
At the doctor's

Методическая разработка разработка урока по теме "У врача" с контрольной работой

Содержимое разработки




*1. Read. Translate. Learn.

How do you feel? ………………………………………………………………

I am not well ……………………………………………………………

Call in a doctor, please …………………………………………………………

I have a cold ……………………………………………………………

I have a head cold ……………………………………………………………

I have a temperature ……………………………………………………………

I have a food poisoning ………………………………………………………

I have a stomach upset ………………………………………………………

I am having a heart attack ……………………………………………………

I am having sunstroke ……………………………………………………

I have a headache …………………………………………………………

I have a pain in my heart ………………………………………………

I have a food allergy …………………………………………………………

I have lost my appetite …………………………………………………………

What’s wrong with me, doctor? …………………………………………………

You must go on a diet ……………………………………………………………

You must stay in bed ………………………………………………………

I'm having difficulty breathing………………………………………………

I've got very little energy………………………………………………

I've been feeling very tired …………………………………………………

I've been feeling depressed …………………………………………………

I've been having difficulty sleeping………………………………………………

Please, give me something for a headache …………………………………………

Take the medicine three times a day before (after) meals ……………………………………………………………………………………

2. What is the Russian for…

Toothache- ………………………………………………………………………….

Headache- …………………………………………………………………………..

Temperature- ……………………………………………………………………….

Pulse- ……………………………………………………………………………….

Tablet- ………………………………………………………………………………

Prescription- ………………………………………………………………………...

Pneumonia- …………………………………………………………………………

Ambulance- …………………………………………………………………………

Medicine- ……………………………………………………………………………

Measles- ……………………………………………………………………………..

Diphtheria- …………………………………………………………………………..

Tuberculosis- ………………………………………………………………………..

Rheumatism- ………………………………………………………………………...

Virus - ……………………………………………………………………………….

Pandemic - ………………………………………………………………………….

Coronavirus (COVID-19) - ……………………………………………………….

Infection - …………………………………………………………………………..

Comply with quarantine - ………………………………………………………

Observe hygiene- …………………………………………………………………..

Follow the rules- …………………………………………………………………

3. A. Guess the meanings of the words:

Health, healthy, doctor, dentist, surgeon, physician, ache, to hurt, headache, stomachache, toothache, earache, backache, a cold, the flue, medicine, to take medicine, vitamins, pain, to stay in bed, to keep warm, to have medical check, to call a doctor, illness, temperature, to prescribe.

B. Liston to the audio http://tonail.com 37. Diseases and 39. My Body. Try to reproduce them in written form.

4. Insert English equivalents of the Russian words in brackets. Translate into Russian.

1. What is the trouble? I have a (боль)……………………… in my chest.

2. The doctor (осмотрел)…………………………………… the patient.

3. He (пощупал) ……………. his pulse and (прослушал) …………… his heart and chest.

4. You (очень простудилась) …………………………………………... You must (полежать в постели) …………………………………………………… and in a day or two you will recover.

5. You’re looking (больным) ……………………………….. today. What’s the matter with you?

5. Supply ill or sick.

ill - употребляется в функции именной части сказуемого.

sick – в значении “больной” в функции определения.

a sick man – больной человек

she is sick – её тошнит (amer.-она больна)

to be ill (with) – болеть (чем-либо), быть больным

to fall ill (with) – заболеть(чем-либо)

  1. It goes without saying that healthy men are happier than ……………men.

  2. When I’m …………… I stay in bed.

  3. The meat was bad, and made everybody ……………….

  4. He went to the hospital to visit a ………………. friend of his.

  5. When I travel by boat I always become ……………

  6. I’ve been very ………………, but I’m much better now.

6. Translate into English.

1. У него болит горло. Наверное, у него ангина. ………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Где градусник? – Где-то на столе. ………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Купите мне, пожалуйста, лекарство. – С удовольствием.


4. Где рецепт? – Вот он. Его выписал врач.


5. Что с вами? Вы похудели. – Да, я на диете.


6. У меня высокая температура.


7. Тебя тошнит? – Нет, почему ты так думаешь?


8. Кто ещё заболел? – Больше никто.


9. Лена опять простудилась.


10. Я часто болею гриппом.


