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Educational program of the specialty foreign language: two foreign languages at the university

Description of the specialty:

A graduate of the specialty "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages" should be prepared for pedagogical, experimental, research, organizational, administrative, social, pedagogical, educational and technological activities. In accordance with the requirements of international education standards, bachelors should be able to communicate at an intercultural level with a high level of basic and vocational training.

Advantages of training:

Educational program of the specialty Foreign Language: two foreign languages ​​at the university are carried out in the following areas: educational (pedagogical): as a teacher of two foreign languages, taking into account the level of the international standard for the formation of other language competencies of students;


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Description of the specialty:

A graduate of the specialty "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages" should be prepared for pedagogical, experimental, research, organizational, administrative, social, pedagogical, educational and technological activities. In accordance with the requirements of international education standards, bachelors should be able to communicate at an intercultural level with a high level of basic and vocational training.

Advantages of training:

Educational program of the specialty Foreign Language: two foreign languages ​​at the university are carried out in the following areas: educational (pedagogical): as a teacher of two foreign languages, taking into account the level of the international standard for the formation of other language competencies of students;

Experimental research: acquaintance with scientific and methodical literature, acquaintance with the advanced experience of other languages, generalization of it and conducting experiments with the introduction of its results into the educational process;

organizational and administrative: planning the content of teaching different languages ​​at all levels; determination of ways of organizing and conducting educational process; management and control over the quality of compliance with language competencies; socio-pedagogical: the formation of a multicultural person with a developed perspective and the ability to think; educational and technological: information literacy; study and use of modern technologies (including multimedia teaching in foreign languages) in the learning process.

Opportunities of students in the specialty:

In order to improve the research work of students on the specialty "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages", the "Lingua" club operates at the Department "Foreign Languages", the work of which is aimed not only at conducting an out-of-class educational work in English, students work on research material, write scientific articles, conduct material collection and analysis, to get acquainted with aspects that need to be considered when writing a research paper laky work.

The abilities of students who have completed a bachelor's degree in "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages": know the universal values ​​of education, language as a special social phenomenon, as a historically formed phenomenon;

have an idea of ​​the relationship between language and culture, the communicative nature of language; have an idea of ​​the role of a foreign language in world culture; providing the competence of intercultural communication and capable of showing, with the help of the studied language, the in phonic image of the world of the learner; possesses the skills of pedagogical, psychological and methodical aspects of his professional activities; owns the skills of studying the individual characteristics of the student's personality; owns the skills of self-evaluation and the formation of reflective abilities of students; owns the skills of planning his professional activities, taking into account the modern requirements for the organization of the educational process, as well as on the basis of objective laws of mastering a foreign language; owns the skills of applying a control and correction mechanism that meets the requirements of the international standard; owns the skills of creating favorable psychological conditions that facilitate the disclosure of the intellectual abilities of each student during classes, as well as determining the mood of the student, his creativity, cognitive and speech ability, his ability to establish social relationships with others.

A graduate who received an education in the specialty "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages" can work as a specialist at various levels in the following sectors:

Teacher of English and German languages;

Teacher of English and French;

a teacher of a specialized school (schools with in-depth study of foreign languages ​​and teaching of certain subjects in foreign languages);

carries out professional activities as a teacher of a foreign language in technical and vocational schools.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Внедрение современных педагогических технологий в условиях реализации ФГОС (в предметной области «Информатика»)

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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