

Проверочная работа по данной теме, представленная в виде тестов.

Описание разработки

Данная проверочная работа разработана для УМК Афанасьевой О.В, Михеевой И.В. (6 класс) по теме "Австралия". Разработка представлена в виде двух заданий:

 1) тестов в двух вариантах, которые проверяют знания учащихся о животных и климате Австралии;

 2) теста, который проверяет знания географического положения, животных, климата Австралии.

I v.

Complete the sentences:

  1. Sometimes Australia is called “ the…”.
  2. In July the usual temperatures are … .
  3. In January the temperatures are … .
  4. Only one sixth of the continent is … .
  5. Most of the dry land is … , which explains … .
  6. Australia has an … collection of  …. .
  7. Early explorers described the continent as the land where “ … “.
  8. The duckbill and the anteater are the only mammals that … .
  9. The big red kangaroo and the grey kangaroo may be … .
  10. The koala spends most of  its time … and eats only … .

II v.

Complete the sentences:

  1. Australia lies in the … .
  2. In Australia winter comes in … and summer begins in … .
  3. The population of Australia is … .
  4. It is interesting to notice that most of the territory of Australia is too … or too … .
  5. Australia is the home of two of the world’s most primitive mammals – the … and the … .
  6. There are more than … different kinds of … in Australia.
  7. Some kangaroos are about the size of a large … .
  8. The smallest kangaroo is the … .
  9. Another well-known Australia’s animal is the … that spends most of its life in eucalyptus.
  10. This animal resembles … .



  1. Australia is situated in the …
  2. Australia is a …, an … , and a … .
  3. Australia is the world’s largest … and the smallest … .
  4. The capital of the country is … .
  5. The population of Australia is about … .
  6. … (nationality) live in Australia.
  7. Australians speak … .
  8. The country is washed by the … .
  9. … is the continent nearest to Australia in the north.
  10. The main river is the … .
  11. In Australia there are … deserts. They are … .
  12. Australia is divided into …
  13. The states are … .
  14.  The territories are … .
  15.  It is the least populated and the least developed part. Its capital is Darwin. Alice Springs is the only town in the south. It is … .
  16.  It is the largest state. It is dry and inhospitable. The most part of the state is dry desert land. The capital of the state is Perth. It is … .
  17.  It is the second largest state. It has long beautiful sandy beaches. It is the tropical corner of Australia. Its capital is Brisbane. It is … .
  18. It is the third largest state. Adelaide is the capital and the largest city here. Wheat, apricots, pears, peaches, nectarines, grapes are grown here. It is … .
  19.  It is Australia’s leading industrial state. Sydney, the largest city in Australia, is situated here. It is … .
  20.  It is an island state. It is sometimes called the apple isle because it produces most of Australia’s apples. This state has enough rain all year. Its capital is Hobart. It is … .
  21.  The capital of this state is Melbourne. Sheep and wheat are the main products here. Citrous fruits, grapes, peaches are grown along the Murray River.
  22.  This territory has the only city, which doesn’t belong to any state. The city is … . The territory is … .

Содержимое разработки


I v.

Complete the sentences:

  1. Sometimes Australia is called “ the…”.

  2. In July the usual temperatures are … .

  3. In January the temperatures are … .

  4. Only one sixth of the continent is … .

  5. Most of the dry land is … , which explains … .

  6. Australia has an … collection of …. .

  7. Early explorers described the continent as the land where “ … “.

  8. The duckbill and the anteater are the only mammals that … .

  9. The big red kangaroo and the grey kangaroo may be … .

  10. The koala spends most of its time … and eats only … .

II v.

Complete the sentences:

  1. Australia lies in the … .

  2. In Australia winter comes in … and summer begins in … .

  3. The population of Australia is … .

  4. It is interesting to notice that most of the territory of Australia is too … or too … .

  5. Australia is the home of two of the world’s most primitive mammals – the … and the … .

  6. There are more than … different kinds of … in Australia.

  7. Some kangaroos are about the size of a large … .

  8. The smallest kangaroo is the … .

  9. Another well-known Australia’s animal is the … that spends most of its life in eucalyptus.

  10. This animal resembles … .



  1. Australia is situated in the …

  2. Australia is a …, an … , and a … .

  3. Australia is the world’s largest … and the smallest … .

  4. The capital of the country is … .

  5. The population of Australia is about … .

  6. … (nationality) live in Australia.

  7. Australians speak … .

  8. The country is washed by the … .

  9. … is the continent nearest to Australia in the north.

  10. The main river is the … .

  11. In Australia there are … deserts. They are … .

  12. Australia is divided into …

  13. The states are … .

  14. The territories are … .

  15. It is the least populated and the least developed part. Its capital is Darwin. Alice Springs is the only town in the south. It is … .

  16. It is the largest state. It is dry and inhospitable. The most part of the state is dry desert land. The capital of the state is Perth. It is … .

  17. It is the second largest state. It has long beautiful sandy beaches. It is the tropical corner of Australia. Its capital is Brisbane. It is … .

  18. It is the third largest state. Adelaide is the capital and the largest city here. Wheat, apricots, pears, peaches, nectarines, grapes are grown here. It is … .

  19. It is Australia’s leading industrial state. Sydney, the largest city in Australia, is situated here. It is … .

  20. It is an island state. It is sometimes called the apple isle because it produces most of Australia’s apples. This state has enough rain all year. Its capital is Hobart. It is … .

  21. The capital of this state is Melbourne. Sheep and wheat are the main products here. Citrous fruits, grapes, peaches are grown along the Murray River.

  22. This territory has the only city, which doesn’t belong to any state. The city is … . The territory is … .

Курсы повышения квалификации

Практическая грамматика английского языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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