7. Answer the following questions.

1. When were you ill last time?


2. Did you have to keep your bed? How long did you have to keep your bed?


3. Did you call in a doctor when you feel ill? Did the doctor give you a sick-note?


4. What treatment did he prescribe?


5. What diseases did you have in your childhood?


6. Do you often suffer from headache?


8. Read and translate the text. Answer the questions after the text.


A man and woman had been married for more than 60 years. They had shared everything. They had talked about everything. They had kept no secrets from each other except that the little: old woman had a shoebox in the top of her closet that she had cautioned her husband never to open or ask her about.

For all of these years, he had never thought about the box, but one day the little old woman got very sick and the doctor said she would not recover.

In trying to sort out their affairs, the little old man took down the shoebox and took it to his wife’s bedside. She agreed that it was time that he should know what was in the box. When he opened it, he found two knitted dolls and a stack of money totaling $95,000.
He asked her about the contents.

‘When we were to be married,’ she said, ‘ my grandmother told me the secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that if I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and knit a doll.’

The little old man was so moved; he had to fight back tears. Only two precious dolls were in the box. She had only been angry with him two times in all those years of living and loving. He almost burst with happiness.

‘Honey,’ he said, ‘that explains the dolls, but what about all of this money?
Where did it come from?’

‘Oh,’ she said, ‘that’s the money I made from selling the dolls.’

9. Answer the following questions.

1. How long had a man and a woman been married?

2. Who had a little secret?

3. What kind of secret it was?

4. Why did the man take down the shoebox and take it to his wife’s bedside?

5. What was in the box?

6. What secret did grandmother tell to the woman?

7. Do you think the woman often got angry with her husband? Why?

10. Translate these sentences into Russian.

  1. Утром не было бы так холодно, если бы ветер перестал дуть.

  2. Постарайся не сплетничать о людях.

  3. На твоем месте я ела бы поменьше сладкого, ты располнеешь.

  4. Я измерил его температуру. Он был не в состоянии путешествовать.

  5. Она ответила на его приглашение холодным отказом.

  6. Ребенок болен, у него ветрянка. Он скоро поправится, если не будет осложнений.

  7. Я задыхаюсь. У меня болит горло.

  8. Глубоко вдохните через нос. С легкими у вас все в порядке.

  9. Врач пощупал мой пульс, послушал сердце и измерил температуру.

  10. Почему ты ходишь в такую погоду без шляпы? Ты ведь недавно серьезно болел.

11. Translate the text.


Is there anything more important than health? If your body suffers from any disorder your mind suffers with the body, too. You can't be good either at work or at studies. Aches and pains lead to irritation, nervous breakdown, exhaustion and apathy.

Doctors treat patients. If you have a headache, toothache, backache, stomach-ache or earache, if you have a sore throat, eye or finger, if you feel pain in any part of your body, if it hurts you to move — you need help. First of all you have to turn to your physician.

The doctor will examine you carefully: feel your pulse, sound your chest, heart and lungs, test your blood pressure. The only thing you should do is to follow his directions. Otherwise a slight ailment can develop into an incurable malady.

I recollect the accident, which happened to my best friend Peter. He fell of the stairs, hit his head and knocked himself unconscious. His mother called an ambulance but Peter was still unconscious when it arrived. He was rushed to hospital where they kept him for two days for blood tests. He was suffering from concussion of the brain and had to have some stitches for a large cut on the side of his head, but fortunately it was nothing more serious than that.

My friend Paul was playing football. The players were running for the same ball and collided. The next day his eye was really swollen and he had a terrible bruise on his head. He made an appointment to see the doctor.

My friend Ann had a terrible toothache, so she made an appointment to see the dentist. He had a look at the tooth and decided that she needed a filling The cavity was a big one, so he had an injection first. Afterwards it felt so much better.


