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Британия и Британцы

Презентация может быть использована в качестве разминки на уроке о Великобритании. Также её удобно использовать для индивидуальной работы на уроке, так как каждый ученик может в кабинете отвечать на вопросы теста в индивидуальном режиме. Ответы на вопросы даны для самопроверки в конце теста.

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Презентация Британия и Британцы

Примеры заданий:

What is the current Queen's name?

a) Maria Stuart

b) Queen Elizabeth II

c) Queen Margaret II

Where does the Changing of the Guard take place?

a) Tower  

b) Buckingham Palace    

c) Piccadilly Circus

What is a double-decker?

a) bus    

b) a taxi  

c) a ship

What is Harrods?

a) a bank 

b) a department store       

c) a famous man

How many pence are there in 1 pound sterling?

 a) 10

 b) 100

 c) 1000.

Содержимое разработки

Britain and the British  Quiz

Britain and the British


What is the current Queen's name? Maria Stuart b) Queen Elizabeth II c) Queen Margaret II

What is the current Queen's name?

  • Maria Stuart

b) Queen Elizabeth II

c) Queen Margaret II

Where does the Changing of the Guard take place?  a) Tower b) Buckingham Palace c) Piccadilly Circus

Where does the Changing of the Guard take place?

a) Tower

b) Buckingham Palace

c) Piccadilly Circus

What is a double-decker?    bus b) a taxi c) a ship

What is a double-decker?

  • bus

b) a taxi

c) a ship

What is Harrods? a) a bank b) a department store c) a famous man

What is Harrods?

a) a bank

b) a department store

c) a famous man

How many pence are there in 1 pound sterling?    a) 10  b) 100  c) 1000

How many pence are there in 1 pound sterling?

a) 10

b) 100

c) 1000

 What is the name of the famous stadium in the north of London?    a) Wembley  b) Westminster c) Wimbledon

What is the name of the famous stadium in the north of London?

a) Wembley

b) Westminster

c) Wimbledon

Which Liverpool band was so popular in the 60 's? a) The Beatles  b) The Police c) The Rolling Stones

Which Liverpool band was so popular in the 60 's?

a) The Beatles

b) The Police

c) The Rolling Stones

In Britain, cars are driven on the …side of the road   A) left-hand b) right-hand c) wrong-hand

In Britain, cars are driven on the …side of the road

A) left-hand

b) right-hand

c) wrong-hand

Date Agatha Christie wrote a lot of- a) detective stories b) plays  c) poems

Date Agatha Christie wrote a lot of-

a) detective stories

b) plays

c) poems

Manchester United is a popular  … team a) basketball  b) football  c) rugby

Manchester United is a popular … team

a) basketball

b) football

c) rugby

Which famous writer was born in Stratford-upon-Avon    a) A. Miln b) C. Dickens c) W. Shakespeare

Which famous writer was born in Stratford-upon-Avon

a) A. Miln

b) C. Dickens

c) W. Shakespeare

Which king had 6 wives? a) Henry IV b) Henry V  c) Henry VIII

Which king had 6 wives?

a) Henry IV

b) Henry V

c) Henry VIII

 What is Heathrow? a) theatre b) airport  c) a department store

What is Heathrow?

a) theatre

b) airport

c) a department store

Key:   1) b;  2) b;  3) a;  4) b;  5) b;  6) a;  7) a;  8) a;  9) a;  10)  b;  11 ) c;  12) c;  13) b


1) b; 2) b; 3) a; 4) b; 5) b;

6) a; 7) a; 8) a;

9) a; 10) b;

11 ) c; 12) c; 13) b

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Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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людмила, 21.09.2015 23:01
видеоуроки очень эффективный метод предъявления нового материала .спасибо!

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