabulary: daily routines and activities | 18 |
| 1. SB p. 9: Unit 1. 24 Hours. Lead-in.
2. p. 9 ex.2
3.Talking about daily routines. E.g. I like staying in bed late at the weekends. What about you, N.?
4. SB p.10 ex. 1 (a) - (4 kinds of person: a party animal, a workaholic, a culture vulture, a couch potato)
5. Matching the definitions (1-4) with the photos (A-D). Frontal check.
6. What type of person are you? Why do you think so? Prove it.
H/W: 1) SB p. 10 ex. 1 (b): read and translate the text about people of these kinds of person and do text-based ex. 2. 2) WB 1.1 p.4 ex 1,2 | 1
1 | Ask Ss to close their books. Write on the w/b: 8 a.m., 10.30 a.m., 1 p.m., 4.45 p.m., 7.15 p.m. Ask them to say the time aloud. Ask the question: What time do you have English classes? Tell them to open the SB. Focus on the boxes in ex. 2 Ask them to look though the expression, make verb phrases with the words from A and B. Ss should tell what they can see on the photos. Which phrases are not on the photos?
Encourage Ss to say what they like doing, and then ask their mates about it. Make example first. S-S work + Front work Draw Ss attention to “like +ing- form”
Ask Ss “What do you think “a party animal” means?” (It’s a quite a modern-day expression, which people have been using recently in Britain to refer to somebody who likes going out and socializing a lot).
Tell Ss to work in pairs and do the exercise helping each other with any difficult expressions. Walk around the class and control Ss’ speech.
Ss tell about themselves and prove they belong to this or that kind of person.
V | Video “Likes and Dislikes” (“Reward Pre-Int.”) – Episode 1, part 1(00:02:30-00:03:08), 5 (00:04:57-00:06:04) | 15 |
| 1. It’s time to work with the video. Pre-watching – h/o 1 ex 1 - vocabulary While-watching – part 1 ex 2, 3 (+ check) While-watching – part 5 ex 4 (+ check) After-watching - small discussion about common likes/dislikes H/W: read and translate the script, write 3 sentences about what you like doing / don’t like doing/ hate doing |
2 5 5 3 | Tell Ss they are going to meet some people from different countries Ask Ss to look through the vocabulary. Elicit unknown words. Ask Ss to watch and match people and countries Now ask Ss to match and say what people like (or not) (Front work) Encourage Ss to discuss about their likes and dislikes and people’s one from the film. Tell them to use the chart in h/o | L1 h/o 3 with the video (this is Reward TV that makes different programs) |
VI | Summing-up | 2 |
| ● peculiarities of the English pronunciation and learn the dialogue by heart. ● WB 1.1 p. 5 ex.4(a), 5 + grammar rule + Drill 1 part 1 ex 1, 2 ● SB p. 10 : read and translate the text and do ex 2 + WB 1.1 p.4 ex 1,2 ● Write 3 sentences about what you like doing / don’t like doing/ hate doing. |
| Sum up the home task. Make sure that everything is clear for them.
Ask if they’ve got any questions. Тhank them for the lesson. Say something like, “You’ve done a good job see you on …” |
*L1 – lesson 1, h/o – handout; t/t – tongue twister; H/W – homework; SB – Students’ Book; WB – Work Book; Ss – Students
Методические указания:
Перед первым занятием необходимо узнать всю информацию о слушателях, посмотреть результаты их тестирования и заявления (попросить их у менеджеров).
Warming up: Во время организационного момента:
дать перевод названия «REWARD»
обратить внимание на то, что на занятии мы применяем оригинальные аудио- и видео курсы, в рамках коммуникативного подхода мы используем разнообразные формы работы: в парах, тройках, группах и игровые ситуации. Мы – одна команда, на каждом – огромная ответственность: за свой успех и успех тех, кто рядом. Процитировать девиз «Ревода». Обратить внимание на то, что занятия пропускать нельзя, что нашей программой предусмотрено обязательное выполнение домашних заданий для достижения наилучшего результата, необходимо работать интенсивно, и успех гарантирован!
сообщить, что в дополнение к двум занятиям в неделю предусмотрено 1 или 2 индивидуальных занятия и слушатели могут воспользоваться этой возможностью;
рассказать слушателям о комплексе Total English и дополнительного учебного материала, используемого на занятии, просмотреть, как устроен учебник, обратить внимание на то, что есть Reference Pages, где есть основной грамматический и лексический материал раздела, а так же Review and Practice для проверки усвоенного материала. Кроме этого, сказать, что у нас проводятся тесты после 1, 3 и 6 месяцев занятий для контроля качества обучения. Пригласить посетить наш веб-сайт и раздать карточки с адресом;
проинформировать слушателей о том, что на занятиях используется раздаточный материал (handouts) по грамматике, домашнему заданию и видео, настоятельно рекомендовать слушателям использовать папку для наиболее удобной работы с данным материалом;
написать свой номер телефона и адрес электронной почты на доске, чтобы быть всегда на связи.
Phonetics: обращать внимание на особенности английского произношения, которые характерны именно для русскоговорящих.