to suffer [sʌfə] from — страдать от чего-то

disorder [dis'ɔ:də] — нарушение, расстройство (какой-либо функции организма), болезнь

ache [ eɪk] — боль (осо. продолжительный, тупой, употребляется в выражениях

have a headache, toothache, backache, stomach-ache or earache) pain [peɪn] — боль; болеть

irritation [,ɪrɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n] — раздражение; возбуждение, раздражение

nervous breakdown ['nə:vəs 'breɪkdaun] — расстройство нервной системы

exhaustion [ɪg'zɔ:stʃ(ə)n] — изнеможение, истощение

to treat [tri:t] — лечить

stomach ['stʌmək] -ache — боль в желудке

sore [sɔ:] throat — боль в горле

to hurt [hə:t] — болеть; причинить боль

physician [fɪ'zɪʃ(ə)n] — врач, доктор, медик, терапевт

to examine [ɪg'zæmɪn] — осматривать; обследовать

to sound [saund] — выслушивать; выстукивать (больного стетоскопом)

chest [tʃest] — грудная клетка

blood [blʌd preʃə] pressure — кровяное давление

to take smb's blood pressure — измерять кровяное давление кому-нибудь

ailment ['eɪlmənt] — болезнь, недомогание

incurable [ɪn'kjuərəbl]talic" malady — неизлечимая болезнь

he knocked himself unconscious [ʌn'kɔnʃəs] — он ударился и потерял сознание

ambulance ['æmbjuləns] — машина скорой помощи, «скорая помощь»

to rush [rʌʃ] — быстро доставлять (что-небуь или кого-нибудь куда-нибудь)

concussion [kən'kʌʃ(ə)n] — удар, сотрясение; контузия

stitch [stɪtʃ] — шов

to collide [kə'laɪd] — сталкиваться

swollen ['swəul(ə)n] — распухший

bruise [bru:z] — кровоподтек; шишка

appointment [ə'pɔɪntment] — свидание, встреча обусловлена

filling [' filiŋ] — пломба (в зубе)

to put in a filling — ставит пломбу

cavity ['kæviti] — полость, дыра, дупло (в зубе)

injection [ɪn'dʒekʃ(ə)n] — инъекция, укол

12. Put different types of questions to the text.

13. Discuss the following questions. What will you answer if the doctor asks you such questions?

1. What's the matter?

2. When did you take the temperature? What was it?

3. When did you feel bad?

4. Does it hurt when you swallow?

5. What diseases were you ill when you were a child?

6. Are you schooled to headaches?

7. Where do you have pains?

8. What do you complain of?

14. Put the sentences in the correct order.

1. I didn't feel very well.

2. She took my temperature and examined me.

3. After a few days, I started to feel better.

4. I went to the surgery and saw the doctor.

5. I went to the chemist's, paid for the prescription, and got some antibiotics.

6. I phoned the doctor' surgery and made an appointment.

7. She told me I had an infection.

8. I explained what was wrong.

9. She gave me a prescription.

15. Translate the text. It's a very nice topic for children to explain new words about medicine and our health.


If we caught cold, have a splitting headache, have a clogged nose, cough, are running high temperature, we must go to the policlinic. First we come to the registry. The registry clerk on a duty asks our name, address, age and occupation .He writes out some slips because several specialists will examine us. Some of them will listen to out heart and lungs, some will check up our kidneys, liver, stomach, eyesight, and hearing. The others will make our blood analysis, take our blood pressure and X-ray us.

  Our district doctor sees his patients in consulting room 4. A nurse gives us a thermometer to take our temperature. We must keep it under an armpit. Last time my temperature was 37,9. The doctor asked what my trouble was. He offered to sit down in a chair and to strip to the waist. He felt my pulse. It was faint and accelerated. Then I lay on the examination couch and the doctor palpated my abdomen. He asked me from what disease I suffered in my childhood. I suffered from scarlet fever. Now I felt dizzy and was damp with sweat. The doctor filled in my card and diagnosed the case as the flu.

When he wrote out a prescription for some medicines: pills, powder, drops, and mixture. He also advised me to take a scalding footbath, to put a hot water bottle to my feet, to have hot tea with raspberry jam. That would keep my fever down. The result of my x-ray examination and blood analysis was normal. I had the prescription made at the chemist's. I followed the prescribed treatment to avoid complications. Every day I took a tablespoonful of mixture 3 times a day and some pills. In two days I was better and in a week I recovered from my illness. I began to take care of myself. Now I go in for sports because sports make me strong, healthy and cheerful. Every day I do my morning exercises and have a cold rubdown to prevent myself from catching cold. There is a good proverb: An apple a day keeps doctor away. That's why I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.

