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Материал для учителей английского языка "Ломоносов на Мурмане"

В работе на английском языке рассказывается о детских годах Ломоносова, проведенных на севере, о том, как он помогал отцу, ходил с ним в море. о дальнейшей деятельности на кольском севере, развитии китобойного промысла, добыче жемчуга.

Описание разработки

Lomonosov's childhood and youth took place among the Dvinski space, the mighty northern river. He tasted from each corner of the Kurostrova and knew all its lakes, rivers, streams, brooks, shoals, ravines, woods, hills, tracts, of which each has its own particular nickname.  Unusually attractive, colorful and varied picture of nature and life on the friendliest and active dvinskih Islands imprinted before his eyes.

From generation to generation the skill of the sailor passed. In the Pomeranian towns even women and children can distinguish the direction of winds, which has its own name: "North", "Polunoshnik", "Obednik", "Poberezhnik". The houses on high ground have "mahavki" (weather cock), but for a pomor it is often enough to see over the river or at the clouds to completely assess the weather.

 It was accustomed for M. Lomonosov share labours and the dangers of sea fishing. According to the first academic biography of Lomonosov, his father started to take him from 10 to 16 years of age with him every summer and autumn for fish in the White and North seas.

The first trip to the craft was supposed to make a strong impression on the clever and curious boy. The ship was called the Seagull. And it justified its name when, dismissing all the sails, promptly flew down the River towards the sea.

The path from Kholmogory, until fishing encampment at Murman sometimes held more than a month. Having been there a few times, Mikhailo Lomonosov well memorized all the conditions. Subsequently, in his essay "a brief description of the different journeys to the northern seas and indications of possible passage of the Siberian Ocean to eastern India" Lomonosov refers to his own youthful Pomorski experience.

Starting from the Holy Nose rocky Murmansk shore is indented with numerous bays. Granite mountains descend into the blue ocean waters with capes, opening a comfortable, protected from the wind, not dangerous underwater rocks anchorages. There are fishing encampment, consisting generally of several huts and barns. All of these buildings are of thin Lapland wood and lined with sea pebbles and sand.

In the summer the Sun does not disappear. It only goes to the horizon, reddens and again rises to almost the same place. But the night is always recognized by silence and disturbing cries of birds on the shallow places, warm and gentle breeze from the sea.

Summer is crowded. The cod fishing on Murman collecte people from various places of the Pomeranian. Fishing for cod and halibut takes place in the ocean on shallow ground, sometimes quite far from the encampment. They come from the neighbouring Tersk coast of the White Sea. Here you can meet people from Cola and Kem, and old believers from Russia, merry holmogortci, and silent "Fellows" of the solovetsky monastery. This whole people year in, year out, settles at the same places and till late autumn occupy the same job requiring great skill and tension.

 Young Lomonosov learned the other main northern fishing — extraction of fat and skins of sea animals.

In the White Sea seals eat a lot and become fat, and since the beginning of January make herds, sometimes reaching several thousand heads. They lie on the mountains of dense gray mass.

Having noticed herds, industrialists, prowling, make their way to it against the wind, trying to block the way to the edge of the ice. Finally, they rush, beat them with harpoons and just sticks and batons and kill them. Hardly falling over seals with a roar are creeping into all directions or gather in a bunch, trying with warmth and heaviness bash ice floe.

In addition to participation in fisheries, B. D. Lomonosov used to carry on his gukore "varied stocks around the coast of the White Sea and the Arctic Ocean — from the city of Arkhangelsk in the Solovetsky monastery, Pustozersk, Cola, Kildin Island, on the shores of Lapland, - and the River Mezen".

 B. D. Lomonosov brought State grain reserves to Kola Ostrog, sheltered by Rocky coast. The wooden Ostrog with crushed massive towers defended the Bay. In the middle of the fortress stood a huge Cathedral, built in 1684, from unusually thick logs. Nineteen grey scaly heads gave him a stately ease. Garrison, which was sitting in jail, had up to 500 people. For them, the State imported food for the whole winter.

There is no doubt that M. Lomonosov had experienced the brutal Northern storms. Sailing with his father developed bravery and intrepidity, stamina and resourcefulness, immense physical strength, confidence and power of observation. He liked the austere North, icy wind in the face and rebellious sea. Subsequently, in his sonorous verse Lomonosov conviction proved the benefits of Northern nature, which invigorates and tempers a person. Difficult Ocean crossings is not only physically hardened, but develop his mind, enriching its large number of very different impressions.

 Lomonosov was also interested in whale trade. In Murman, Cola, Kildin he watched whales playing in the open sea. Whales, relentless killing in Russian waters by foreign whalemen            often rushed to shore of Murmansk, the Kola Bay and sometimes even went to the mouth of the River Tuloma.

By the beginning of the year 1725 at Vavchuga three ships adapted for swimming in the Arctic Ocean for hunting whales were constracted. In Kola a plant was put in jail for melting out fat and also three log cabins to make barrels, five barns, two Smithies, six stores for the storage of fat and a variety of other services were built.

