
Word formation. –ED and –ING adjectives

Урок 8. Английский язык 9 класс ФГОС

Прилагательные с окончаниями -ing и -ed могут быть встречены с недоумением, так как значение вроде бы одинаковое, но употребляются они по-разному. Этот веселый урок подскажет разницу между ними и научит различать ситуации.
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Конспект урока "Word formation. –ED and –ING adjectives"

Hello, guys! Welcome to Grammar Zone! My name’s Harry Jones.

My best friends Allan and Kate will help me make our lessons useful and enjoyable.

·                   Oh, I hate Mondays!

·                   Yeah, I’m always a bit annoyed on Monday mornings.

·                   So, how was your weekend? Anything interesting?

·                   Oh, it was amazing!

·                   Really? What did you do?

·                   We went to see the musical on Saturday.

·                   How did you like it? Was it interesting?

·                   It was so amusing! And we were amazed by the special effects really!

·                   I’m surprised to hear that! I thought you’re not interested in musicals and think they are annoying!

·                   Yes, I usually find them boring and disappointing… I think this one is really exciting though! You should see it.

·                   And what did you do last weekend?

·                   Oh, nothing special. I went to the gym on Saturday and Sunday.

·                   You might be very exhausted today?

·                   Yes, running 10 km every day is really exhausting!

Look at the highlighted words.

Surprising – surprised, amusing – amused, interesting – interested…. What’s the difference?

You must be really confused … or confusing now?! Which one is correct?

Well, in this video we'll study the difference between "-ed" and "-ing" adjectives and how to use them correctly.

I hope this grammar lesson won’t be boring and you won’t be bored listening all about these grammar rules.

Now, what does it mean to be bored and what does it mean to be boring?

Look at these students. They are bored. (it means – they are not having fun; they want to go do something else.)

And now look at the teacher. Mr Black is a boring teacher. His lessons are always boring.

So, when we talk about "bored", we're describing a feeling or an emotion. They tell us how people feel about something. You can only use them to talk about people and sometimes animals.


Because things, like chairs, or tables, a movie, a book or whatever, they don't have feelings.

The adjectives that end in –ing cause the feeling – a boring lesson makes you feel bored.

For the "ing" you can use people, animals, things, situations, places, ideas, basically any noun because you're describing them. You're describing how they make people feel.

Now let’s look at some other examples.

I’m having a bath. I’m so relaxed.

The bath is relaxing.

She is frightened.

The snake is frightening.

Grandpa gets pretty confused sometimes, and doesn't even remember my name.

Grandad: Who are you?

Harry: I’m Tommy. Don’t you remember me?

Grandad: Oh, sure, George. How’s your life?

His answers are confusing.

Alex is one of the most annoying people I’ve ever met. He’s always showing off. I’m so annoyed.

Sally was confused.

The street signs in the city are confusing.

Mr Simpson was shocked.

The news was shocking.

What a disappointing result!

The fans were deeply disappointed at the result.

I don't know why you're laughing - there is nothing to be amused about.

Their boss is amusing.

Here are some more adjectives that can have both an ‘-ed’ and an ‘-ing’ form:

excited – exciting

exhausted – exhausting

satisfied – satisfying

embarrassed – embarrassing

pleased       pleasing

thrilled        thrilling

depressed    depressing

relaxed        relaxing

fascinated   fascinating

troubled      troubling

puzzled       puzzling

irritated      irritating

discouraged – discouraging

moved         moving

satisfied      satisfying

touched       touching

Now let’s figure out the difference between the –ed and –ing adjectives one more time.

-ED adjectives are used to talk about a person’s feelings or opinions.

-ING adjectives are used to describe things, people, places, activities, ideas.

Now it’s time to practice the rule.

Complete the true story about Bruce Dickinson with the –ed or –ing form of the word in brackets.


When people travel on the airline Astraeus, they are always amazed to hear that their pilot is the famous rock star Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden.

Most people would be thrilled to be a successful rock star, but Bruce wanted to do something different. A few years ago, he began to find the lifestyle exhausting. He was always fascinated by planes, and so he started training as a pilot.

Now he does both jobs, and flies Boeing as a second career. If he ever begins to find airports boring, he can always change clothes, pick up a guitar, and give an exciting concert.

That’s all for today.

Now, hopefully none of you are confused by this lesson because we were trying to make it not confusing.


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