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Accessingthe TED TALK listening source

Go to www.ted.com and find an interesting video by clicking the “Watch” or “Discover” tabs or by using the “Search” function


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Accessing the TED TALK Listening source

Go to www.ted.com and find an interesting video by clicking the “Watch” or “Discover” tabs or by using the “Search” function.After pressing the play button ,you will see a small “subtitles’ icon below the video on the right.Make sure the selected video has subtitles in English and your first language by clicking the icon .

TED TALK Activity 1

1.You will need 3 pens,each of a different colour

2.First,watch the TED Talk video without subtitles.Do not pause the video.Take notes in the notes section.

3.Second,watch the video withEnglish subtitles.Don’t pause the video.Add more information to your notes using a pen with adifferent colour ink

4.Finally watch the video using subtitles in your first language.Add more information to your notes using a pen with different colour

5.Look over your notes and add questions and key words to the Notes section

6.Answer the Activity 1.Reflection.Questions and then go to activity 2

TED TALK activity 2

1.After pressing the play button ,you will see a small “Transcript” icon below the video on the

Right.Click on the icon and make sure the transcript is in English

2.Read through the transcript for new and interesting vocabulary.Record these words and

Phrases in the Vocabulary section of your journal.

3.Choose a section of the transcript that is one to two minutes long and copy the text.

4.Go to the cloze test creator at http;\\1.georges.online.fr\tools\cloze.html

5.Paste your text in the yellow box and select “Interactive” and ‘no clues” below the yellow


6.On the right side of the website ,choose how many words should be removed.Replace ‘n”

With a number.For example,if you choose 5,the website will delete every fifth word.If you

Choose a small number ,you will have many missing words.If you choose a large number ,you

Will have only a few missing words.If you leave n,the number and pattern of missing words

Will be random.I recommend choosing a small number or just leaving ‘n’

7.Click on “Submit”

8.You now have an interactive gap fill

9.Listen to the TED TALK video again in English and complete the gap fill.Don’t look at the


10.Do step 9 at least twice.Write down your score each time.

11.Print your gap fill and submit it with your journal.

12.Answer the Activity 2 Reflection Questions

Курсы повышения квалификации

Исследовательская деятельность учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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