 Some foreigner Solomon Vernizober took a place of the manager of the Cola whale fishery. But he was not particularly interested in the successes of the new deal, which he had been headed, and in a hurry he only wanted to have as much personal benefit and profit as possible.

For Kola whaling 70 people of foreign whalemen and 108 Russians were hired. The foreiners were paid 9197 rubles and Russians were paid around 1244 rubles per year. Foreign ship cook was paid 120 rubles, and a simple sailor — 72 rubles per year, whereas the Russian sailor first article for the whole year was paid 10 roubles 80 kopecks, and sailor second article - 7 roubles 20 kopeks.

Foreign whalers recruited for "Kola whaling", were both on the selection, ignorant and unscrupulous people, of which Vernizober himself subsequently described thus: the captain of the ship "Groot - fišerej" Standards "of his discharge proceedings does not know and always drunk, " Commander of the vessel "Wallfisch, " Delang " badly knows his business. and the harpooner Koster" is bad, and lost everything from his alcoholism.

It goes without saying that under these conditions, "Russian kitolovstvo" has fallen of expectations. At the first exit from Arkhangelsk in 1725, the whaling ship "Grunland - Forder" crashed in the White Sea by the winter encampment Bank near Maida, and the other two "considerable damage" came to Cola and did not come out to fish. All the ships were well equipped. Every year they went to the water where whales were abundant, but not brought a whale.

 It was obvious to Lomonosovthat the "Kola whaling" untold abuse occurs, he incessantly watched them in all their unsightly shamelessness, saw foreigners stealing and idling, how they ruin public undertaking.

Constantly accompanied his father in his distant campaigns, young Lomonosov heard about the intrigues and tricks of foreign whalemen, the lie and the greed of foreign merchants selling in Arkhangelsk, saw their hostile isolation, haughty and scornful attitude to everything Russian, especially to ordinary people.

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Содержимое разработки

Ломоносовская Ассамблея

Выступление на секции английского языка по теме: «Ломоносов на Мурмане»

Разработчик: учитель английского языка Голик Наталья Вячеславовна МБОУ Кольская СОШ №2 2014


Lomonosov's childhood and youth took place among the Dvinski space, the mighty northern river. He tasted from each corner of the Kurostrova and knew all its lakes, rivers, streams, brooks, shoals, ravines, woods, hills, tracts, of which each has its own particular nickname . Unusually attractive, colorful and varied picture of nature and life on the friendliest and active dvinskih Islands imprinted before his eyes.

From generation to generation the skill of the sailor passed. In the Pomeranian towns even women and children can distinguish the direction of winds, which has its own name: "North", "Polunoshnik", "Obednik", "Poberezhnik". The houses on high ground have "mahavki" (weather cock), but for a pomor it is often enough to see over the river or at the clouds to completely assess the weather.

It was accustomed for M.Lomonosov share labours and the dangers of sea fishing. According to the first academic biography of Lomonosov, his father started to take him from 10 to 16 years of age with him every summer and autumn for fish in the White and North seas.

The first trip to the craft was supposed to make a strong impression on the clever and curious boy. The ship was called the Seagull. And it justified its name when, dismissing all the sails, promptly flew down the River towards the sea.

The path from Kholmogory, until fishing encampment at Murman sometimes held more than a month. Having been there a few times, Mikhailo Lomonosov well memorized all the conditions. Subsequently, in his essay "a brief description of the different journeys to the northern seas and indications of possible passage of the Siberian Ocean to eastern India" Lomonosov refers to his own youthful Pomorski experience.

Starting from the Holy Nose rocky Murmansk shore is indented with numerous bays. Granite mountains descend into the blue ocean waters with capes, opening a comfortable, protected from the wind, not dangerous underwater rocks anchorages. There are fishing encampment, consisting generally of several huts and barns. All of these buildings are of thin Lapland wood and lined with sea pebbles and sand.

In the summer the Sun does not disappear. It only goes to the horizon, reddens and again rises to almost the same place. But the night is always recognized by silence and disturbing cries of birds on the shallow places, warm and gentle breeze from the sea.

Summer is crowded. The cod fishing on Murman collecte people from various places of the Pomeranian. Fishing for cod and halibut takes place in the ocean on shallow ground, sometimes quite far from the encampment. They come from the neighbouring Tersk coast of the White Sea. Here you can meet people from Cola and Kem, and old believers from Russia, merry holmogortci, and silent "Fellows" of the solovetsky monastery. This whole people year in, year out, settles at the same places and till late autumn occupy the same job requiring great skill and tension.

Young Lomonosov learned the other main northern fishing — extraction of fat and skins of sea animals.

In the White Sea seals eat a lot and become fat, and since the beginning of January make herds, sometimes reaching several thousand heads. They lie on the mountains of dense gray mass.

Having noticed herds, industrialists, prowling, make their way to it against the wind, trying to block the way to the edge of the ice. Finally, they rush, beat them with harpoons and just sticks and batons and kill them. Hardly falling over seals with a roar are creeping into all directions or gather in a bunch, trying with warmth and heaviness bash ice floe.