  In case of sudden and severe illness or an accident calls are made to the first aid station. There the doctors are on duty all day long. There are many ambulances there. The ambulances are equipped with everything necessary to give the first aid. The patient is transported to hospital. There he is taken to the reception ward first. After questioning and examination the doctor fills in the patient's case history. Then a patient is given special clothes and is put to some ward for treatment. The doctors make their daily round there. They examine patients and prescribe different medicines and treatments.

  When a patient is completely cured, he is discharged from the hospital. There are different departments in the hospital. They are: a surgical department, therapy, and the department of infectious diseases.

16. Put questions to the text.

17. Name the disease:

  1. Sore throat, fever, headache, skin rash, and skin peeling.

  2. Sneezing, coughing, high temperature, a dislike of the light, skin rash.

  3. Big head, protruding belly, crooked legs.

  4. Fever, slight headache, listlessness, spots, itching.

  5. High temperature, headache, general pains, weakness, depression.

18. В данной таблице представлены 36 слов (раздел «Анатомия») из  6 категорий.  Определите, к какой категории относится каждое слово.













































19. Use the verbs in the necessary form.

  1. There (to be) ………………………… money in my pocket.

  2. I know my hair (to be)…………………………… beautiful.

  3. These white sheep (not to do) ………………… live on the farm.

  4. No news (to be) ……………………………good news.

  5. These trousers (to be) ………………………….. too big for me.

6. Scissors (to be)…………………………… very sharp.

20. Translate into English.

  1. Сэм очень любит рисовать.


  1. Вы опаздываете на поезд?


  1. Кто-то сюда идёт.


  1. Два дня назад в магазине не было яблок.


  1. Я обычно пью чай в 4 часа.


  1. В воскресенье Том проснулся очень рано.


  1. Кто разговаривает?


21. Make up questions to each of the proposed sentences.

  1. She has got a wonderful child.


  1. He is waiting for us downstairs.


  1. Miss Brown sent a letter to her niece last Monday.


22. Find out and correct the mistake.

  1. Donald is the happiest boy in the world.


  1. Monday is the most busiest day of the week.


  1. My friends is coming to us on Sunday.


  1. I like playing in volleyball.


  1. Where does her going?


23. Fill in the propositions: in, at, on.

1. I always get up ……………………. 7. 30.

2. I always go into town ………….. Sunday

3. We’ll go there ………. the morning.

4. They give each other presents ……… Christmas.

5. We went to the theatre ………. Friday evening.

6. St. Valentine’s day is ………. February.

7. You must come here ……..… noon.


1. Answer the following questions.

1. Do you call in a doctor when you feel ill?

2. Did the doctor give you a sick-note?

3. What diseases did you have in your childhood?

4. Do you often suffer from headache?

2. What is the Russian for? You should know them.

Toothache- _________________ Headache- _________________

Temperature- _________________ Pulse- _________________

Pneumonia- _________________ Medicine-_________________

Tablet- _________________ Prescription- _________________

Rheumatism- _________________ Tuberculosis-_________________

Diphtheria- _________________ Measles-_________________

Ambulance- _________________ Stomach -_________________

3. Translate into English.

  1. У него болит горло. Наверное, у него ангина.

  2. Где градусник? – Где-то на столе.

  3. Купите мне, пожалуйста, лекарство. – С удовольствием.

  4. Где рецепт? – Вот он. Его выписал врач.

  5. Что с вами? Вы похудели. – Да, я на диете.

4. Give the translation to the following word-combinations.

To prevent the spread of the disease;

To diagnose the disease;

To relieve itching;

To acquire the infection;

To prevent by immunization;

To lead to complications;

To hospitalize a person;

5. Match the columns:

  1. Infectious a) person

  2. Healthy b) vomiting

  3. Infected c) complication

  4. Lung d) patient

  5. Virus e) rash

  6. Incubation f) headache

  7. Mild g) disease (3)

  8. Repeated h) period

  9. Skin

  10. Slight

6. Fill in prepositions.

  1. We can meet this disease ___children.

  2. The disease passes ___one person ___another___the nose and mouth.

  3. The disease begins ___signs of a heavy cold.

  4. The rush appears ____the ears and ___the mouth.

  5. The nurse must take care ___the hygiene.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Методика обучения английскому языку как второму иностранному

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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