Grammar: обратить особое внимание на порядок слов в английском предложении. В русском языке мы можем переставлять слова как угодно (Белеет парус одинокий / Одинокий парус белеет), и мы все равно поймем, о чем идет речь, в английском же языке смысл изменится. Дать и объяснить сразу 3 времени Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple. Повторить спряжение глагола to be в Present Simple. Обязательно потренировать построение утвердительного предложения, отрицательного, вопроса и краткого ответа на него в Present Simple с глаголом to be и остальными глаголами. В handout № 1 есть 3 упражнения на Present Simple, упражнения № 1 и 2 – обязательны к выполнению, упражнение № 3 под звёздочкой может быть сделано на занятии, при условии, что на него есть время, если нет – посоветовать сделать вопросы дома самостоятельно, или отложить на следующее занятие в качестве дополнительного упражнения после проверки домашнего задания по Present Simple. В течение игры Find someone who… необходимо четко следить за правильным употреблением формы глагола в Present Simple в 3 л. ед.ч., а также ing-form после глаголов, выражающих Likes and dislikes.
Speaking & Vocabulary: лексика урока должна быть представлена коммуникативно, напишите несколько времен на доске и попросите слушателей назвать время. При одновременной работе с тестом “What kind of person are you?” в парах, преподавателю следует контролировать речь слушателей и корректно исправлять грубые ошибки, такие как неправильное употребление основных тематических выражений или конструкции «вопрос – краткий ответ» в Present Simple. Предоставляя прочтение текста в качестве домашнего задания, следует дать краткий комментарий, о чем он, не раскрывая содержание всего текста.
Video: видео – обязательно на каждом занятии! Обязательно следует давать домашнее задание по видео! Здесь необходимо осведомиться, у всех ли есть диски с аудио (SB TEP + фонетический курс), CD ROM (TEP) и видео диск (TEP), попросить проверить дома, работают ли они правильно.
Summing-up: домашнее задание необходимо давать в конце каждого этапа. В конце занятия суммировать все Д/З, обязательно похвалить и поблагодарить слушателей за работу, поинтересоваться их впечатлениями, не осталось ли у них каких-либо вопросов и т.п.
Methodological guide
Before the first lesson you should get to know about each student, look through the result of their test and their applications (ask the managers for them).
Warming up: During the stage:
explain the name of our centre «REWARD».
draw the students’ attention that during our lessons we use only original, authentic audio – and video courses, different kinds of work to seek to communicate: pair work, work in groups of three, games. We’re a team. Each student is responsible not only for his/her own success but also for their partners’ one. Cite the ‘Reward’ motto. Take notice that they mustn’t miss the lessons, doing homework is stipulated by our course programme to reach the best results. “Work intensively and you’ll be a success!”
tell them that in addition to two lessons a week they have a possibility to take 1-2 individual lessons;
tell the students about the package of Total English Course with the additional material that is used, look through the structure of the Students’ Book paying attention to Reference Pages after each unit with all the grammar and vocabulary material of the unit, also there’s Review and Practice page for self-control. You need also to say that we’ve tests after 1st, 3rd and 6th months of courses to control the quality of studying. Invite them to visit our web-site and give them the address;
inform them, that we will use many handouts (grammar, home task and video) during our lessons so they’d better to have a folder for the sake of more comfortable work;
write your mobile phone number and email address on the whiteboard to stay always in contact.
Phonetics: pay attention to the peculiarities of the English pronunciation that are typical exactly for Russian speakers.
Grammar: draw the students’ attention to the strict word order of an English sentence. If in Russian we may change the word order and we always understand what somebody’s talking about, in English the sense of the sentence might change. You should give and explain at once 3 Grammar Tenses: Present Simple, Past Simple and Future Simple. Revise the conjugation of to be in Present Simple. You should practice affirmative, negative, interrogative sentences and short answers in Present Simple (with the verb to be and other verbs). There are 3 exercises in handout № 1, exercises № 1 и 2 – you must do, exercise № 3* may be done only if there is some time to do it, if not, give the students advice to make questions of this exercise at home by themselves, or do it next class after checking the home task on Present Simple as an additional exercise. During the game Find someone who… control the right using of Present Simple form of a verb in 3rd person singular and the ing-verb-form after those verbs, which express likes and dislikes.
Speaking & Vocabulary: the essential vocabulary should be given in the communicative situation. Write the times on the whiteboard and ask the student to say them. Simultaneously working in pairs on the quiz “What kind of person are you?”, you should walk around the class to control Students’ speech and correct rude mistakes, e.g. those mistakes like incorrect using of the essential vocabulary or not correcting use of Present Simple “question-short answer” construction. Giving the text on p. 7 as their home task, tell the students in short what the text is about.
Video: it’s a must to watch video at each lesson and give the home task on video! You should inquire if everyone has got audio CD (SB TEP + phonetic course), CD ROM (TEP) and DVD (TEP) disks, ask the students to check at home if they work correctly.
Summing-up: it’s necessary to give the home task at the end of each stage of the lesson. At the end of the whole lesson sum everything up, don’t forget to praise and thank the students for their work, inquire them about their impressions, ask them if there are some questions etc.