In addition to participation in fisheries, B.D. Lomonosov used to carry on his gukore "varied stocks around the coast of the White Sea and the Arctic Ocean — from the city of Arkhangelsk in the Solovetsky monastery, Pustozersk, Cola, Kildin Island, on the shores of Lapland,-and the River Mezen".

B.D. Lomonosov brought State grain reserves to Kola Ostrog, sheltered by Rocky coast. The wooden Ostrog with crushed massive towers defended the Bay. In the middle of the fortress stood a huge Cathedral, built in 1684, from unusually thick logs. Nineteen grey scaly heads gave him a stately ease. Garrison, which was sitting in jail, had up to 500 people. For them, the State imported food for the whole winter.

There is no doubt that M. Lomonosov had experienced the brutal Northern storms. Sailing with his father developed bravery and intrepidity, stamina and resourcefulness, immense physical strength, confidence and power of observation. He liked the austere North, icy wind in the face and rebellious sea. Subsequently, in his sonorous verse Lomonosov conviction proved the benefits of Northern nature, which invigorates and tempers a person. Difficult Ocean crossings is not only physically hardened, but develop his mind, enriching its large number of very different impressions.

Lomonosov was also interested in whale trade. In Murman, Cola, Kildin he watched whales playing in the open sea. Whales, relentless killing in Russian waters by foreign whalemen often rushed to shore of Murmansk, the Kola Bay and sometimes even went to the mouth of the River Tuloma.

By the beginning of the year 1725 at Vavchuga three ships adapted for swimming in the Arctic Ocean for hunting whales were constracted. In Kola a plant was put in jail for melting out fat and also three log cabins to make barrels, five barns, two Smithies, six stores for the storage of fat and a variety of other services were built.

Some foreigner Solomon Vernizober took a place of the manager of the Cola whale fishery. But he was not particularly interested in the successes of the new deal, which he had been headed, and in a hurry he only wanted to have as much personal benefit and profit as possible.

For Kola whaling 70 people of foreign whalemen and 108 Russians were hired . The foreiners were paid 9197 rubles and Russians were paid around 1244 rubles per year. Foreign ship cook was paid 120 rubles, and a simple sailor — 72 rubles per year, whereas the Russian sailor first article for the whole year was paid 10 roubles 80 kopecks, and sailor second article-7 roubles 20 kopeks.

Foreign whalers recruited for "Kola whaling", were both on the selection, ignorant and unscrupulous people, of which Vernizober himself subsequently described thus: the captain of the ship "Groot-fišerej" Standards "of his discharge proceedings does not know and always drunk," Commander of the vessel "Wallfisch," Delang " badly knows his business. and the harpooner Koster" is bad, and lost everything from his alcoholism.

It goes without saying that under these conditions, "Russian kitolovstvo" has fallen of expectations. At the first exit from Arkhangelsk in 1725, the whaling ship "Grunland-Forder" crashed in the White Sea by the winter encampment Bank near Maida, and the other two "considerable damage" came to Cola and did not come out to fish. All the ships were well equipped. Every year they went to the water where whales were abundant, but not brought a whale.

It was obvious to Lomonosovthat the "Kola whaling" untold abuse occurs, he incessantly watched them in all their unsightly shamelessness, saw foreigners stealing and idling, how they ruin public undertaking.

Constantly accompanied his father in his distant campaigns, young Lomonosov heard about the intrigues and tricks of foreign whalemen, the lie and the greed of foreign merchants selling in Arkhangelsk, saw their hostile isolation, haughty and scornful attitude to everything Russian, especially to ordinary people.

Young Lomonosov has not missed out a local fishing of pearls that took place in the mouths of smaller Northern Rivers — Solzy summer shore, Ponoy on the Tersky coast and in the Kola area. Fine bluish Pearl was cut then in Arkhangelsk and went to all sorts of "ponizki", the decoration of the women's northern dresses.

Floating along the shores of the White Sea and the Arctic Ocean, young Lomonosov saw everywhere the natural wealth of our North, hidden, not only at sea, but in the bowels of the Earth. He saw deposits of grey clay and grindstone on the winter shores of the White Sea and the mountains on the island Kildin.

Lomonosov tasted all the corners of the White Sea, lived a life with the pomors, learned their hard and dangerous life, eagerly listened to their stories, met with many strong and courageous people, going on the seas,in the forests, understanding the habits of the forest animals and marine birds, intrepid hunters, experienced pilots and navigators, distinguishing the slightest change in the weather and the wind.

He observed the life of the small peoples of the North, Nenets, Komi-zyryan and Laplanders , he spoke sympathetically about them, met them, took part in their festivals and amusements.

 The mighty northern nature and untiring human labor is the first and most vivid impressions of the childhood and adolescence of Lomonosov! As a boy he learned to pay attention to the many wonderful phenomena of nature which so vividly etched in his memory, and many years later he could with amazing accuracy, describe their observations in scientific works.

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